

1.1 - 1.14 Laying the Foundation (What is Trace Analysis?, Stages of a Trace Analysis, Training, Recommended References)

2.1 - 2.9 Planning the Project ( Defining The Problem, Detection Limits and Uncertainties, Constructing the Sampling Plan)

3.1 - 3.16 Sampling and Sub-sampling (Sampling Publications, Developing the Sampling Plan, Constructing a Sampling Program, Different Approaches to Sampling, Sub-sampling, Determination of Sampling and Sub-Sampling Errors, Contamination Issues During Sampling)

4.1 - 4.5 An Introduction to Sample Preparation (Preliminary Issues, Selecting a Sample Preparation Method)


5.1 - 5.13 Container Material Proper3es (Materials; Borosilicate, Glass, Porcelain, Quartz, Pla6num, Graphite, Plas6cs; The Purity and Cleaning of Plas6cs)

6.1 - 6.6 Container Transpira3on (Ini6al Transpira6on Study, Addi6onal Transpira6on Studies, Summary of Findings)

7.1 - 7.14 Stability of Elements at ppb Concentra3on Levels (Adsorp6on, ppb Stability Study, Summary of Findings)

8.1- 8.19 Environmental Contamina3on ( Reducing Environmental Contamina6on, Avoiding Environmental Contamina6on)

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