St John's Cathedral Community News October 2017 #91

Christian Meditation Group

Meditation on Tuesdays is held in the Lady (North) Chapel when the cathedral is available, or in St Martin’s House.

Tuesdays at 6.45pm

Come at 6.45pm for meditation or come earlier, bring food and share a meal with the group who gather anytime from 5.30pm in the kitchen of St Martin’s House. Please come to the Darnell Room corner entrance and press the passageway buzzer. New members are always most welcome. For more information about Christian meditation please go to or contact Sue Wilton via the Cathedral Office. May the silence of this place be a power to open the hearts of men and women to the vision of God, and so to each other, in love and peace, justice and human dignity. ~ From the prayer of the World Community for Christian Meditation

Community of Practice for Non-Violent Living

Community of Practice is now held on Tuesday evenings following the Meditation Group

Now Tuesdays 7.30pm

Community of Practice is a small group of people who wish to commit to non-violent ways of being in the world, and who are seeking a place to grow in courage, wisdom and commitment to a non-violent way of life in a safe and supportive community. The Cathedral Community of Practice is evolving and responding to the needs of the group. It has been decided that because the practice of meditation and gathering more frequently are both important to the group, Community of Practice will begin meeting straight after meditation every Tuesday evening. Meditation group commences at 6:45pm in the Lady Chapel of the cathedral whenever it is available, and Community of Practice will follow in St Martin’s House at the conclusion of meditation at 7:30pm. All are welcome to join this ecumenical group, and it is particularly for those who wish for a community to support them as they seek to live out their faith in love and non-violence. Contact Sue Wilton on 0413 108 584 or email


Wed. 18th October 6.00pm

A Choral Eucharist will be held to celebrate the feast day of Gospel writer St Luke the Evangelist.



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