1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks

EUVS Collection


Pui: Absintho-Amorlcan Stylo........... 1 '' -French Stylo.. . . •• •..•••• 7 •• -ltnlinn Style.. ,... ....... 8 •• Arf nnd !rC.•• or Bin.ck nnd Tnn. . . 8 Balnkltn•n. Nectar ••.••••••••• ,...... 8 Boof Toa.•••••• •••• •••• ••• •••• ••• ••••· 8 Bishop. ... ..... . ....... . ........... . 8 '' -A Ln Prus10.,•• ••••.•••,... 0 " -En~llsh . ••...••. .•••• . . .•.• 9 Bln.clc Stripe., •. •• •• ••••••••• ••• ,... 0 Brsco Up ...•••••••••• ••••••••.••••• 0 Blue Binz.or...•......••••••••••••• •• 10 Bnmdy, Burned, and PoBch. ...... .. 10 •• and Sodn. •• ••• · ···••••••••• 10 Champarollo, No. 1 •• • ,•••• • 10 Champo.rollo, No. 2 ... ...... 10 nnd Ginter Alo.. . ..... ...... 11 nnd Oum ••••••••• •••••••••• 11 Scaffn. .••••••• ••••••••••.••• 11 Straight. ••••• •• • , ••••••••• •• 11 Pony••• ••••• ••••••••• •••••• 11 CoLblor-Ct\llfornlA Sherry. ......... 11 " - California. Wino..... ....... 12 •• -cti.Ui.wbn.•• ••••• ••••••• ••••• 12 •• - Chnmpngno •••• .'•.••••••••. 12 •• -Ctn.rot.. .•••••••••• •• •••••••• 12 •• -Hock .. ........ ..... ·'· ••••• 12 •• -Port. \\'ino. •••••. .••••.•••• 12 .. - Sautorno.••••. ••.••. , ••• ••• 1 'l •• -Rhino Wino. .•..• , .••. •..•• J3 '' -\Vhi!lkoy . . .•• • . . . . . . . . . ••• 13 Cocktail-Absinthe....... , ...... .... 18 " -Applo J ack•••••• , ••••••••• JS -Bijou •• •••. ••••. •••.•••••• 13 -Blackthorn • ••• ••.•••••••• 14 -Bottlo ot,... •... ...•...••• 14 -Brandy ..•••••. ••••••• •••• 1-4 -Brut. •.•••••. •••••. ••••••• • 14 --chnmpni;no,, ••..••••••••• 1~ -Cincinno.ti ••••• •••••••.••• 115 •· =&'tr~~: :: :: :::::: : :::: ::::: rn

PAoa Cocktail-Japancso ••••••••••••••••• 16 " -Jersey.•••••••••.•••••••••• 17 -Mnnhalttin..••••....•••••• lT -Mnnhtittan Club Oyster •••• 17 -Morning . ••••• ••••••••···· 17 -Mnrtlni •. ••••••••••• ••• ••• 18 -Old·Fnshfonod............. 18 -Old Tom Gin .............. 18 -Oyster .•..••••••.\ .••••••• JS -Ping Pons;................. 18 -Rob Roy.••.•.•.••••.••• •.• JV - Stirotos;a, No. 1..••.•.••••• 19 -Sinntos;o.. No. 2•••• •.. • ..•• 19 - SUve.r •••••••.•••••.••. •. •. 10 - Soda •..•. •. •••.•.... ...••• 20 -Star..•.•.. . .••..••.....•.• 20 -Vormonth, No, 1 ••• ••••••• 20 - V..rmouth, No 2 .......... 20 -Whiskey#• ••• ••. ••••..•. •• 20 Cooler-Brunswick. ...••.• •..• ...••• 21 " -Rocky Mountain.••••.•..••• 21 .. -Renison..•••••.........• .. . . 21 •• -~aratogt\ . . , •• , , .....•.••...• 21 ~;~~~·~:·~~~::::::::::::::: :::::: ~~ .. - St. Croix .•••••••••••. •••• •• 22 Cu~·-B:~~~:;~.:·:::::::: :::::::::: ~i '' -Cambridge Cll'rct.. .••••.••. . ••• 23 •• --CiJor ••••• , •. ••••••••••.•••••• 23 •• -Cidor •.•• •• ••••• , ••• •••..••.• . 2!1 " --Ohampns;no • •.••• ••.•••••••••• 24 '' -ChampBgno, a. la. Ari.a.duo•• •••• 24 ., --claret.,•••••••••• •••••••••• •.• 24 ., --clArot i for a. party.. • . . . •• . . •• 25 :: =fil~~~t;!1~·~r§nl~:i~~~:: i~ :: ::g~~!;:,l:f!i~:?:~~:i·.:::::: ~~ •• -Claret., Hot•••••••••••• •••• •. •• 2G " - Portor.••••.••• ••••.• ••••••• ••• 26 DaHy-Brandy, No 1•••• ••••••• •••• 26 :: =8r:~.~~:.~~:.~:::::::::::::: : ~i

-East. India ••••.........••• 16 -Gin.......••••••.••.... ..• 16 - Howard.•••••••,••••• •••• •• 16 a



PAflE Dn;i,sy=~~r;:;c.r.':::::::::: :::::::: :: :: ~; ·• - Snnt.n Cruz B.um ,.....•.. ••.. 27 1 • -Whiskey, No I ...... . ...•... 27 •• -Whiskey. No. 2.........•...• 27 Egg_ !i 0" _::fo;~·p;l~t;.:::::::::: : :::: ~ 8 •• -Bnltin1oro ••.••••. ... •••. 2S --t.:idor . ....•.. .. ••. ••..... 2S -Ooncrnl Harrison .•...... 29 -lmpcrinl, . .•.• •.... . •.... 20 - Sherry. . ••••..•. . .....•. • 29 Fedor:..•. •.....•••• . •. •••• ••.•.....•• 29 Fix-Appia Jack .•. . ..••••.... ••...• 29 1 :: ::g~~:·~~::::::::::::~::::::::::: ~ "-\\"hisk oy.. ..• •• ••• ••• •.•••••.•• 30 Fiz.z-Bro.ndy ....•.••• ... .. . , ....... 30 :: =~~~~.::::::::::::::::: ! ::::::: ~ •• -Oin ...... ••...•.• .. . . ••. ... . . . 31 " -Ont.ctte. . .. . .. .. . .............. 31 ' ' -Ooldcn .... .. ....•.. ,.... , . •... 8 I '' -Morn inc- Olory• ..•••. . ... •.. , .. 32 •• - ilvcr . ..• . ..•...•...... .. ... . . 32 •• - . loo Oin •. . ..•.•.... , ..•.. . ... 32 " - St Oro ix ... . .................. 32 •• -Tclcphono...•..•.. .. .••. . . .... a2 •· -\Yhiskoy . . .. . . . .. . ... ,. ........ 33 Flip-Brnndy .••••• .. ... ••.• : • .... •• 33 :: =8:~!-~~~v.: ::: :::::::::::::::::: ~~: " -Hot Brandy ••..••• , •.. ••• .. • , . :t.1 -Hot Oin. . , •. .. ..•.. , ...• , . . . . , 33 " - RotH.um ••• . •••••. . . ••. . .•.. .. 8·1 ~~ ~~~ir~~\tnLLH>H ~i Flo3t-Brnndy ...... •....... . .. . , ... 34 F':~pe=$~:E·~::.1.~~:::::::::::::::: ~ , o;;;•nd~!t:>: : :::: : :::::::::: ~ Pinc ..••.•.• •• ••••... . ••••• . 35 1r4:1i~:~m > ,· ~

PAOB Horsc·s Neck-Stiff.•• •• , •• • , • ~ ••••• SO John Colli us ....•• . .. .. .. . .. ..• •. ... 3i Ju:':P=gr~:~.~~~~,~~: ~ : ::::: : :: ~:::::: !~ " -M int.. ... .. . . .. . .. ...... . ..... 3i " -Pinc:tpplo . . .... . . . .......... 3~ '' !....Ruin .. . •• . ... •.• • , •• ••.. ... • 3 '' -Whh;koy ... .. .......... . .... '3S .Knickcrbcin .• •. • , ••.•• ••••. . ..••• •• SS Knickcrhockcr . . . .......... . ...... . . SS Lcn1ona.do •• ••• ..••• ••• ••• , •. . •• ••• 39 •• -Egi;: •• .. ••••••••••• . •• . • 89 Cord inI .......... . ..... 39 /

Fino !or Pnrlics . •• ..•• 39 - Hot . ..•.....•••.. . ..••• 40 -Ornngc .•• •.. . •••. •••••• 40 -Orgcnt •••••••• •••••••• , 40 PO\\'dcrs . . .•.•.... .•. •. 40 -Rhino Wiuo .. . . ....... . 40 - Sclt'1:cr ... . •••..• .. ....• 41 -~o

Iricninofi\•c . ...•• •.•..• . ••.... . ..•. . 41 l\lnru i..:i Ttl~·lnr .. . . . ..... . ............ 41 flfllk nnd Seltz.or . .. . ... . ... . . . . . . ... 42 ]!lulled Alu .••.••• , . ••• •• •••. . , ••••• • 42 '' C:lnrct . ••.. .. . . . ••..... . , ... . 42 Clnrct. nnd F.(:g .... ... ..... , . 42 Porter . . . ...... . . .. . •. . . . . . . 42 Wino with Egi:s ...... ... .... 43 Nectnr-Sodn, No I .. .......... .. .. . 4:! ' · - Sodn No. 2. ........ , . . .... , 43 N c:,rus-. dn. .. ............ .... ,..... 43 '' -Port \\'inc ....••. . •..• . ..... 44 Ornnt!endo .. ••. ... •••. . ••• •••••• . , •. 44 t'cnch nnd lfoncy .. , .....•. . ........ 44 Pou"o. ~u1cd~i~?;~~;~,: ::::: ::::::: :r - 3rntogn ...• • , .. •... . • 46 Pousso L' An1011r. ••••••• •• , •••••• •••• 46 Punch- Absinthe ............... .. .. 47 :: =!1~~.~~:''.~~~~::: :::: :: : ::::: :: '' -Apple .. .. .. .. ........ . . . .. . 47 •• - Arrnck ... , .. . ,, ...•.. . ..•.• 47 :: =~;~~jk(·~::'.,:::::::::::::::: !! " -Brandy nnd Hum .. . ... ..... 48 - ·' Jersey Lily ", .•••... . 40 -Pnrisinn, No 1.•.... •• 45 -Pnrisinn, No. 2.•....•• 45 ~snntinns Now Orlenns. 45



P AOE Punch-Brnndy nnd Rum : hot.•. ... . 48 ,:: =~::~~~:;udu!~~.~1~1.~l·t·~~~~~·: : ~ 1' - Cider.. •. •••.. ••••. ... ••..•• 48 '' - Clnret . . •... ••.. . •.• . . . .... • -19 :: ~!!'=~~:~~.C:.~~~~ : ::::: : : :~ 0 0 - fyo MHk •• •••••• •• ••••• •••• 49 ·' - El I>orndo ••• . •• .• •• . ••• •.. • bO ·• - Fish-House. . . . .. .•. , . . .. . .. liO .. -Gothic. •••••• ••• ,., ••• • . •. •• 1)9 " -Gin ••. ... . . .. ••.. . ••• •• . .. . ,40 · ' - Hollnnd : hot . •••••• •••••.• • M> " T ltnperinl ....•. . . •• • ••••• . , . 50 ·• -tmpcrlnl Brnndy, . •••••• ••• . Ml ·• -Irish Wh iskey ; hot. . ••.• . . • {il ·• - Klnicll'vn.!&cr • . .• ..•.. ••. .• . ~I •• - JHnmschino•• ••• • , •• ••••• ••• !'JI " -Mod ford Rum., •• . . •.. .•• ••. r.t •• - Milk.... . •. . . ••. •.• . •.. . . . . • r,2 " - i\I iik ; hot ..• . ••. •. .. •. .•• . • fl2 ·• -Mississippi •• ••• . . . •.. •. . . . • !>2 ·• - 1\"cctnr . . .. ••. . ••.. . . . . . . . .. :J'l ' · - OrnllJ:!'O . •. . . , ••. . .... . •,•. ••. 6ll " - Orchnr -RoynJ .• .•• . •. . . ... . •• •. .. •. UG - Ruin •. •••• •••• ••••. ••. •••• 55 .. -Runt , hot •• •••••• •••••• •• . • 56 " - Snutcrno. . . . .... . .. , • , . . .•• !>6 ·· -f\o,·onth Regiment. .. . . • . ... UG ·· - Sherry Wi no . , , . . .. .. .... . . M ·· - Sixt,r-ninth Regiment ... .•. !'16 ·· -~prcl\d Engle • • ••••.• , • •..•. &7 - St.. Chnrlcs •• , •. .. . . . •. . .... !'>7 " -Ten ... . .. . . .. . . .. . . ..... ... f)7 : =~~~r.!fs;~ :: ::: : :::::: : : : ::: ~ . - Whiskey . hnt ... . .. . .. . .... fiS Rhine Wino nnd Seltzer ..• .• .• . . ... . &O Rickey- 01 11 ...• .. •.... .. .. . . ••. •.. . 59 · -Wl1iskey . .. .. •.• . .•• ... . . . • 60 Rock nnd Ryo ••••• •.• . . •••• ••• •••••• GO Ruin-hot . •. • .. . •..•• .. . . .. , , . .. . .• 00 " -hot. ; spiced . . .. . • , • . . , ••. . . .. GO " nnG Guin.,,,., . . .. .. . . ... . . ... 60 Snn~!'rc°=~~:~~J; :::: :: :: : : : : : : : : : : ~? "

PAOE Snn~~r~~!~l~·r·: :: :: :: .'.'.'.':.' .'.'.'.': .' : 1 -PQrt Wino.. . . . .. . . . . . .. .. 61 - Sherry Wino .... .. ... . . .. 61 - Whiskey . . . .. ..... ... . .. . 61 Sh.~k°::8{1~,~~:. :: :: ::::::::::::::::: ~~ :: =~l~l~ :::::: : :: : ::::: ::: : : : : :: ~~ ·• -\\'hlskey •.. . ••. ·- . .........• 62 Shnndr Gnff . . •••• , ••. ••••••• •• •••• . 02 Sherry nnd Hitters .... ... . .. . . . .. ... 62 " Bod Egg .... . ...... . , . .. . .... 62 " Wine nud Ice .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. c..,1 Shrnb-Brnndy ... .. .. , .. .. . , .. ... . . G:l · - Currn.nt . . •• , ••• . . . . ••. , . . . . . 3 " -Ruspberry. . . . ... .. . ... . . ..... G3 •• - Ruin ••• •. ••• ••• •. •••. .. . .. . . G-4 Skln-Brnudy . .• . , •• •. ••. , •. . . . ..... ~ ·· -('0Juu1hiB. . . .• •• ••. ••• •.•• •••. 0-4 ~lini;:-Brnndy hot . . .. .... . .... .. . 6-l Smu.sh-Brnndy.. .... . ..... . .. . . . . .. O~ Sour- Apple Jnck . . .. . ........ .. .. . . G!l ·• -Blackthorn . •.. ••. •.•. •.•. . .. . ~ •· - Brn.ndy . .. . .•.• •.. .• ... . . . . .. . 6!1 •· - Clmmpnl:'nO . ••• • . . . •••• • ••••• , G!> •• --COnlincntaL .• . •.. . •. . .. •.... . 6!l •· -Dizzy .•... . . •. .... •••• .•. . .. . . 66 :: =gf,~ :::::::::::::: :::::::: :::: g~ ' · - Jcrscy . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 66 " -Ruin .. ..... . . .. .... . . . . . ... .. fi6 .. - \\'h1skby ... . ..... .. .... . . . ... Oi ~tick ....... .. .... .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 07 Stano Fence. . . . .. . .. . • . .. . . ... . . •. . 67 .. \\"tlll... . ...... . .. . . .. . . . ....... 67 ~!;i~~~h·t· .~~i .. ~~~: :: :: . :: : : : : : : : :: : : : : ~~ Tom Cellins ... . . .. . ... ... .... . . .. . .. 67 '• -Rr:\ndy .. . ... . . . . •. . .. 68 - Oin nnd Whiskey . . •. . . 6~ Tom nnd Jerry h.-.w to prcpnro .. . .. 6') " " how to scn ·o..... . .. O" Toddy-Apple hot. •••.• •. •. ••.. . ... 0~ .:: =~~~~?~. : : :: :::: : :: : : ::: : : : :: ~: •" - Old·fo!hioncd . ..... , . ... . . . . 69 v~~e~~::~~~~'.'.:'.".:·.·.: : : :::::: ::! :~ ·• - Chn1npnJ?no•• ••• ,,, •••. ••••• 69 Whisker Bnd B1tters .. .. , . . .... . ... . iO ' · nnd Cider. . •. .. . . . •. .•• .. . . 70 hot.:., ... . . ••-•. . ••. . ••. •. . 70 \\'hi1o T.ion •.• ••••• •• , '. •• • , •••••• •• • 70 \Vhito Plush . .. . .• .• , •••.• • ••• , •• , •. • 70



BEERS- Hov.: to Make

• 11\lolosses B?,er •.• •••• ••••• •••• ••• -. 72 =~~~~ ~~ ?~)~~~~~;~~~~~~~~;~ fl ~~~;t•on :: ;;~;;;;;~;~;;;~~~;;;; !i. Lemon " , . ••••• •. •• •••• •. •.•• 72 BITTERS- How to Make. Angostura. Bittara••••••• •• u •••••••• 741 Quinine Bitters . •••••••••• •••• •••• 7~ g~~~~Y :: ::::::::::::::::::: ~! ~;:,1:;ghton :: ::::::::::::::::::: ~g EsJenco ot •• •.. ... ••...•.•• , .. . 7fi \Vino •• •• ••• •• .• , •••. •• •• . 76 ~ic'k.\io-Up :: ::::::::::::::::::: ~g Wormwood •• .................. . 76 LIQUEURS- How to Make. AniJ:etto ••...•• •••. ,, •. ••• , ••.. . .... 77 I Eau d' Absintho •••• . , , •••••••••••• , • 78 ~il'::n~i·a·~~::::·::::::::::: : ::::: :: : ~; ~~ ~:Ag:,~di~i~:: :: : :{ :::::::::::::: ~: ~~ 0 ai~~~Ct:t~'d~.;::::: :::::::::::: ~~ ~~f~~ohL~~~~~rn: :·: :::: ~: : :::: ::::::: ~g Curaeoa1•• •••••• ••••. •.... •.. . . . •. •• 78 FRUIT SYRUPS- How to Make. Clovo Syrup;.•••... •.... . ••. . , 81 I Simplo Syrup......... . .. .. . ... 82 ~5~;;~. ii HiiiHHiii i !~~Iri::;r ;; >~~~ ~ ~~~;~~~~~~ii PAGE PAOS Elderberry Beer•• ••••• •••••• •••••• •• 71

WINES- How to Make•

.A.niseod Carraway Cinnamon Cloves Curo.coa Ginger Ginger Brandy Ginger Oin ~mon Mnraschino Raspberry Rum Shrub

• WEHMAN l3ItOS.' JBartenoe·rs' ·


-.eslNTHE- American Style. (Use a large bar glass.) T hree-quarter glassful o~ fine ice, Six or seven d...shes of gum syrup, Then shake the ingredients until the ou tside of the shaker is covered with ice; then strain it into a; large bar glass and serve. One pony glass of absiuthe, Two wine glas.•es of water. ABSINTHE- French Style. (Use a large bar gla11.) . One pony gln.ss of absint.be. F ill the bowl of your absinthe glass (which bas a bole in the centre) with fine ice and t-be balance ''{itb water. Tben elevate the bowl and let the contents drip iilto the glass con– taining the ab11intbe, until the color shows a. sufficiency. Pou r into a la.rge bar glass and serve. 7


WEHMAN BR OS.' BARTENDERS' Gl"IDI;; . • ABSINTHE- Italia n Styl e. (Use a large bar glass.) One pony o f absinthe, '.fwo or t hree piect:S of ice, Two or t hree dashes of m ..rascbino, • One-ha lf pon y of a 1.isette. . . P our ice \".at"r into the gbiss ; slowly stir "-itb a spoon and serve. " ARF AND ARF," or Black and . Tan. (Use a large ale glass-> Tbis is a common English drink a nd m eans h a l f por ter a nd h a lf a le, but ~n t his counr.ry we use half old nle a nd half ne w. 11 is a lways best to ask the cusLomer how h e d esires it. BALAKLAVA NECTAR. (For a party of fifteen) Thinly peel the rind of on e-half of a lemon, sh re

BISHOP. (Use a larg e bar glass.) One tA.bleRpnnnfnl nf s11e:11,r, Two dashPs of lemon jnice, H alf the j uice of an ora nge. One squil·t cf St>ltzer ""Rte1·.

Tb reP.-qnart1'1· glR•• fi ll Pd with fine ice Fill the bnlance -,,·ith Rurg und y. ' Dash of J a m aica 1·11 rn Stir well. Dress wich fruit". a nd serve with a s~raw



BISHOP- a La Prusse.

One bpttle of port wiue, Ooe-ht'1f pound of pouuded loaf sugar, ~'ive goon-sized biLter ora nges.

Ro>Lst the oruuges uutil they a re of a pale brown color: lay t1Ji::n1 in a tureen, 1:u 1d covet· t bt:in with the sugar, ttdding tlll"ee gli1"!Ses of tu" pnrt wine; cover tl1e LUreen a nd lt:t it stand until the next day . "\\' hen reqniretl for use, place the tureen in a pa n of boiling water; J?ress tlie omnges with a spoon, a nd run the juice t hrough a sieve. Boil the remain– der of the port wiue ; ndd the strniued juice, a nd sGr ve warm in glasses.

BISHOP- English . (Use a small punch bawl.) One qua rt of the best JJOrt wine,

One orange (stucK pretty well with cloves) . Roast t he orunge b efore a Jjre, and wlum suftlcitmtly brown, cut. in quarters, antl pour OYer it the port w irw, (previously, made hot ); add suga1· to taste, aud let the mi.xtu1·e simmer IJ\'el' t.he fire for ha1f a u buur.

BLACK STRIPE. ~ Use a small bar glass.} One wine glass of Santn. Cruz ruin, One tablespoonfu l of molassej!.

Tbis drink can eiLher be made in Summer or "'' inter; if in the former season, mix in one tnblespoouful of water a.nd cnol with shaved ice; if in the latter, fi ll the tumbler with boiling water. Grate a little nutmeg on top.

BRACE UP. (Use a larg e bar glass.}

One tnblespoonfcl of white sugar, 'fwo or tnr~e daf:hes of bitters, 'l'wo or t.bree d ashes of lemon juice, One dash of lime juice. Two dushes of anisette, One fresh egg, Three-quarters glass of brandy, 0 »- ha ]f glass Of shnYerl ice.

Shake t his up thm·ong hly in a shaker, stra.in it into a large glas.~. i.i:::. fill with vichy or Apollinaris water and serve.



BLUE BLAZER. • (Use two si lver·plated mugs.)

One smR.11 teaspoonful of powdered white sugar dis– solved in one wine glass of boiling wat.,r . One wine-glass of Scot.ch whiskey. Put the whiskey a nd the boiling water in one mug, i~nite the liquicl with fire, a nd while blazing mix both ingredients by pou ring them four or five times f rom one m ug to the other. If well done this will hR.ve the appearance of " con– tinued stream of liquid fu-e. Serve in a small bar glass with a piece of twisted lemon peel. BRANDY, BURNED, AND PEACH. (1.Jse a small bar glass.1 One wine-glass of brandy, One-ha lf tablespoon of suga r, Burn brandy and suga r together in a dish or saucer. 'l'wo o~ three slices of dri~d peach. P lace the frnit in the gla~s, pour the burned liquid ovf)r it, grate a little nutmeg ••n top, a nd ser ve. The above is a 8outhern preparation, and often used in cases of diarrhrea.


BRANDY AND SODA. (Use a large har glass.) One wine-glnss of b ra n

BRANDY C'1AMPAREL~E, No. 1. . (Use a she.ry wine-glau .) One-qn R.r ter wine-glass of curacoa (red), One-quar ter wiue-glaFs of chnrtreuse (yellow), One-qnarter wine-glass of anisette, One-qnnrter wine-glass of k irschwasser or brand y, whichever the customer dP.sires, and serve. Attention must be paid to prevent bh~ different liquors from running into each other , to have them perfectly separated and 'distinct. BRANDY CHAMPARELLE, No. 2. (Use a aherry wine-glaaa.) One-thlrrl wlne-gla.~s of brandy, OnP.·thil'rl wine-glass of mnraschlno, _ One-t.hird wine-glass of angostlira bitters. K eep <:olors separate.



BRANDY1 AND GI NGER ALE. (Usealargeaoda-waterglas 1. ) One wine-gla s of brandy, •rwo or three small lumps of ice. Fill up th" glass wita ginger a le.

BRANDY AND GUM. (Use a large whiskey glaH.) One or t wo da~hes of gum syrup, One or t wo lumps of ice. Place a SP•>on in t he glass, and band with a bottle of bra ndy to the cust•,mer. - BRANDY; PONY. (Use a pony glass.) Set before the customer a small bar glass, and anothe1· con– taining Ice water. Fill a pouy gll•SS with best brandy, and pour it Into the empty glass.

t One-quarter sh erry gl!Lss of r"spberry s up, One-quarter sherry glass of maraschinc One-qua r ter sherry glass of cha r t·reuse (green). 'l'op it off with brand y a nd ser ve.

BRANDY SCAFFA. , (Use a ~herry glass.)

This drink must be proper ly prepared to prevent the dif– ferent colors from running into each other. They must a.p. pear separate.

BRANDY ST~AIGHT. (Uae a whiskey glass.) Put a piece of Ice in th e glass, ~et the bottle on the bar, and a llow you1· custome1· to help himself. The same for gin or whiskey straight.


0 COBBLER- California Sherry. (Use a large bar glass.)

One-h a.If table-spoon of•sugar, One pony of pineapple syrup, One a nd one-h a.If wme-glass of California sherry, F ill glass with fine ice. Stir well; dress with f ruits, and gently pour a. little porton t op. Serve with a. straw.



COl;'IBLER- Califo rnia W ine. Same as California sh erry, substitu ting California wine.

COBBLER·- Calawba. (Use a large bar glass. j

One teaspoon f ul of fine wh ite s ugar, d issolved in a lit tle wa ter. One slice of ora nge cut into quar ters. F ill the glass ha lf full of sh aved IC<', t hen fi ll it u p wi th catawba wi ne. Orna ment the top with berries in season. and ser ve with a stra w.

COBBLER- Champagne. (Use a larg e bar glass.) One-qua r ter tA.blespoonfu l of sugar,

One-quarter wil1e-glass of s~·phon selters. dissol,·e well. One slice of ora nge, · One slice of lemon peel, · F ill the glass with ice. · · F ill th e bala nce with champagne, ornam ent t he top in a tasty m ani er, a nd serve it ; vith a stra w.

COBBLER- Claret. Same as catawba , u sing claret instead.

COBBLER- Hock. Same as catawba, using H ock wine instead.

COBBLER- Port Wine. (Use a large bar glass.) One-half tab lespotmful of s111mr. One uony J?lass of orchard syru p,

One-ba lfwin e-glass of water,dissoh ·e well with a spoon, F ill the glA.ss wit h fi ne ice. One a nd one-ha lf wine-glass of port wine. M:ix up well, a nd or nament with gra pes, berries, etc., in season, a nd ser ve. COBBLER-S~uterne. Same as catA.wba, substituting sauterne for catawba wine.



COBBLER- Rhine.Wine. (Use a large bar glass.) One ~d Qne-h1ilf ta h_lespoonfuls of sttgar, One; a nd one-ha lf wrne-g lass of wa ter, d issolve well with a spoon, One and one-halt wine-glass of Rhine w ine, F ill t he glass with sha ved ice. .Stir u p well with 1i. sp~on; ornam ent with grapes, orange, pmea pple, strawbern es, 10 season, a n d serve with a stra w. ---, COBBLER- Whiskey. (Use a large bar glass.) T wo w ine-gla-<;.ses of whi key, One-ha lf tablespoonf u1 of sugar, d issolve well, One and one-half tablespoon fu l of pineapple syrup, Fill g lass with fine ice, :itir well a nd dr ess with fruits. · COCKTAIL- Absinthe. (Use a larg e bar glass.) F ill t umbler with ice, Threi, or four clashes of gum syrup, One dash of angotusra bitters, Que dash of a nise tte, ' 1 One-quarter wine-glass of "'a.ter, " Three-q uar ter wine-glass 0f absinthe. Stir well, stra in i:1to a fancy cocktail glass. T wist a piece of lem on peel on top, ser ve. COCKTAIL- Appl e Jaclc. (Use large bar glass.)

One-ha lf full of shaved ice. Two clashes of g um syrup, T wo dashes of bi tters, One d ash of cu racoa, One wine-g la;is of a pple jack .

, Stir'wi th spoon, a nd a fter stra ining into cock tail glass, add cherry or olive, and squeeze lt>mon peel on top.

COCKTAIL- Bijou. (Use a larg e bar glass.)

.Three-qua r ter glass filled with shaved ice," One-t hird wine-glass of green cbar t.reuse, One-thi rd w ine-glw s or Jta lia n vern~outh. One-th ird wine-g lass of Pl ymouth gm.. . Stir well with th e spoon, a nd after strainrng 10 cock~1l glass, a clcl cherry or small olive, a nd serve af tt:r ~quet:zrn g lemon peel on top. .



COCKTAIL- Blackthorn. ,(Use large glaas.) Two-thirds glass of ice, One teaspoonful of syrup, Three d ashes of lemon juice, T 1vo dashes of ora nge bitters, One-ha lf wine-g lass of I talian vermouth. One dash of a ngost.u ra bitters, 1 One-ha lf wine-glass of slo., i;in• . Stir well a11d strain in cocktail glass.

COCKTAIL-Bottle of.

One quart of good old whiskey; provided the bottle is large enough.

One pon y glass of curacoa (red) , Orie wine-g lass of gum syrup,

· Three-qttarters pony glass of bitters. Mix this well by pouring ft from one shaker in to anot her. until it is thoroughly mixed '; pour it into a bottle m1d cor k it, put a lable on it, and you will have an elegant bottle ol cocktail.

COCKTAIL-Brandy. (Use o large bar glass.)

Three-quarter glass filled wit.h sha ved ice, T wo or thre<> dash es of gum syrup, One or two dashes of bitters, One or two dashes of curacoa, or a bsinthe, if requ!~·ed. One glass French brandy. Stir well wit)l R. spoon, strain into a fancy cocktail glass and squirt a little cha mpagne into it, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. -1--

COCKTAIL....:.Brut. (Use a large glass.)

Fill a large glass with shaved ice, Three d ashes of angnstura bitters, ' One-t h!rd glass of p!con, . T wo-thirds glass of French vermouth. Stir well and strain into cocktail gla ss. I



COCKTAIL- Champagne. (Use a champagne goblet.) In mixing a ll cocktails, fill thf'\ fixin g tumbler with fine shaved or broken ice, before putting in the ingredients. For a cham pa gne cock tail it is best to place two or three lumps of clear ice at the bottom of the glass and then mix as fol– lows : a. small bottle answering for three, a nd a. large or qua.rt bottle for ~ix: . Two en· three small lumps of ice,

One or two slices of ora.nge, Two or three strawberries, One slice of pineapQle, One lamp of loa f sugar,

Two or three d ashes of bitters (Baker's or a.ngostura.) Fill the goblet with wine, stir well with a. spoon, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and sen •e.

COCKTAIL- Cincinnati- (U1e large bar glass,) One-ha.If glass of beer, Oue-h,.lf g lass of soda.

• J

COCKTAIL-Club. (Use large bar glass.)

Fill gl..ss h alf full-of fine ice, T wo dashes of gum. T wo dashes of ora.ngo bitters, One dash of chartreuse, One-third drink of I talian vermouth, Two-third drh;ik old Tom g!n_

Stir well and ser ve with e. oben Y-

COCKTAIL- Coffee. (Use a lar1e bar glass.) One teaspoonful powdered white sugar

, ,

One fresh egg, One la rge wine-glass of port wiue, One pony of brandy, . T wo or three lumps of ice. .

Break the egg into the g lass, put m the sugar, and lastly the port wine, brandy a nd ice. Sha ke up very .thorough ly, a nd strain into a med ium ba r goblet. Grate a little nutmeg on top before serving.



COCKTAIL- East Ind ia. (Use a la~ge bar glass.) Fill the glass with sb..ved ice, One teaspoonful or curacoa (red ), On~ teaspoonfu l o f pineapple s;'rup,

T wo or three clashes of bitters, Two dashes of marnschi no, ' On e wine-glassful of bra ndy. Stir u p with aspoon,strain i"nto a cocktail g lass,twlsva piece on emon peel on top, a nd serve.

COCKTAIL- Gin. (Use a large bar glass.) Fill up t he g lass ·.-.-ith ice, Two or t hree clashes or gum syrup, 'l.'wo or three d >Lshes o f bitters,

One clash of eit iler c uracoa or absinthe, One wine-g lass Of H ollund gin.

Stir up well, stra in in to a fancy cock tail glass, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top, a nd serve. W h ether curacoa or a bsinthe is taken depends on which the customer m a y.desire.

COCKTAIL- Harvard. (Use mixing glass.) Fill gla ss with ice, One dash r,f g um syrup,

Three dashes of Boker's bitters, One pony of Ita lian vermouth, One pon y of branc! y. Stir, and stra in into cocktail glass ; lemon on top.

I COCKTAIL- Ja·panese. (Use a small bar glaH.) One tab lespoonfn! of orgeat syrup, 'l.' wo cl1tshes of bitt.e1·s, 1 One wine-1dass o f b ra nd y. . One n1· two pieces of lemon peEJl. Ftll t!:i!l ~µmbler one-thirrl with ice, stir well with a spoon, and stram mto " cockt.a1l glass.



COCKTAIL Jersey. (Use a large bar glass.) ~nt;-hulf tab lespoonf u l of t.nga r, f.h1ee or fuu r lumps of broke n ice, I uree or tour d n"hes of bittt:rs, . U ne w10~-glus::; of J,!uod cider. M ix well and Htr 1li11 iu to u cucktuil glS!'B, a nd t wist a. piece of lelllon peel ou w p.

COCKTAIL- Manhattan. \ (Use• large bar glass.) F ill th e g!A.ss with ice, Two 0 1· t h ree dashes of gum syrup One or t wo clushes of bitters, '

U1rn da sh or c u1·>1cntL (or ttbsinthe if req uired). One-ha ir wine-1d 11ss of whiskey, . One-ha.If wine-glas" of Yerlllonth. · .Sr.ir up well, 8tra in in ro a fa ncy c-oc i

• I COCKTAIL- Manhattan Club Oyster.

Strain one-half a lem on into a la rge gob let. Oue or two du~hes o r' 1u.ba.sco snuce, U ne t ea.spoon ful of pepper sauce, A tr aCP. of vi n~~ar, ' A pinch of s11.lt, A Litt!<' r P.d pepper. A sligh tly la.rirnr qua ntit.y of white pepper,

T his e ntire a r ray l'urms but th " se11•oning for t he liqno1' or ha lf a d oze n f resh ly up1rned, succu len t Blue Point oysters. which is next adtled tu t lrn cou tent:> of the gl.aiIB, a nd com· pletes t he cockca il. /___ ·

COC,KTAIL- Morning. (Use medium bar glass.) Three or four cla~h'i>s of gum S"r up, Two d ashes of cura coa \r1•rl),

T wo riashes of Boker's or angostura. bitters One d ash of a bsinthe, One pony of best bran dy, One pony of wh isk ey, • One piece of lemon pe~l, twisted to ex tract tb e oh, T bree small lumps of ice. Stir thorough ly and n ·move t he ice. Fi ll th~ g las• with.se!t· z~r wat~r. u.nd ~ti r with u teaspoon hav 111 g:.u.httle s ugar1n lt.



COCKTAIL- Marlini. . Sa me as Ma nhattan, substitu ting gin for whiskey.

COCKTAIL- Olli-Fashioned. (Use old-fashioned coolctail 'glau.) One l ump of snga.r, One squirt of seltzer water, then cr ush suga r, One J:!l~c~ of ice,

One a ash of ora nJ?e bit.ters, - One dRSh a n gosr.um bitters, One piece lemon peel, · One-half wine-g lass of whiskey. Stir gently and ser ve with a spoon.

COCKTAIL- Old Tom Gin. (Use a large bar glass.) F ill th e J?las s with fine shaverl ice, T wo or th i'ee dashes of J?Um syr up,· One or t.wo

One or two dashes of c u racoa or ab$inthe, if requi rell, One wine-g lass of Old Tom gir;i. · Stir up well wi th a spoon, st.rnin into a cocktail glass, twist a piece of lemon peel Oil top, a nd ser ve.

COCKTAIL-Oyate'r. (Use medium wine·gla&1.) T hree or fou r d Rshes of catsu p, Two medium-size us~ters, P epper a nd S1tlt t.o seRson well, One dash of lemou j uice, a nd ser~e.

I .

COCKTAIL- Ping Pong. (Use cocktail glau.) P 1wt.ly fi], J?lRSAwith c racked ice, Rmall .::na nt ity of ver mou th,


1'wo rlRshes of gum. T wn rlJ

Je .J?in, Rncl serve in cocktail J?l1tes with ch e r<"y. Th ie IA mRile simila r to a Manha ttan cocktail, but sloe gin I~ subs t.itu ted for wh iskey.




(U1e a large glass.)

Two dashes of orange bit ters, One d ash of a ngostn ra bitte1·s, One-quarter wine-glnss of :;catch whiskel'

c:: • One-quarter _wine-glass of F rench ver mouth. • t 1r well and st.ra m i11to cocktail glass ; twist a piece of lernun peel on top and serve.

COCKTAI L- Saratoga, No. 1. (Use'a small bar glass.) T"·o d ash es of angostm·a bitters, 1 'l'hree small lump~ of ice,

One pon y of brandy, One pony of whiskey, One pony of Yermoutli.

1 Sha ke up wPll, and then strain into a cla ret glass, a nd serve with a slice of lemon.

COCKTAIL-Saratoga, No. 2. (Use a large bar &lass.) Tbree..qna1·ters glnss of fine shaYerl icP, Two or thl'~e da• ht:s of pineapple syrup, Two or thr~e dasht:s of bitters, 'fwo or t hl't:e d ashes of maraschino, Three-qua rt.ers glass of fine olcl brandy. 11-Iix well wit h a b.-r spoon and pltLce two t>r three st raw– berl'ies in a fttn cy cock tail glass, strain it,, twist a piece of lemon peel over it, top it off with one squirt of champagne anp serv·e.

COCKTA IL- Silver. (Use a large glass.1 One dash of gum ,

Two datih'"s of orange bitters, Three d ashes of m a raschino, One-ha lf wine-glass of French Yermonth, One-ha lf wine-glass of gin. S tir wit h 8poon, straini into cocktail glass, and twIBt a piece of lemon peel on top.



COCKTAIL- Soda. (Use a large bar glass.) One teaspoonful of s'?gnr. . Fom• or five lumps of b rnken ice, Three dashes of bit.ters, One or two slices of orange.

Fill up the glass with lemon soda water.

COCKTAIL-Star. (Use a large glass.) One-half glas• of ice, Two dashes of gum SJTUp, Two d ashes of orange bi uters.

One-quarte r wine-glass of I talia n vermouth, One-quarter wine-gla•s of applejack.

Stir and strain into cocktail glass.

COCKTAIL- Vermout h, No. 1. (Use a "'."" II glass.) One-half glass of fine ice, One and one-ha lf pon y of FrPnch vermouth, Three dashes of angostum bitters, Two dashes of gum syrup.

COCKTAIL- Vermouth, No. 2. (Use la rge a beer glass.) 'Three-qua r ters glass of shaved ice, Four or five dashes of gum, T~o,or three dash11s of bitters, I 1

One wine-gla!j_s of vermouth, Two dashes of marRschino.

~tir 11

~ well with a spoon, sti·ain it into a cocktail glass.

twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve.


COCKTAIL- Wh iskey. Same as gin, snbstituting whiskey for gin.



COO l!.ER- Brunswick. (Use a large bar glass.) Juice of 011e lemon, One-h1tlf t able-~poon of powdered sugar One bottle of cohl ginge r a lt•, ' ::itir well; dress with lruit, and ser ve. • 1 ' I ' COOLER-Rocky Mountain. One egii. b eaten up,


On e-ha lf tablespoon of powdered sugar, Juice of one small ·lemon, .-\.dd c ider, stir well, grate a little nutmeg on top, if desired. •

COOLER-Re msen. (Use a large bar glass.) Two lumps of icf'.

Rind of one whole lemon in one long string, place in f g lass,

One wine-iilass of Olrl T om gi n, Fill glass with plain soda, cold .

COOLER-Saratoga. (Use a large bar glass.)

One te11spoonful of powdered white sugar, Juice of half a lemon, One bottle of g inger ale, • 'l'wo small lnmps of ice. Stir well and r emove the ice before serVing. I


COUPEREE. (Use a farge.soda glass.)

One a nd one-half pon y g lass of brandy, One po11y glass c ura!"oa (r ed) 1 . F ill t.110 glass 011e-th1rd full or ice cream. 1 horouc:hh' , aml fi.ll t he glass n en rli• full with plain Grate 8. little nutrueg on toµ_. and ser ve





I CRUSTA-Brandy. (Use a small bar glass.) Two or three dashes of gum syrup, One d ash of bitter s, '

One wine-glass of brand y, T·wo dashes of curacoa, 1 One dash of lemon.juice.

Before mixing the above ingreclien ts, prepare ~ cocktail glass as follows: Rub a sliced lemon a round the rim of t he glass, a ncl dip it. in pulve rized white~ugar, •o that the sugar will adhere to t he edp:e of the g in$•. !"'are h>1lf a lemon the same as you "'ouid an apple (all in one piece), so t na r1 the pariug will fit in the win" g lass. Put the above inero•dients rnto a sm all whiskey glass tllIP

CRUSTA-Giri. Same as br, ndy crusts, substituting gin for brandy.

CRUSTA-8t. Croix. (Use a large bar glass.)

Prepare rincl of a h:mon as in a. brandy crnsta. Thr"e or four clashes of orchard syrup, One d ash of bitterR, One-half /:>:lass of nne ice, 011e sma ll clash of lem on juice, Two clasheR of maraschino, I One wine-glass of St. Croix rum.

Mix well "'.1th a·spo'.'n, an d strain into a wine-glass; dress Wllh small pieces of prn~apple and strawberri

CRUSTA-Whiskey. · Same as brandy c rnsta, snbs1ituting whiskey foz· brandy.



CUP- Burgundy,

F!ll a gl.ass pi\,Ch er one-tourth full of c1'ncked ice, Su

CUP- CambTidge Claret.

One bottle of cla ret., \ One-ha lf bottle of sherry: I


CU P;-Cider, No. 1.

T"'O q11n.r ts of cider, One-h1.Ll f gill of curncon., One-half gill .of branrl y, One-qua r ter pound of loaf sugar, Rind a nd j uice of one lemon rubbed in the sugar, One slice of en cumber. P our one-h alf pin t of boiling wnt.er on the snear ·\when it is dissolved a nd cool, a

CUP- Cider, No. 2-

0ne pint of cider, . One wine-glass of sh erry, One wine-glass o t b.ra ncly, One wi ne.glass of curacoa.,. One piece of Ice, One-ha lf of a n oran ge, th e rind of a lem on, and a little: su gn.r t•• ta sre. Grate a lit tle nut.meg on top.



CUP- Champagn ; for a party. (Use a large punch bowl. ) Two wine-glasses of pinP>ipple syrup. Four to six spd~s of green balm, One quart of curacoa, One pint of chartreuse (green), One quart of fine old cognac, One quart of tokay, Fottr bottles of 11pollinaris, Six oranges and two lemons, cut iu slices. Stir up well together, let it stand two hours, strain it into another bowl and add: . One-half pineapple, cut in slices, Six bottles of nhampagne. , Place the bowl in ice, nnrl sweeten with a little sugar and let it ferment. Stir u p well and serve.

CUP-Champagne, a la Ariadue.

One·bottle of cha mpagne,


One gill of amontillado, Liquor glass of citronelle or maraschi no, Juice and paring of an orange or lemon, rubbP

CUP- Claret.

One bot.tie of claret, One-half pint of cnlrl wate·r, One tablespoonful of powdered sugar, One tea~poonful of powdered cinnamon cloves and allspice! mixed, ' , ' One smal lemon. · Mix the ingredients well uogether . addi~g the thin rind of t.he lemon.



CUP- Claret ; for a party. (Use a bowrfor mixi~g.) T.;n to twelve pieces of lump sugar, One bot.tie of apollina ris,

Two l.emo.ns, two ora nges and one-lVllf of a pineapple, cut m slices, . T wo 'Yine-gl11sses of maraschino, :\hx well with a ladle, place this into your vessel or tin dish lill"d wi~h ice. When the party is ready tu call fe>r it, add : Four bottles of fine claret, One bot,tle champagne. or any other sparkling wine. ;\1ix thoroughly, aml pl11c" sufficient berries on top tiud serve.

CUP- 1

b aret. For a party of twenty. Three bottles of claret, 'l'hree-quartcr piut of curacoa, Uue pint, of sherry, One-half pint of bra ndy,

Two wine-glasses of ratafia of ruspberries, Three oranges and one len1on, cut in slices, 1.'wo bottles of seltzt-r water, Three bottles of sodu water.

Stir all these together ,\•ith Isome sprigs of green balm a nd bora.ge, and a. small piece of cucumb~r-rind; s weeten witb c:apilla ire or po w

CUP- Claret, a la Lord Saltoun. P eet one lemon fine, cover with pounded sugar, J?OUr over t a glass of sherry; add on" bottle of claret, a sprig of ver– bena, and a b'ottle of soda- wuter.

J , CUP- Claret, a la Wilberforce. ·Two bottles of cl,.ret,

One bottle of sparkling cb~mpagne, One wine-glass of ma.rasch1no, Borage, bulrn a nd sugar to the flavor required. I

Ice.well, and b t>fore serving add two bottlAs of 0

"1tzer water.



CUP- Claret, Hot.

T wo bot.t ies of clnr Pt, ~i x tll'ops ess~ncd of ginJ?Pr~ H '\lf n gill Of gin~"r ay1·11p. U11" qua rt Gf builrng wat.,r.

CUP- Crimean , a la Wyndham. For a party of Gve. One b ottle of champagne, Two boLtles ur soda-w..1e1-.

One IA.rge wine-glass of maraschino, One-h1'1f la r ge wirit:"l'(las of coguac. One-ha lf 11'r ge wine glass of ~u t·acoa, One ta bleRi;>Oonful or cruslrnrl Sllg>Ll'.

11-facerate the t h111 ly peeled r ind of ht1 lf Rn ora nge with the s ugar ; a dd t he m a raschino, cognnc, a ud c u 1·ac••"· i\ lix Lbor– oug bl y a nd a dd Lhe sod n-wnter a m t c hA.111pa 1!11o>. T he ad di– tion ur half a pound 9f pw·e ice is a g rt:at iwprove!llt:ll t.

CUP- Porter.

One bottle of ~orter,


One b ottle i

• M ix the por ter a nd ale in a cover ed jno: : nilil the bra ndy, s:r rup of 1<111ger and nutmeg ; cove11 !t a ud 1>xpose it to the cold fur ha lf au hour b efore spr ving.

DAISY- Brandy, No. 1. (Use a small bar glass.) Three or fnur rl n ~ht>S nf g nn1 syrup, One-ha !f the j 11 ic·" of " le lllon, Two or th r Pe dashes of orange cordial, O ne wi ne-glass of brA.nd r . Fill glH.Ss h a lf f ull o f fi ne ic.,, sha k e thoroughly, strain and fill up with st:ltzt:r water 'or a pullina ris.




DAISY- Brandy, No . 2. (Use a la rge bar glass.) On.,-h>Llf tablespoonful of sugar,

'l' wu ur ~Lll'cc d tL:::;ht:S uf lt1mon juice, Uue sq uir t or ""'~rs water, dissolve well with a spoon, Uu~-hall glass of c ha rtreuse (yellow) 1"ill' up t h" g lass with fine ice, ' . Uue glass of b rand y. Stir u p well wiDh a sp0on, place the fruit into a fancy bar ' gla.s:;, strain Mie ingredien ts into it, and serve.

DAISY- Gin. I Same as Brandy Da isy, No. 1, suootitu tln g gln for bra ndy.

DAISY-Ginger. Same as Bra nd r Daisy, N o. 1, substituting J amaica ginger.

DAISY- Rum. S1>me as Brandy Daisy, No. 1, substitu ting rum for brand r .

DAISY-Santa Cru~ Rum. (Use a small bar glass.) Three or four dashes of gum syrup, 'l',\·o dusbes of c ura.cua, J uice of one-h alf sma ll lemon,

One wine-glass of Sa nta Cruz rum, F ill glass one-third f ull of sha"ecl ice. ::>tir·th orough ly, su·aid in cocktail glass and ser ve. . ' DAISY- Whiskey, No. 1. 1 Same as Brand y,:paisy No.l,substitutlng whiskey for bra ndy.

DAISY-Wh iskey, No. 2. Sam., as Bru.n d y Da isy,No.2,substituting whiskey for brand y.



EGG NOGG. (Use a large, bar glass.) One egg,

One tablespoonful of white sugar, One wine-glass of bra nd y, · . One-ha lf wine-glass of l'Um (St. Cl'oix or Santa Cru2.). Fill t he t umbler one-half f ull of cracked ice a nd the bal– ance with milk, shake well together, gra te µ utmeg on top, and serve.

EGG NOGG ; for a party. 3~ gallons. T wenty fresh eggs,

T wo and one-ha ir t,.uarts of fine old brandy, One pint of Santa Cl'uz rum, Two and one-lrnlf gallons of rich milk, Two pounds of white sugar.

Separate t h e whites of th e eggs from t he yolks, b eat each sepa l'ateli• with an egg-be..ter until th e yolks a re Wbll c u t u p, . and the whites assume a ligh t, fleecy ap'(leal'a uce. Mix a ll the ingredients (except the milk and the whir1>8 of the egg•) in a large punch bowl. The n POUi' iu t.h., milk graduall y, continua ll y stirring, in order to p re ve nt. the milk from c u 1·d- ling with the eggs. G1·ate sufllcient nutmeg on t h e m ix 1ure. and last ly, let the whites float on top, a n d orna meut with colored suga rs. Cool in a tub of ice, and serve. EGG NOGG-.Saltimore. (Use a large bar glass.) Take tbe yellow of one ~gg, on~ tabletipoonfnl of • ugar, beat to a c ream; then add some g1·at.ed n n tmPg, an(! beat A.ll to– iz.ethe r; pour in one-half wine-glass of bra ndy, one-ha lf p•my g lass of 8t. Croix r um, one wine-glass of madeira wine, put two 01· t hree lnmps of ice into the _glass and fill wiLh milk, shake well and gr"'te nutmeg on top.

EGG NOGG- Cider. (Use a large bar glass.) One egg,

One ta blespoonful of su gar, S m>ill qua ntity of cracked ice, One pon y gla•s of branrly. Fill the tumb~er with cide r. shake well, a nd serve.



EGG NOGG- General Harrison. (Use a large bar glass.) Three or four small pieces of ice One fresh egg, ' . One tablespoon of s~gar. Fill the glass with cider shake well and strain; ser ve · with a little nutmeg on top. ' '

EGG NOGG- lmperial. (Use a large bar glass.) One tablespoon of sugar, One fresh egg, One-third glass of fine ice, One wine-g1ass of bra ndy, One-h alf wine-glass of J amaica rum.

F ill up the gla ss with r ich milk. Shake thoroughly in an egg-nogg shaker, uud strain. Grate a little nutm eg on top, if desired. H ot Egg Nogg-use bot milk a nd omit the ice.

EGG NOGG- Sherry. (Use a large bar glass.) One egg

One tablespoonful of sugar, One pony glass of branC:y, One w ine-glass of sh prry wine, Three or fou r lumps of ice. Fill the glass withmilk, sha ke well, and gr ate nutmeg on top.


FEDORA. (Use a large bar glass.) One pony of brandy, One pony of curacoa,

One-ha lf pony of J a mn.ica rum, One-ha lf pon y of bourbon. One tablespoonful of' powder~d sugar, dissolved in a little wa ter, . One slice of lemon. Fill the tumbler with fi ne ice ; slrn.k n well nnd orna ment with berries or small pieces of ora nge; serve with a su·a w.

FIX- Apple Jack. \ use a large bar glass.) Same as Bra ndy F ix, using apple jack inst.,ad.



FIX- Brandy. (Use a large bar glass.)

One-half tab l~spoonfn) uf sugar, (

FIZZ- Brandy. (Use a larg e bar glass.) One-half teaspoon of fine sugnr. Juice of h1.Llf a lemon; One wine-glass of bra ndy,

One or two dashes of whi te nf egg, Tb r·ee-quarters g la•s of fine ice. Sha k e we ll. Str ain into a .fizz J?la••. F ill up with seltzer or vichy. This must be imbibtd lllllllt diutdy.

f'.IZZ -'Eagle. (Use a large bar glass.)

One ta blespoon of pulvPrizPd sugar, 'l'hree d ashes of lemon juice, White of one egf?, One wine-f?las of gin, One d>tsh of crem" d e vn.nllle, '.two

. · Fill the glass with milk, shii.ke well and strain, Finfl shaved icP.


3 1

FIZZ-Elks. (Use a large bar glaos.) Juice' of one-ha lf a lemon, 0 11.,-ha lf t.ablespoon of sugar,

One-ha ir wine-glass of r ye whiskey One-ha lf g lass of port n ine, V\' hite of one egg. Shake thoroughly, strain into small glass, add seltzer and .serve wit h slice of pineapple. I '

FIZZ-Gin. (Use a large ba r glass.)

One-h alf tablespoonful of ~ugar, Three or four d ashes of lemun juice, OnP-ha lf glal'S of shaved ictJ, 011e wine-glass of Old Tom g in.

St.ir up well with a spoon, strain it into a large-sizerl bar glll~S; fi ll up the bala nce wit.II vich y or selters wa r.er : mix well a'nd ser ve. Bear in mind t.ha t a ll drin ks call ed Fizzes, mu~t ·be drunk as soon a s ha nded out, or the natura l taste or Lhe same is lost to the custom er.

FIZZ-Gazette. (Use a large bar glass.) Yolk of one egg,

T wo teaspoons of powd~red suga r, Three d ashes of lemon juice, One pony of brandy, H alf g lass of sbaverl Ice. Sha Jse well, strain in m edium glass, fill with seltzer wa ter a nd drink a t once.

FIZZ - Golden. (Use a large bar glass.)

One tablespoonfu l of fin e white sugar, 'Three

One wine-gla.~s of Old Tom gi n, Two or three sm all lumps of ice. Shnke up tho~ougbly, stra in into a m edi'om bar glass, and fi ll it u p with seltzer wa ter.



FIZZ-Morning Glory. (Uoe a large bar glass.)

Fill t he glass t.hree-qnarters fu ll of fli:i e ici:, Mix three or four dashes of abein the Ill a little water, 'rhree dashes of lime juice, Four or five dashes of 11-mon juice, One tablespoon of .;ugar, The white of one ej{g, One wine-glass of Sc:otch whiskey. Shake well in a shaker dnd st.ra in ; fi ll bala nce.•of glass with seltzer or vichy water. To be drank immed iately, or the eft'P.ct will h" lost. It is a morning beveral,(e, a tonic and a ner,,e quieter.

I FIZZ- Silver. (Uae a large bar glass.)

One-half table•poonful of SU l?fLT'. Two or three dash..s of lemon juice, One wine-glass of Old Tom gin, Whi te of one egg, Three-quarter glass filled with sh•w P.d ice.

Shake up well with a shake1', stra in it in •o a i:;ond-sizerl fi zz glass, fi ll up the glass with syphon selters or vichy water, mix well and serve. ·

FIZZ-Sloe Gin. (Use a large bar glass.) Fill gJ,.ss h alf full of icP,

Three dashes of len1n11 j11 iC"'A, One-half tabl;,spon11 Of 8uga1-. One-half wine-~las• of slo~ !!in . Shake well a nd Stram; fill glass wi th seltzer water. FIZZ-St. Croix, . (Use a large bar glass.) Same as Brandy Fizz, substit.u ting S t. Cr oix rum for bra ndy. FIZZ-Telephone, (Wae a large bar glass.) Fill glass h alf full of ice, On tt-a~poon of eugar, One pony of Frenc h brnncly One pony of mnrnBcb!nn, ' On,... r R.w e!?'g-. Shake w-ill. strain in a stem g lass avd fill with seltzer water.



. FIZZ- Whiskey. (Ose a large ba r glass.) Same as Brandy Fizz, substituting whiskey for brandy.

FLIP- Brandy. (Use a large bar glass.) One egg, benten thoroughly, One-ha lf tablespoonful of sugar,

One-half glass of shaved ice, One wine-glass of brn:id y. Shake .well, strain Into a fl ip or other fancy bar glass, and grate a little nutmeg on top a nd serve.

FLIP- Glasgow. (Use 1 lerge bar glass.) One egg, thoroughly benten, Add the juice of one lemon,

One-half table•poon of powdered sugar. Balance cold ginger ale.

Stir well, and serve.

FLIP- Gin, (Use a large bar glass,) One fresh egg, I One tablespoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer . water. One wine-glass Holland gin. • • Fill glass half full with fine ice, shake well, and strain into a fancy glass a nd serve. FLIP- Hot Brandy. (Use a large bar glass, heated.) One tenspoonful of s11gar, One wine-glass of brandy, Yolk of one egg, Dissolve the sugar in a little bot water, add the brandy and egl?' shake up tborougblylpour into a medium bar glass, and fill it one-half full of boi !ng water. Grat" a little nutmeg on top and serve. ·

FLIP- Hot Gin. (Use a large bar glass, heated.) Same as hot Brandy Flip, substituting gin for brandy.

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