School of Nursing & Midwifery Annual Report 2018

HealthCare Experience, Engagement and Reform

Workshop 1: Social Imaginaries of the Dead The first of five workshops held on September 19th 2018 explored how un/cared-for dead bodies have been variously conceptualised and researched in the medical humanities and social sciences. It focussed on forensic archaeology, cultural history, militant anthropology and feminist and post-humanist social theory. Presentations to a packed room were made by Prof. Margrit Shildrick (Stockholm University), Prof. Nancy Scheper-Hughes (University of California Berkeley), Prof. Thomas Laqueur (University of California Berkeley) and Dr. Niamh McCullagh (Independent Consultant Forensic Archaeologist). Workshop 2: Remnants, Revenants, and Remembrances The second of five workshops held on October 31st 2018 began with a paper presented by Prof. Margrit Shildrick (University of Stockholm) which proposed a response informed by Derridean hauntological ethics to the current public disquiet in Ireland about the dead from so-called Mother and Baby Homes, who are not resting in peace. It was followed by a highly illustrated presentation by Prof. Richard Gough (University of South Wales) that sought to tease some skeletons out of the closet with regard to performance and death; refocusing a late 20th century obsession with ‘live performance’ to a reconsideration of ‘dead performance’ and the performances of the dead. He also considered the memorialization of life in granite, metal and marble, and the revisioning of history, the regime changes, revolution and repudiation, that bring about the dismantling and destruction of monuments that embody the dead, that have out-lived their moment.







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