AOAC EXPERT REVIEW PANEL FOR MICROBIOLOGY FOR FOODS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SURFACES 5. Do you agree that the evidence or data from this and previous studies support the proposed  applicability statement? ER 1 Yes ER 2 Yes ER 3 Yes ER 4 Yes ER 5 Yes ER 6 Yes ER 7 Yes 6. Are there sufficient data points per product evaluated in accordance with AOAC requirements?

ER 1 Yes ER 2 Yes ER 3 Yes ER 4 Yes ER 5 Yes ER 6 Yes ER 7 Yes

General Comments about the Method Scope/Applicability:

ER 1 Well designed study ER 2 Broad scope 

ER 3 The method appears to be appropriately designed for various food matrices and surfaces ER 4 It is a rapid and simple method that allows to enumerate  Enterobacteriaceae in foods. ER 5 The applicability statement is fine. ER 6 Very extensive

Scope is broad for dairy products. Why was chicken carcass done? Pros/Strengths of the Manuscript:

ER 7

ER 1 well written document ER 2 Well written with table contents well laid out.

ER 3 The study was appropriately designed and took in to consideration cellular injury that could impact  the results.  Assay perturbations were done correctly to determine robustness ER 4 It is a simple and rapid method. ER 5 Generally well written. ER 6 Clearly written and explained ER 7 Clearly written. 

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