Official Community Plan Flipbook

BYLAW NO. 18020 | OCTOBER 20, 2014

GOAL 3: PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT AND RESPOND TO CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS The third goal of Metro Vancouver’s Re- gional Growth Strategy is achieved by rec- ognizing the natural environment’s im- portance in supporting a livable and sustain- able region that boasts a very distinct and recognizable Sense of Place. This goal also addresses the importance of accom- modating climate change and adaptation and mitigation into development policies. Strategies 3.1 Protect Conservation and Recreation lands. 3.2 Protect and enhance natural features and their connectivity. 3.3 Encourage land use and transportation Infrastructure that re- duce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and im- prove air quality. 3.4 Encourage land use and transportation infrastructure that im- prove the ability to withstand climate change impacts and natural hazard risks.

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