Literary magazine


lacking height, he craves adventure and is

built for exploration. However, he was quite

mischievous when he was young: Frodo

says that he was caught “several times tres-

passing after mushrooms", referring to

when he used to steal mushrooms from a



TRILOGY and sequel to The Hobbit, this

An interesting setting is the Old Forest, a

will capture any who lay eyes on it. From

shadowy, shifty place where the trees seem

the mystifying Gandalf to the fear-

like animals, or even people. It is said that

striking Black Riders, this precarious

"the branches swayed and groped without

journey across Middle-earth is scattered

any wind", which shows that they could

with unseen twists and turns. When Fro-

move and sets an eerie atmosphere, and

do Baggins – a young orphaned hobbit –

use an "unintelligible language", implying

is entrusted with a dark ring, he must

human qualities. Also, the phrase "an occa-

travel to the perilous Cracks of Doom

sional drip of moisture", suggests how thick

and destroy the final piece in the Dark

the canopy is, and in addition makes it

Lord’s domination.

seem as though the trees are blocking eve-

rything out and isolating whatever is be-

As mentioned, Frodo inherits a ring, not any

neath. It is a truly creepy place with a truly

ring, but the Ruling Ring of Power. It pos-

creepy description.

sesses great power, which seems good at

first but will lead to darkness. Therefore, he

This book is a must-read for fans of ad-

must rid of it in the only way possible - at

venture and absolutely compulsory for

the Cracks of Doom. This means leaving

those who have inevitably enjoyed The

the Shire, his peaceful, safe home, and risk-

Hobbit. However, due to the slightly diffi-

ing everything. Yet he is not alone. Against

cult language, it is more suitable for 11

his intentions, his friends insist on being

year olds or above. Overall, this is an ex-

with him every step of the way.

traordinary tale of adventure for slightly

older readers.

Our protagonist is the daring hobbit, Frodo

Baggins, the nephew to Bilbo Baggins from

The Hobbit. Though – like other hobbits –

-Emmanuel Dunstan, Year 7


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