U Magazine, Spring 1986
r!elta Richard
~ Flores. Phil Arcey.
. huck Boyd. Tom Gen t
960-62. (l eft to nghtJ. C nn!ey . Ned Wdson. Be . I B Eagen Pl1l Delta Chl co lonyJ .. Jct Jim Delaney. Ch~r!esWDlobtir Tony Mour·nian. Msgr. . . . nlden Lt 1e · (f t) Dick t · . Lonneclcer. u (b le) Noe! Hall. ron , y Jim Gunning. Fr· Frank Ponce. ac ! Joe Grey. Pmd Nacozt . . . ·J Jose cachue a . (ciduiser · 25 years of brotherhood
By John Sutherland
There is a famous temple tho· it's no t bu ill or brick nor stone. Phi Kappa Theta's love ii and call it their ve ry own. It ·s not or gold or m arbl e but or true rratcrnity A nd Phi Kappa Th eta's temp le. wi ll stand thru eternit y.
-"Temple or Phi Kappa Theta··
The spirit or brotherhood and loyally expressed in th ose wo rds. se t lo music many yea rs ago. set th e ton e for Phi Kappa Theta (PKT) fraternity. a national fraternit y tracing its roots back lo Lhe la te 1800s.
Born oul or fruslralion in 1889 when Ca tholic students al Brown Un iversity were banned from joining other frate rniti es because of th ei r re lig ion. PKT has grown from humbl e beginnings lo becom e a fraternity or
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