U Magazine, Spring 1986

Alumni Potpourri Fields recently was named president of the Alumni Association

Fr. Douglas Reg in ."66

Fields to lead Association Former Torero baskelball A ll– Ameri can Ted Fiel ds '68 hasn·t forgotten USD in the years si n ce gradua tion. Long ac tive in th e Alumni A ssoc ia tion and a supporter of USD's sporls programs. Field recen lly was nam ed president of the A lumni A ssoc ia tion. He repl aces Peggy (Raynoha) T h railk ill "65 . wh ose l erm exp ired. ·· 1 h ad a greal lime in sc hool." Fields says. "t ha t·s w h y 1' 111 bac k."' In add ition lo sporls and maj oring in business/finan ce. Fields was vi ce president of h is c lass and organized freshman orientation ac tiviti es durin g his senior year. During his term as A l umni Assoc ia tion presiden l. Fields wan ts to s tart some USD commun i l y oulrcach prog rams for minorities. "' T here are fewer m inorities at USD now lha n wh en I was here:· he notes. Fi elds cam e to USO on a basketball sc holarship l"rom Washing ton. D. C. At USO he p layed w ilh Berni e Bi ckersta ff "66 . now head coach or the NBA's Sea tt le Supersoni cs. Th e lwo led th e l o rcros into lhc 1966 NCAA wes tern regio nals. In additio n to ser v ing as Alumni A ssocia ti on presidcn l. Fields also is a m ember o f lhc boards o f dircc l ors o f lhc NAACP and th e Na ti o nal A ssoc ia tion or Securities Professionals. a professio nal g roup organi zed l o help minorities in securities industries. An inves tment banker with Mil ler and Sc hroeder F inan c ial. Inc .. Fields works with c ities ac ross the Un i ted Sta tes in formul a ting bond lran sac lion s lha t o flen approach t he mi lli on dollar range. Fields. his wife. Wanda. and l h c ir da ughlcr. l o ni. li ve in Spring Vall ey.

Fr. Regin receives Buddy award Fr. Douglas Regin "66 . presiden t of Ca lholic Communi ly Servi ces (CCS). lhe social welfare agency for the diocese of San Diego. was named recipient of the A lumn i Associalion·s annua l B ishop Budd y Awar d. The award is presented lo an al um w ho has made a significanl conlri bulion lo Lhe field in which h e or sh e works. Nom inees are also judged on t he basis of community service and service to the Un iversily. Fr. Reg in has di rected CCS sin ce 1978. The agency provides services su ch as food and shelter. counseli ng. fam ily li fe ed u cation. j ob training and refugee resetll em enl to a lmost 85.000 people annually. Fr. Regin is ac tive on a number of boards and comm issions that address the needs of t he poor and homeless in San Diego. H e has been honored prev iously with th e Christi an Unity Award and the San Diego Housing Commission·s Shel ter Award. Wa lch for you r nomina tion form for lhe 1986 Buddy Award in t he next issue of " U." Do you believe a strong li brary is one of the k eys to providing a well -rounded education? If you say yes. you may be i nterested in j oining Friends of the Library. a univers i ty organization dedica ted to supporting uso·s Copl ey Li brary through annual m ember shi p dues. University trustee H elen Copley is h onorary c ha irman of the group's board o f officers. J ane Sexton is presidenl. The group's adv isory council includes authors Erma Bambeck and Wi ll iam Bla tty. publ ish er Peter Jovan ovich . Dr. Jonas Salk and pol itical satirist Mark Russell. For information on m embershi p. conlact Sexton a t 48 1-93 19. Friends of the Library seek members

Ted Fi elds. Jr. "68


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