U Magazine, Spring 1986

Alumni Potpourri

Women's crew m embers show oJJ the ir trophy after w inning the Ca l Cup April 5 . \\'01rn:11·s !Jask('tlJ,11I (16-l:li Final ( 'al. l 'olv 1'01110na 62. l :SD--t5 t:SD G:l. Lornla :\lan·mm111t :rn llSD --t I. ( 'ilapma11 :l\J L:SIU 80. USD 78 lJSD 58. U.('. ln·i11t· 5--t LSD GG. Sa11 Franl'isl'o Stat(' --t8 Sall i)i('go Stat,· G7. lJSD 5--t U.C. Santa llariJara 67. USD 57 1 la\\',lii 57. LSD --t--t USD 71. l lamli11c l!11in-rsit_\' G--t :\ort IH'rll Arizona 71. LSD --t2 Arizona 81. LSD G8 L;Sll 5q_ Lornla :-.1ar\·mm111t ... 7 US[) 77. l'<'jlJJllla --t'.l l'('jljl

is an account anl with Pri ce Wa terh ou se. Laura Dellefield is an agent w i lh ll ilT Thorn. Inc.. a commercial real estate companv ... Sharon Dudek is in hotel rnanagcment a t Ce ntury Plaza 1-! otC'I in Los Angcil's ... Meg Heidrick is involved with pastoral ministri es in lhc San Diego diocese ... Kathy Henwood is li v ing in Seal tic. Wash .. and work in g as assista nl cura tor in a m useum ... Gloria (Blanco) Kelly recent I>' ,;an· b irth to a daughter. Amanda. in Maine ".. Suzanne Knapp is presen t I>' a t lending U.C. IJcrkclcv ... Bob Mueller l ives in El Cajon . Ca lir.'. and is a \·outh minister. !-l e a nd his wire. J oa nna . arc ex pec tin g a baby this summer ... Monique Muther is a youlh direc tor a t Sacred !-!cart Parish in Ocea n l::lcaeh ... Bill O 'Connell is a m anurac luring l'Ontrol spcl' ialist wilh Gem-ral Dynamics Com·air ... Elaine Reidy is a ski instru c tor in Va il. Colo.... Nancy Rojas is a co n t rol ler with the !Jank or America ... Nancy Wesseln is a first grade teach er al Our Lady or Grat'c. She received ilC'r m asl cr ·s in educa tion a t USO ... David Westhem is a vice presid ent wilh Wes tern Ca pit al Financial i n Los Ange les .. . Joan Wojtan is sludving ror a m ast er's in ccolog_v a t SDSU ... Jeanne (Russo) Witherspoon is teaching in Hecl lands. Sh e is expec tin g a child soon. Alice Zums tein and John Baer wi ll m arry in Mav. Alice is a sa les rc prescnlalivc ror Acc u :rorm s in Van Nu vs . . Kristen Foley is a m arkc ling support r~prcsc ntati vc for Burrough Corporalion in lhc Los Angeles arC'a .. . Kevin Jennings is an assistant v ice pr<'sidcn t w ith Securitv Pa cific Na ti onal Bank in Los A n geles ... Patti Lindhorst is a kind ergart en teach er a t S t. John's School in th e Sa n Diego ar ea ... Therese Melvin is a teacher a t Fuerte Elcm cntar>' Sch ool. She \\·ill mat-r\· Teel Gosl'n. USO sporls inrorma tion direc tor. in Jul v 1986 ... John Todd is emplovcd bv A llied. l ndust rial Dist ribut or in Compton. Ca li L ... Anne O 'Sullivan h as announccd her cngagl'm ent an d will wed Curlis l bw nse nd in May. Anne is a lli r>ht a tt endant . . . Navv Lt. Cmdr. Craig Lokk~s 1TcTntl>' return ed· rrom a fo ur and one-h air m on th deploynwnt to th e l'ac iric Oeca n . He is stat ioncd aboa rd th e amphibiou s assault ship USS O/ci11Cllt'Cl. lol'atl'd in Sa n Dici.>:o . . . Air Force 2nd L t. John Hatch r t'Cl';l th· arri ved I·or duty w ith the 66--tt h Bombarcln~l'nt Squadron a t 1<.I. Saw ye r Air Foret' Ba se. Mic h . Ha tc h . a

naviga tor. previously was assign ed lo Casllc A ir Force Base. CaliL 1984 Scott Honnen is employed with Cold we ll Ba nker in commercial and industrial r eal estate. He is en gaged lo be m arri ed ... Shane Lundgren is wilh Merril l Lync h in commercial real cslat c ... George Mallinckrodt is proper(>' m anager and developer for Winston Man agement and Investment in Burlingame. Calir.... Siobhan Rhea is a teacher lo r lhe Eas t Bay Serv ices to lhe d evelopmentally disab led. She is instru c ting cl isablcd adults in independent li v ing ski lls ... John Whitaker is o ffi ce system s m anager with Hug hes Ai rcran Mike Kamplain is a vouth minister a t St. J am es Ca tholic Church ... Vince Kasperick is an accountan t wilh Pri ce Wa terh ouse . .. Lynn Morgan is a counselor with th e Bovs a nd Girls Aid Soc ictv dealing with emotionalIv disturbed ad olescents . . . Mary Morlino ·is engaged lo Joe Batok '85 . She wil l be entering design school in th e I·a11 ... Brenda Naimy received h er m aster's in rchabililalion rrom Cal Stat e Los Angeles ... Kimberly Pavel rc turned from a three– week lrip to K enya. Arri ca. in February '86. Sh e is work ing on h er m asl cr's and employed as a n im-cslmc nt consultant ... Robin Randall received h er m as tcr·s and teac hing credent ial rrom SDSU . .. Karen Reddan is a sccr cLar v w ilh IC IB-insurancc investiga tions departm ent a t UCSD Med ica l Center. Sh e has e.,pcricnce in m edical-surg ica l. ICU . publi c health . camp. sc hool an d home h ealth nursing ... A irman I sl Class John Vitall has gradua ted rrom th e U .S. A ir Force precision m easuring equipment course a t Lowrv Air Force Base. Colo. V it .:ill is sch cclu lcd to crvc w ith th e 15t h Air Base Wing al Hickam A ir Force l::lasc. Hawaii. 1985 Steve Mann is allcncling USC Dental Sc hool ... Joe Masar is attcndi~1g St. Pa t's Th cologv Sch ool ... John Napoleon is a stalT accountant with Pea t. Marwi ck. Mitch ell & Co. He is in Chicago ... Navy E nsig n Jeffrey Poindexter has been comm issioned in his present rank artcr gradua ti on I·rom Olli e-er Ca ndida te Sch ool in Newport . I{!. Poindext er j oined th e Navv in i\ugu st. .. Jane Dunmeyer (MSN) is c linical super visor in th e Family Medic ine

Iona 7:l. L'S!) G7 l 'Sll' K l. LSD fi:l


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