Improving Project Performance Brochure

Projects are at the heart of everything we do. Nothing new is created nor change delivered without projects taking place; they are central at every level in every business. How these are designed, managed and executed is a fundamental of business success and requires both technique and skill. This unique programme has been developed to help you grow the techniques and skills that ZLOO WDNH \RX IXUWKHU DFFHOHUDWH \RXU FDUHHU DQG JLYH \RX WKH FRQͤGHQFH WR PDNH WKH all-important transition from manager to leader. Approach This is a demanding, intensive, rewarding but enjoyable course with never a dull moment! It is delivered through a combination of theory, discussion and practical sessions, at every stage, you will have the opportunity to put what you have learned into practice. Much of your work on this course will take place in teams and these are regularly changed to give you as much experience as possible of working with different people in pressured and collaborative situations. These include, amongst others, managing a complex construction project, an investigative team interview in a TV studio and a presentation to an industry board. All of WKHVH DUH GHVLJQHG WR UHLQIRUFH \RXU OHDUQLQJ E\ GRLQJ DQG LQFUHDVH \RXU VHOI FRQͤGHQFH

Who is the programme for? All executives involved in projects of any type across a wide range of industries. This programme is appropriate regardless of your role in the organisation. What your organisation will gain: Organisations that invest in developing project management and people skills together are much more likely to develop the culture of success which is essential for survival in the developing economic climate.

What you will gain from this programme • Learning what it takes to build and work in a team. • Understanding others and how they see you. • Discover the anatomy of projects. • A comprehensive understanding of how SODQQLQJ DQG ͤQDQFLDO PDQDJHPHQW works. • Gaining and keeping control of the work. • Knowledge of contract styles. • Greater self-awareness. • How to respond in challenging situations. • Developed communication and presentation skills. • Understanding why collaboration is a key business skill.




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