Alcalá View 1987 3.9


taining contact with all sec- tors of the University community that may be impacted by the incidence of AIDS or related condi- tions . A member of the committee will be desig- nated to remain current on all AIDS information and keep the committee and appropriate University sec- tors informed. 2 . A community-wide educa- tional program will b e e stablished by Student Affiars to provide health and human sexuality infor- mation . Th is program is intended to inform all sec- tors of the University com- munity including resident students. commuters. grad- uate students. employees, facu lty. staff. administra- tion. trustees and in te r- ested alumni. The program will be designed to dissemi- nate information on an on- going basis to all sectors of the community. Commu- n ity populations at high risk will. as identified. be targeted on a priority basis. The University will seek to provide, on a regular basis, a ppropriate. accurate . timely and sensitive infor- mation with the inten tion of disp e lling fea r an d prejudice. 3. As a case of AIDS or related conditions is iden tified. it will be evaluated by the Committee on AIDS on the circumstances unique to its incidence. Determination of University response to each case will be ma de on princi- ples of flexibility. sensitiv- ity. simplicity and carefu l concern for the welfare of both the individual involved a nd the la rger University community. Dec ision s about University response will be the result of thor- ough eva luation of ea c h separate case of AIDS or rela ted conditions. 4. Membership of the Com- mi ttee on Aids shall be the Vice President for .S I• :·!C'nt Affairs, who will ch.t., Lhe committee. the Director of Hum a n Resour c es. th e Director of the I lealth Cen- ter. th e Director of Resi- dence Life. the Director of

says, giving them a central location to eat. play pool, lis- ten to music or watch television. Goldman , whose official title is conference assistant, operates out of a small office in the Mission Crossroads administrative building . She relies upon word-of- mouth advertising to attract clients. She's aided by a staff of two students during the academic year, answering phone and letter inquiries, arranging campus tours for interested groups, and working out details con- cerning housing , meeting space and meals. In the summer, her staff jumps to nine students. who take day-to-day supervisory responsibility for the vari- ous conference attendees. This summer that staff will include students Liz Dias, Kathy DiTomas o, Joe D uarte, Laur a Fre- derick, Sharie Johnson, J eff Lake , A n tonieta Manriquez, Lisa Oberly and Sheri Washle. Goldman says she often hears grumbling when the conference season begins because some regular Uni- versity employees object to the visitors. She wants employees to rem ember the jobs created in housekeep- ing. dining and other sup- port positions because of the conferences. not to men- tion the money and expo- sure the visitors bring to the University. "We're trying to do all the littl e thi n gs that k ee p peopl e happy," s h e says , " and we appr ec iate a ll t he su p por t we r ece ive fro m e m pl oyee s ac ross campus." • Alcala View is published mon thl y Augu st through May by the Publicalions and Human Resources offices. Th e n ewslette r is distrib- uted to all Univers ity of San Diego employees.

USD's AIDS policy estab- 1is hes the need for a University-wide education program and contains guidelines that will be used when responding to known occurrences of the disease or its related conditions among community members. University of San Diego Policy on AIDS & Related Conditions Acquired Immunodefi- ciency Syndrome (AIDS) has been ide ntifi ed as a threat to the general popu la- tion of the United States. AIDS-Re lated Complex (ARC) has been isolated as a lesser form of AIDS which may or may not progress into a full case of AIDS. HIV, whi ch is the AIDS virus. infects still other apparently health individuals who may never contract AIDS yet are capable of infecting others. AIDS and these related conditions make it neces- sary for the University of San Diego to have a policy that can b e emp loyed to respond to the needs for educating the Univers ity community about the AIDS threat and for responding to known occurrences of the disease or its related condi- tion s a mong community m embers. To respond to t he AIDS t hreat the University of San Diego establishes the fo llow- ing policy: I. A Committee on AIDS will be des igna ted to becom e educa ted on the medical. legal. personal-communal a nd ethical-moral iss u es associa ted with AIDS a nd re la ted conditions. This comm ittee is responsible for becomin g knowledge- able about AIDS and main-

Kathi Goldman

facilities? The pe r person charge is $34 a day for a dou ble occupancy room, three meals. meeting space. p ar king a nd u se of th e Spo rts Ce nte r . ex pl a ins Goldma n in her bes t sales- woman's voice. "And we can us ua lly pro- vi de w h at e ve r extras a group need s. like catered meals or special room set- ups," she adds. The Uni ver- sity Center will be a big help in making visitors fee l com - for tabl e on campus, she

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