Alcalá View 1993 9.11

Department of the Month Media Center

USO Job Opportunities You can read about USO job opportunities in the following loca- tions: career services, Copley Library, human resources, Law School administration, Legal Research Center, physical plant, Sports Center, University Center and the bulletin boards located near rooms F114, 0329, CH337. In addition, job information is listed on USD's 24-hour Job Line at ext. 4626, (off-campus 260-4626). For more information call Patrick Noma at ext. 8761. New Hires, Promotions Welcome to the following employ- ees who recently joined the USO community: Marta Godinez, clerical assistant, controller; Georgia Gordon, faculty secretary, Law School admin- istration; Jeffrey Graham, data pro- cessing assistant, academic comput- ing; Christine Hilinski, receptionist, admissions; Sharon Lainas, clerical assistant, controller; Susan (Martinez) Manard, administrative secretary, public relations ; Patricia O'Neill, exec- utive assistant, development; Pamela Reynolds, receptionist, admissions; Juan Carlos Rivera, unit leader, main dining room; Sister Alicia Sarre, sac- ristan , campus ministry; Laura Skates, administrative secretary, Law School administration; Eric Wildman, clerical assistant, controller; Jacob Younger, electrician, building maintenance. Passages Births A boy, Myles Michael, to Lynne Morris, clerical assistant, physical plant, and her husband, Michael, on June 22. Winner Eric Zacharias, 4-year-old son of Fred lacharias, professor, School of Law, and his wife, Sharon, won the junior hog- calling contest at the Del Mar Fair on July 4. Young Eric competed on two weekends against 30 youngsters up to age 16. Eric received a free T-shirt and a trophy engraved with the words "Del Mar Fair Hog Calling Champion 1993."

The telecommunications staff includes : (front row from left to rig/it) Jolin Frazer, David T iedeman , Margi Peoples, Kris Andrysiak; (back row from left to rig/it) Kevin Galbraith , Doug Staib, Joey Garcia , Carl Boals. (Not pictured: T essie Camina, Janet Finney.)

1. Where is your department located? The Media Center is located in the northeast corner of Maher Ha ll's first floor, with offices off the main corridor. 2. What are the functions of your depart- ment? The Med ia Center is broadly charged with supporting the unive rsity's instruction- al funct ions. We prov ide instruct ional tech - nology support services in three majo r areas: audio visual (AV) software services - we have a permanent collect ion of more than 4,000 educational programs as well as a reserve co llection; classroom support ser- vices - we schedule fi ve in-center AV classrooms, support nine others, and oper- ate a hardware and software de livery system to eight AV storage areas; and AV software production services - we do photography, audio taping, and video recording of lec- tures and off- air/satellite programming. O ther functions include: employee develop- ment workshops; tra ining fo r effective use of instructional technology; equipment repairs; and maintenance of the Depart- ment of Fore ign Languages and Literature's language lab, the School of Business Administration 's behav iora l lab, and the School of Law's video recording and play- bac k sys tems.

3. What is the biggest challenge your department faces? O ur biggest challenges include keeping up with the rapid changes in technology, growth in demand for service, and USD's phys ical growth with its addit ional build- ings, rooms, keys , etc., which have a service impact on the Med ia Center. 4. How has your department changed over the past 10 years? About the only things that haven't changed are our service orientation as a department of Copley Library and our loca- tion. In 1983-84 we had e ight employees filling six pos itions. T oday, we h ave 10 peo- ple in 9.5 pos it ions. Until about 10 years ago, academic comput ing was housed in the Med ia Center, and we had some responsi- bility for compu t ing operations. 5. What is the one thing you would like the campus community to know about your department and its functions? You would probably ge t 10 different answers from our 10 employees. The bot- tom line is ca ll us to find out how we can help you.

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