News Scrapbook 1969-1971

Japanese, 82, Works Hard For Democracy In Nation

A·G Ca B Catholics

o·li ptist

BOOK News From, Associations - T~ S-:'r··n:,

e mphasis

"lational Cit>' Fire Department "Headquarters Station i6th St. and D Ave, at1onal City will b open lo th~ public· from 10 am to 4 p.lT'. tomorrow observing all nal Fire S~rv1ce Rrl'- ogn1tion Da} \ rious acltv1hes are planned to acquaint the with th fire department and its ,duties, ,accor?ing to A Bgo chaptc of ittle People of Amenca will spon- sor a potluck picnic toMorro-.y from 1 to 5 p rn at Santee Lake. All littl p ople and th ir families ar~ 1nv ted to attend. Downtown YMCA Offers Scuba Diving Course TI-I.' Downtow, YMCA 11: ill offer a co r~ in scuba diving 111 meet Tuesrlay an1 Tiiursday , venmgs rom 7 to 10 p.rn at the Dov;nlo1rn YMCA, 115 Eighth Ave. Mesa College Assistant Deon Gets Post Jorn E Snyder, a istant dt'an of s•ud<'nb for guidance at San Diego 1e a Col cge has been cl t d pre 1dcnt of the Ome- ga Field Chapter of Pt !Jclla Kappa for the upcomirg year. He v. 111 succ ed J a Pnce. Nonsmoking Clinic Planned by Hospital Reradi e Valley llo pita! w,11 sponsor a four-day non smoking clinic begmmng Sunday. a('cording to William R. Robmson, ho'.;, pita! chaplam. The dime will meet daily. from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the l•osp1tal's conkrence room. r. Opdycke to Address Sta/par Club Sunday Dr. Jack D. begmnmg TuC'sda u1 d,;r the dirt•clion o' Hay ormier, 'ation- YMCA ertified ir true or. The cJ;iss of ftre eqwpment Los Conquistadores Elects New Board . . Los Cunqu1 tador capped. elected 111•v.


learn fst


ism, but that 1c theology of

But Rvland said all or Odox Ch stians share the Baptist tbot only God can take Ryland explained thls con- vi·e u such an initiative ccpt by way of ana ogy: a person breaks off a relabon- ship with another, only the lat• ter can take the initiative in re-establishing it because only . en he ran do the org1vmg. In the sa e way, only God can do the forgivrng and re-, e +ftbl!S"h the relationship be- twee 11 whi"ch man orginally severed with God. He doe this partly by o ering Jumself .... 1 Wh f . .

I f


obviously C


great ea ap I S. ac- cording to a Catholic professor rom f 1. · o Te 1g1on a San Diego. also thinks Dr. Raymond o. Ryland the ecumenical movement, of which the Cath- t th u · ·t f e mver I Y o


baptism must orre ate more closely with the renewed em- phasis on personal convers10n. On the i sue of sacraments, Catholics differ in two chief ..,, Ryland said Baptists and Baptists believe that Christ is only symbolically present i!i communion and other sacra- ments but actually present where believ rs congregate. tually p sent in both, said Catholics lieve he i ac-

olic church is a part, also has ways. not paid enough attention to the Baptist form of Christian-

ity ·

Rylru,d spoke ~t a recent sympos um on American Culture" a I ''B t· t ap 1s s m t B 1 av or ·











'i in

topic was

''Bapti I-Roman Ryla nd .

lief Outlined

to men through men s, acco m& t rd

the ~acra- to the Catho-

Catholic Dialogue: What Cath- olics Need to Hear."

He Sald Bapb s errc,neously bel ·1e•e tl,at Catholics belie\e a per on can obtam grnce the sacraments auto- three matically sin,ply by gomg • tli O


h ·

,ic c urc .

Items Li led


Difference o Ryland said Ba_µ is~s al~o tenacious adherence principle of l9ca1 church nu- to differ from thohcs m th{>ir

Ryland said Catholics need




things from the Baptists: f'ir t - The Baptist empha- sis on· the local church as a family of converted believers m10 are spiritually regener- Second - Baptist obj choos to the Catholic interpretation Third - The Baptist empha- sis on local church autonomy and opposition to any I) pe of of the sa amen! . ated af mg Chri t. genuinely accept-

through the ritual.

1 reahty, says Ryland, the Catholics belie\·e that while G makes himself available to everyone through sacra- ments, He does no truly Jx>.. come part of one's the individual genuin ly wants God through faith.


Conceding tha

the l\10 ar

shll far apart o this que he said there • a gr


e un~. s movement


the Catholic

hurch to center more respon- sibility on the local church. "We ru-e not agreed but we have far .J11ore m common than, e did a few years a 1 0 " ai.,;d,..,_""'""""...,._,_

He said


t ndcncy of

some Catholic theologians to stress Christ's obJective pr _ ence in communion partly ac- .,_h_e_s 90 counts for the vie Baptis have of the chuFCh's position. In an interview, Ryland said


tarting Point Told

Ryland thinks

the Baptist p is a logic-

empha is OB a trul converted

Bapli Catholic that by


accu e


church member

urch of teaching

al oing to the sacra- bst-Cathobc i:lialogue because ments men can take the in- 1t involves the basic queshon itiative in "getting back into of how one becomes a Chris- God's good graces " tian _....:_:::::=:::::::===~- When Baptists say they are ' others m Christ " says Ry- land, ey mean they have a tarting point for any Bap-

Saturday, May 9, 1970

common faith in Chri t, Cath- o!!cs, he said, would meaa ey have a common faith in Chri t plus a common bap- t1Sm. Baptists regard baptism as only a symbol of their faith. Ryland said that while the Catholic church has always taught the nece sity of person• al faith and commitment, it is emphasizing this even more so today. Decree Explained Vatican Council II, said Ry- land, that o be true Catholics en must not only accept the church's doctrine but person- ally "po ss the spint of rist" as well Baptists pennit a person to be baptized only after he e- umably is mature enough. to make a genuli e commitment to Cbri t. Ryland said Catholics could profit by re-examining the Baptist and their ov.n pos1hon on baptism Epba lie id it's unlikely the Catholic church v.lll s n aban- Law Student Asks Paving In S~nP.).~o A l mversitv ol 'an 6ie~o law student yesterday urged I e City CoUDcil to pend mJnicipal fun for pa mg 18 miles of unimproved treet, and ide- walk m ou 1east San Diego. The tudent, hchael Harris, a1..! pov rty m the area and ab- .entce 011-11er hip o property hampers normal procedures un• der which paving 1s financed by asse ment of propertv owners. The old approach to m1prov- ing 1dewalks and treets. at least as it pertain, to Southeast San Diego. 1~ not a viable meth- od, 'HarrL said LACK FU D ' The res1den the area lack funds \\ 1.h which to im- prove their o 111 streets.·• He said absentee owners who can afford to pay are sometime re- luctant to sign petitions in favor of creating as,es:ml'nt districts. Harri aid he and another law studen pent four months m estigating problems of the area He said another problem relat d to streets is that the city has a policy against repair- ing unpa1 ed ·trcets. 6 \IILLIO. . "EEDED Fede al lode! Cities funds a\ ailable for ,II eel work 111 Southeast a Diego amount to only 300,000 according to Harn He :;ai

LIGION Cl rics To Address Ecumenical Event


D1!'go 25 years was on the staff of the .._;;.;.,;.;.;;;.;;:......._ _.........,._ San Die o OJunty Probatrnn De- will be Cmdr parta,ent He has been a certi- nfl Id, a , av; fled couns or in family, mar- d at larine rtage and juv mle problems , Depot, ~v - . 1 n, In lructor of more than 30 ears: _He 1s a reh ml tuu s at th umver- m mber of the Pac1flc South s,ty, and the Rev. o T. we t A sociat10n, Amencan '.\!cWilli m pastor of • It Baptist Convention Sma1 Baptist Chur h fter a pan I discu ion be,

tween the pe kers, there will be a que lloi•and,answer perl- J The Stlllpar Chmr will smg to conclude the program The club Is an organization of smglc r widowed Catholics, 35 y ars Id and older. The R V Mr Canfu,(d has been a member of U-e a , Chaplalll Corp sin e 1953. He holds a bachelor of d1vm1ty de- gr e in pastoral psychology from San Fran 1cso Tbeolog1cal coun l'hng at San Die •o State Father Dolan v1tl' chairman of the San D1l'go Roman Catho- lic Diocese ecumenical Commis• semim1ry and tudying for a ucational master' d • rec In

olk ·Mass, Biblical Opera, an ata Highlight.!J.~,.grams A folk 'Mass, a cantata based An assistant mustc professor Adventist Church, 2701 E. on medieval songs and an opera at USD, Williams also 1s direc- Eighth St., Nehonal City, will, recounting the Biblical story of tor of the Naval Training Center offer a 35-minute program of sa- Noah will he among musical Bluejacket Choir. cred instrumental music at '11 programs presented by religious CREATED L"l 1936 a.m. next Saturday by the "Mu- organizations this and next O ff Ge sicisti," a teenage high rthooJ: · weekend. r • a rman_ composer, group, and ..The Camarata," a D .d Y t· ·1 . t d crea~ed the cantata m 1936 from subteen ensemble. Both groups av1 , an 1s, gm ans an medieval Latin and German · · · composer will lead congrega- . 1 . d . U are from Pacific Umon College t10nal singing of his sacred-type composi ions ioun m an ~per Preparatory and Elementary f lk d . " - Bavan~n monastery. The title, schools and Adventist college at o songs urmg a mass spon ·'Carmma Burana " means • ' • sored by the Christi~n F_amily "'Songs of Bcnedict~uern.., 1-,An -.:g:..w_m..;,_c_a_li_f.____ _ _. Movement at 6:30 tomght m S~- The Benjamin Britten opera,

Science 1s Topic ClubSpeec 1

II Dcmllcrat1c candid~tes and all candidates fir non- part15an of icC' ha\ 1 been in, vited to a meeting c he nitcd Commm l Deirocrat- lC Club from 3 to 5 p m. Satur- day at Joh on Bap•B-Q, 3 st St and Impcria Ave . A R. Reed , club pr 1dcnt, has an- nounced Chief Deput) Sheriff Warren Kanags, a candidate for her- if will peak at a IDPPling of Am,·ets Po t 35 at 7 p rn. Sat- urday at 3725 ~0th ~t .Jim 'Bear a candidate for the 4th Distp1c:t seat on the cmw.•v Board o Supen 1sors, ,di speak to a sen or cit zens reception a hi~ home, 2865 Stale t at 5 p.m S; turdav. State Sen. Clair ". Bur- gener, R-San Diego w11 speak to the :\If. Oajon Republican Women's Club a: 7 pm. Sat r- day at the El Cajon Women's Club, Gillesp1r Field, m Cajon. City Cnuncilmao :\~ Schaefer, a candidate for dis- trict attorn y. will peak to thP. Independ~nt Democrats for Action at City C'.ollege at noon tomorrow and 10 the Col- lege Republican Wc-nen at 9 30 a.m. fr1dav at 5932 Hen- ley Drin'. · Schaefor announced the ap- pointment of Cot Irving Salo- mon as honoran l'hairman of his campaign.· and lawyer- businessman Guv Hatfield as hi• general r.impa1gn chair- man. Jack l onald was r.amed finance r airman. ;;• s.


cred Heart Roman Catholic "Noye's Fludde" Noah's flood) Church hall, 42nd Street a nd Or- will be presented by a cast of 70 ange A_venue. . . at 8 p.m. next Friday and Satur- Yanhs, whose compos1hons,day and again on May 17, in St. are heard on the phonograph Paul's Episcopal Church Ji'ifth rrcording, "There's a New Wmd Avenue and Nutmeg Stre~t. R]OWl ·n• ·• w·111 discuss "The Fu- ' . . Phillip Green baritone and ture of Music m Church Ser- Beverly Green,' contralto: will vices." • smg the roles of Noye and Mrs. l.iSD PRESENTATION Noye, respectively, as they did The cantata, "Carmina Bur- in performances of the opera in ;ma." by Carl Orff, will be 1967 al La Jolla United Presby- presented at 3 p.m tomorrow in terian Church. Cniversity of San Diego ~heater Michael Chamberlain will 6y the 50-voice \lmvers1~y speak as the Voice of God. Cnorus, with Dr. John A. \Vil- Noye's three sons and their Iiams directing. wives, animals and birds all will Baritone Alan Pitt and tenor be represented in the produc- Ron Xelem will be guest artists. tion, to be directed by Howard Both are members of the San Don Small, St. Paul's music di- Diego Opera Company and have rector, who also conducted the sung "Carmina Burana" roles. La Jolla presentations. Mary Ann Capps, Dolores VARIED INSTRUMENTS Humes and Linda Ursino, sopra- An orchestra of string in- nos. will ~e soloists, Mars~a struments, handbells, recorders, Long and ~,cholas Reveles, p1a- trumpets, percussion in- msts. . . strumenls, piano and organ will A solmst last year with San provide accompaniment. Sally Diego Yollth Symphony, Reveles Stutz, who directed staging of is seminarian at St. F~ancis the 1967 performances, will be Seminary here and a semor at stage director for "Noye's USO. Lloyd ~orJe, also a USD Fludde." student, will be the timpanist. Valley• Seventh-Day

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