News Scrapbook 1969-1971
SUMMER TRIP~:..._ 2 Stude:itf )v • Bicycling To New York Two students from LSD have left for . 'ew York City - on bicycles John Gallo, 19, of 3430 Ang- 1\m Dnvc and Aaron Horton, 18, of 2980 Epaulette St., both sophomore's at lJSD, are pe- daling their way across the continent as emissaries of the City of San Diego and USD They are carrying letters of lntroductwn from J\luyor Cur- ran and the ost Rev. Leo T. :.!'a her, b1st op of the Roman CaU,ohc 010cc e of San Diego. The e letters wili be delivered to Ma:r r John Lmdsa, of_ ·ew York and Terenre ·cardinal Cook, archb1 hon of New York The boys. both camping and cycling enthusiasts, will com- bine the t o activities o their 1 journey hat will take the ummer to complete. Th y I n to travel north, .ip the co to ada. tJ•,e cycle ea t ontirient to ewY
PEAKS ou:r UCLA's A11ti-R01-,C J)c1nonslratio11: Wl1at ·were the R igl1t · a11cl Wro11gs'? T i• na11 e or rhctnri< al to 1, 11 hy onlv demon~trators were a !'t led in connection th, . pE'Ople h,11" L<'en
Pttinf: a liat·g.,in fo1 thc11· money \\'hat c-riti!"i ·m there is of the en ice (and you hate to look hard to find it) i • di1 cd<'d to tlle point that lht' British do not spend as muc:h as they ·houltl on health! 1'he ~e1-vice was designed aq a way ol' meeting Driti. h needs, not as a threat to the '\ MA. Americans who go 1 o Britain and rc- C"eive excellent care at little or no per onal co. t !ind they Jrnve been deludrd for years. Incidentally the final cost of the health :;ervire pro rated to evE'ry man, woman and <"11ild in Britain in it fir t year of operation '!fl to 'Hl ll'as ::;o cents per w<'ek. Today it is I ,O'. (Ours inflated oix time ). l,YELY M..JOH 'sl'O. 1,; Si< 1Ta Madre Jt Hight---! ThP 1•11in•r,1t_v o( San l>i go i nftr 1 r-on fu 1•t! with lhc Univcr~1ty of ('· lilornia at '-ian Diego. Ohviously vour lwadl111t wnte1· "l_lC San Dici;o:s Stability Pra1. cd" (ilfay. :)0) did the >'ame. \ ears ago when 1 ( SD was be- ing named, liSD made i.trrnuous pleas fo1· it to be 11am d, correctly, LC La Jolla, but to no ;n ilil. nut a the c·ampus that remained l b'c t1,11_rin all the recent campus di ·upti• 11, I ~I) 1 rather proud of it nar1icu :i1· d.iim , ·ith the l"iolen( e at l CLA' nOTC ce:rcmo• me~ Sunday? lt 1s from I om· sto1 y, a.~ well as films of tJ,e incident-though not the commenta ie ..1.hat accompanied them on lo- 1·al TV!-that 1t wa the rlPmon trators who were attacked by angry , pcctalors. Has disturbmg the peacP become a p:ra1 rr offense than a sault7 And if violence in pur- suit of virtue is no\ ic<', ,, hat ma · we all PX• pect from the young , ·ho ha\"e suffered o much from a war they h, tc m1, fear? TllO.I\S, 'J!\GEH ()('f'iln iilc l • ,faron Horton. left, and John Gallon. U~D • tudcnt ·, :eft Thursda\ on a (To~~·"Otmtr · bi C' y c I e trip •to • cw A SUMMER'S TRIP I. /11 /70 2,500 BAIL Iden ify Stu cker Of Pot·ce an gave unsatisfactory answers to his questions. 2 tudents Start Pedaling To New York Via Can da Research grant SAN DIEGO ence L Steb F The Clar- has awarded ;~500ound~tion Agnes Schmi to Sister ch('misfry a/• ,Profess'!r of In so::/~{ l~f trace pu a!ory enzyme The grant i f s. s or _the pur.' equipment to bsoph1st(cated work. " u~ed in her chase of J blty or San 01 :e Umver. to en- her r('- ie res. able her to contlngo, search into th te metaJs (Continued 1 Reichle attempted to subdue the defendant with chemical . lace but failed and was dis- armed and throw to the ground. w ,tnesses aid the de- f ndant took Reichle's service revolver and emptied the car- tridges from 11 When the officer attempted to retrieve 1\, a second scuffle occurred at which time Hall camC' upon the scene and wrestled. o down. , ·ason cur d at )lunicipal Court Jud e Po s Tharp dur- ing arraignment proceedings Wedne day. The defendant was taken to court in re- straints and was given a July 6 prehmmary hearing date. A bail review hearing is set for Monday. They plan to cook all the1r meals, buying food on the way. They have set aside about 1.000 for food and ex- penses. They will camp at state and federal camp sites along the way. . Training for such a long Journey is essential. but John an~ Aaron have not had any lraimng since they cycled to Los Angeles over the Christ- m:is holidays. "Bo of us had our bike~ ~lolen hortly after 11.e f<'- turncn from that trip ... said John. "We were onl , recently able to bu} new one. • Th~y plan to lake it easv for the first few days to get m shape. Their first stop will be San Clemente. Later they hop to a,-erage between 75 _and 100 miles per day, depend- mg on the terrain. When asked why they chose ~e~· ~ork as the focal point of their Journe}, John replied . ''I gue s I've all\ays wanted to go lo the 'Big City'." Both have relatives in the East and they plan to • it them on their journey ' Funding f()(" the journey came from USD and individ- ual sa~ mgs. The boys \\,II act a · in mmants for the nivers1ty In Canada. We are gom to lmnd ou )eaflets to the Canadians tell- mg them about our schoo ," aid John return They plan to disassemble their bicycles and fly home '"Th" trip across will take us all summer and we both have to he hack for school in Seplem• ber,"' said John. As for plans for permission to cycle through Camp Pendleton on their jour- ney north The onlv highway _hrough h camp is· Interstate ~- Freeway do not allow bi- cy Jes "We each have light-weight, I 0- peed tourmg bicycles equipped with addl bags 10 ~tow our gea " .said John. We are takmg one change of rlothm , sleepmg bags and 8 · al! kerosene tovP." t ACCENT ON CLUBS USD Auxilia;y-, 0 To Visit Countr e-,..(~ T-•~ ,. ',. Stans to give USD address SAi\' DIEGO - officially respon ·,bie for the population census of 200 mill ion Americans will give graduating students of the University of San Diego the commencement address Friday. Secretarv - of Commerce :'.laurice H'. Stans w!II arrive in San D,ego from Washington, D C. Thursday to present the address at the 17th annual graduation ceremonies of the university's undergraduate colleges and School of Law. Before an anticipated 3.000 persons at the Civic Theater, more than 350 students will receive their degrees. The man A_ search for a n~w um:I ~u !~r:~i: b~~r~f{t h F_at!\er William c ~1r1~111 of the philoso hv Shipley, °C ego. ~I , .. g~f repr •ents all ~ction 1p apM~mbfer.s of thf c·ommittee, rom Bishop Maher, Fox and Father Slupley are· Mrs. Roy Fitzgerald USD ar eJ°fio~ Jnf;~if.+.~!ilia~mpSuhs c 1 omm~m,t~,'~ er . ~t m- of trustees, admrn1stra• chairman of the College fo; the Bank of America ey. It ude1 Women Board of Truste"s acu 1 l 1 ty and s-tude?ts:• . ' . . "· the urren Y servmg in deparan¢it at USD, has b~en top admmistratl,;e positions During the past two years tru5tee, Dr. Amta Figueredo, elected c:hairman of a new are _Msgr. John ~- Baer as u1_11f1~ahon of the separate in- C_ollege for Wom~n trustee: committee established by th preSident of th.e uSD College slltuhons ~n the campus has Siste~ Nancy Morns, adm boards of trustee5 of the Um- for ~f~n and School of Law, been achieved in academic lr~o~, Msgr. John E. Baer, ad- v~ty and San Diego Collcge I and Sister Nancy !orris, RS- and student affairs, and al! mm1strator; Prof. Jose h for Women to ~eek a lop ad-i CJ, presldeht of the College classes are coeducational. Brock, law school adm·m ra• " ministrator for the coordinate for Wom_e1_1. · The committee . '· . tor; _Dr. Ernest Mo1,n, faculty; colleges and school of law. Ex off1.e10 members of the· prospective candidat~!11 ;r:ek f Frank ~ngr~l~t, law The committee·held its first f~m1;1t~ hare i~e Most Rev., presidency and report o,.,ilf; ~;'ii ~ip faslu~y, t f1lham _R. meetmg Sunday. ''The com- Diigo.' ,;.h~ 1~\ha\~f n°Jr i~r~at~~ PJh~\e according tion•: and .~e~~raharc~::J~ USD associated students - . . P ey · ,r ./ A~xirtcTry Pldris V ·Day in Country The University of San Diego Women's Auxiliary will hold its "Day in the Country" on Sun- day, June 28, at Char-Neil Too, the S. Falck Nielsol'I ranch in Japatul. Highlight will be a catered barbecue dinner at 5:30 p.m. Among scheduled activities are volleyball, horseshoes, croquet, shuffle-board, darts, archery, swimming and jeep rides . Dr. and Mrs. Robert Simons are co-chairmen of the event with Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen a~ hosts. Mrs. Harold Tebbetts of Point Loma is president of the auxiliary. Further information may be obtained by calling Mrs. Frank O'Connor, 276-2299. t 1..n._,,..,_~-""&2--'--"'~(...:... ""V>-c...2-0=:_· ·_,_· '...:•["----"/'-'/'-'.'-')'-'=cJ'--____ Page 7 Regional Meeting Set ~Y..,~~~l!!Y.,,~~~~T.,?.~~" ticipate in' a regional Christian Family Movement conference Saturday and Sunday, June 27-28, at Boney Hall, on the Califor- nia Western campus of the United States International Univer- sity here. '- -~,. 70 • I because of his outspoken crit- icism of that country's racial segregation policies. Convention chairmen will be Dick and Dori Six. John and Betsy Winters, presideirt- COllf'!e oi the San Diego Fed- eral.ion, will greet the delegates and Father William Moouey will give the invocation . Further information and reg- istration blanks may be obtained from Bob and Janet Lini, 5668 Camber Drive, San Diego, or call 277-9435. The public is invited. Theme of the meeting will be "The Family Faces Revolu- tionary Change," with Rev. Richard McKenna of the New Adult Community here as key- noter. The meeting also will in- clude workshops on "Social Revolution, and the Family," a Saturday dinner and enter- tainment, and a Sunday ecumenical service with an address by Episcopal Bishop Edward Crowther. The bishop was expelled a few years ago from his South African diocese s h I r s -, ,
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