News Scrapbook 1969-1971

REPORT CARD School and Youth Notes

Barrio culture topic • IS SAN DIEGO The Uni- versity o( San Diego will offer a ten-day workshop on the cullure of the ba rrio with the assistance of the local Mexican . Amer lcan community. Tht> workshop, from June 8-19, will be under the direction ot local Mexican. American architect Henri Jacot and USO sociologist Janet Jensen. The course Ir. "barrlology, " ac~ording to Miss Jensen, will ex- pose Its particlpants to all phases ot a ctivity In the lo- cal Mexican - Ameri can neighborhoods, or barrios. The workshop Is b Ing of• fered to the general public either as a crrdlt or non- credit course. The course ls " Barrio Mexican-Amer- ican Cullur,., " sociology 136. Thr<'e units of credit will be given. The work- shop sessions will run eight hours a day for the ten days. Some of the plans include visiting, obs<>rving, and working with the Mexican, Americans In their places of buslne s, recreation, so- cial agencies and com- munity meetings. All ac- tivities have been arranged th rc-ugh the USO Mexican- American Advisory Com, mlttee, whos e members come from the local com- munity leadership. The program Is of spe- cial significance to the San Diego community, J acot said. The Mexican . Amer, lean minority Is the larg- est mlnorlty group In the area and in lhe San Diego Catholic Diocese 50 per cent c;f the Catholic pop- ulation at more than 400,- 000 are of that descent, ac- cordin~ to director J acot.

J ames R. Coulon, a University High School freshman repre- senting the l\11ssion Valley Optimists ub has been named San Diego district winner in the Optimists' Internalional Speech Con• test His speech, •·Youth - Full Partner in a Better Tomor- row," will be pre ·cnted in final competition June 26 al UCLA. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coulon of 4370 Coronado A\'c. Point Loma. Alumni to Meet San Diego area alumni from Villanova University will meet

r dinn r Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Scotty's World, 3595 Sports Mena Blvd. Chairman for the event is Francis P. Duffy of 5488 Adams Ave. Tea Honors Teacher )!rs. Helen Nicholson, Pete W. Ross Elementary School teacher, will be honored at a farewell tea tomorrow from 2:30 to 4;30 p.m. in the school auditorium, 7470 Bagdad St. Parents, former students and staff members are invited to the tea, sponsored by the school's Parent-Teacher Asso- ciation. USD Gets Grant The University of San Diego has bren awarded $1.500 by the Clarence L. Steber Foondation


New Editor Named for Newspaper

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fer d he gene al public a credit er non-credit "Barrio Mexic 'Il Am rican Cult ure, ' Sociology 136. Three units of crrd1 will be given. The workshop se 1 ns will run tc ght h ur day for the te"' d y ~. v.~ 1·1•'() ith course. The course i to

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for an qw)l b) Siste~ Ag nt-grant program for research to be conducted Schmit, professor of che_mistry. The grant will be used m tracing the pathways of chemicals in a plant system and to help train students. Poway _Teacher N~med English Program Judge Mrs. Diane !\I Austm of Po11 ay High School has been appoint- ed a regional Judge for tbe National Council of Teachers of l!:nglis~ Ach· vement Awards Program for 1970, which recog- ~12e high sc_hool semor for excellence in Engl' . The council lS a profcs 10nal, nonprofit organization of English teachers from primary • des through gra uat school Publisher fo Presen t Writers Seminar Edith Bo_ut" Fr ct£'r, editor and pubhshe: of lhe California Semor Clliz n ·s, ~ill present a writer minar Friday from JO a.m. to4 p.m. at.Chr1St Church Unity 'J777 Altadena St A nig t session v.ill be held from 7 to 10 p.m. ~t Ben Polak Fin~ Arts Center, 8053 t;nl\erS11y Ave., La . fosa. The program will feature lecture , rolDld•table dJScu SJons, workshop sessions and question and answer per ods. "'~,~ -1• t



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Mexican-American architect Henri Jacot and USD sociologist Janet Jensen. The course in "barriology," according to Miss Jensen, will expose its par• ticipants to all phases of ac- tivity in the local Mexican- American neighborhoods or barrios. The workshop is being offered to the general public either as a credit or non-credit course. The course is "Barrio Mexican American Culture," Sociology 136. Three units of credit will be given. The sessions will run eight hours a day. Some of the plans include visiting, observing, and working with the Mexican- Americans in their places of business, recreation, social agencies and community meetings. All activities have been arranged through the USD Mexican°American Advisory Committee, whose members come from the local communi- ty leadership. Mexican-Americans comprise the largest minority group in the a rea, but in the San Diego diocese 50 per cent of the Catholics are of that descent, according to director Jacot.

The University of San Diego will offer a 12-day workshop on the culture of the barrio with the assistance of the local Mex- ican-Ame rican community, from June 8-19 The workshop will be under the direction of prominent local

Educator To Spea at USO Theatre



I),)Jphins have b n traced through sea where th pre . enc_e of man wollld change their ~atterns of travel. In- formation transmitted from their bodies will open new avenues of knowledge, for the new men of science like John Costello.

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