News Scrapbook 1969-1971



Palm Trees Blessed for 9 Missions (Contmiudfrompage 1) asked that God bless "our three intrepid astronauts." Spoke in Spanish Before concluding the Arch• bishop said a few words in Spanish for those of Spanish and Mexican descent at the cross ceremony and ended with "Viva Espana." "Viva!" replied the crowd, "Viva America!" Dedicated in 1913, the 28-foot Serra Cross marks the site where Father Serra first planted his own crude wooden cross to found his first mission. A flower wreath was placed at the foot of the symbolic cross by Flora Riera, tour leader of a 25- member group of Spaniards who capie from Mallorca, wher Father S~rra was born, to j oin in the bicentenary celebra Uons. The Mallorcan delegation, which also marched in the trek, was headed by Dr Antonio Bauza, Mayor of Petra, who heads the Centre Museum of Petra and the Association of Friends of Father Junipero Serra. Archbishop Furey had visited Mallorca last October and in- vited island citizens to come lo San Diego for its bicentennial.

Science Group AirlsSchools •JI When ACTS was started earlier this year, one of its goals was the formation of a pur- chasing pool for s cience equipment for the 13 member high schools and the University of San Diego. The purchasing pool is a , reality, said Edward Warren, chairman of the USD College for Men physics department. "The purchasing pool is an attempt to use our purchasing power wisely and the pool has brought immediate savings of 10 to 15 per cent to the. mem- bers.'' , ___________ _ !;

ARCHBISHOP APPLAUDED - Members of the staffs of the San Diego chancery office applaud Most Rev. Francis J. Furey after he read a farewell card in Spanish given to him at the informal reception honoring the new Archbishop of San Antonio, Texas. He also received a gift which he opened after reading the card aloud. He described the modern,st,c missal stand he received as "1roovy." Tributes Paid I 011tmuedfrom page l> today 11 · Abraham's wa many years ago.'' rchbishop Archbishop Furey concluded by turning to part of Pope John Ill'· last will and testament, 'Love one another, my

Sh added that th!' scientific and knowledgeable world of today wluch hn cnt a m n to the moon "n xi this example of unfultenng, unwavering, unshakeable fo1th. God has askt•d our Bishop to give us this example and he has re sponded." 1b te to the Archb1 hop In Sp msh, w1 h• m11 him God peed and c1tmg h1 · services in behalf of Mex, can mcncan In r pondmg to Ute farewell program, Archbishop Furey quipped that ht• had to "pinch hims If a coup! of tim " to make ure th • pcakers wer not talking about someone el ·e ed that h could not have don anytlung without th great cooperation or pn Hchgwus and people of diocese. "Uni th Lord builds the Mr. Marty, who wa th fir t student l!SD, gave bot\Y president at lie str Sa11 r>,ego. A lol\g, long time ·igo, p r haps 4,000 years ago or mor , in a land lymg ea t o the Mediterranean and north of the P rsian Gulf, U1ere lived a remarkable leader of men named Abram, or Abraham, as we know him H1 hfe was pleasant 111 this land, where he enjoyed the t m and rt-spec!, the love and fellowship of his many faithful fnencb. To this mspiring leader of men came an unmistakeable call to leav this country which he knew so well, this land he loved to call his home, these people he led with ·uch love and care, and to go forth into a land unfamiliar to him and to do a work unknown to him. n w r d with Faith Abraham answered this clear call with faith . He believed m the word that had come to him, and he believt..'CI m the One who spoke the word. Though the message was hard to bear, his faith, his belief u tained him and earned h1tn on his way. He did not "dally with doubt" or find an excuse to forget whole affair. lie heard the call, he believed, he responded. Abraham lived his hfe in just this way, God spoke, Abraham heard, believed, acted. Today, 4,000 years after Abraham we see the same staunch and beautiful faith m one we know, a leader we respect and esteem, a lather and friend, whom we love and admire, lie too has received a call, he too has responded because he, ltke Abraham, believes He believes m the word he has received. He ~:d,tor's Note text of speech delw er France Danz, R.SCJ farewell f1111ctw11 the trustees of the Urw ollowmp is d by oth tlie po,u rrd. by ity of

children, and seek what unites you, not what separates you." People Sing And at the end, the Arch- bishop called out "So long, not goodbye," in different tongues. Then t <'rowd stood to sing for the rchb1shop the famed ·Eyes of Texas Are Upon You." Music was provided by the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Band. Also taking part in the program were the Marine Corps Color Guard and the Bishop's Boys Choir which sang a panish hymn, "Come, Christians, Join and Sing." The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Brian Riley, president of the USD Associated Student Body. Among the first in a receiving line to bid the Ar- chbishop farewell was Sister Lambm, 89, retired from the USD College for Women, who now makes religious vestments for priests,

S a n Dil•go. Bi. hop Furey leaves Aui::-. 5 for San Antonio, whc1 e he will be inst alied t hr nc t da v ns SUC'('CSSOI' to retiring Ard1hishop .John E. Luc:cy.

R :OEPTIO . -1\Ir . l\!ary O'Toole bids far \ t>ll 1o the Most Rev. Fnrn- ds J. l<'urPy. bishop of the San Di- ego Roman Catholie Diocese, at re- ception ycsterdav at University of T~ '?-~/-tp


$75,000 Grant

A three-year, $75,000 grant to investigate the causes of some of man's most destruc- tive diseases has been award- ed to the San Diego Biomedi- cal Institute and the universi- ty of San Diego. The grant was awarded by the X a t i o n a I Institutes of e llh's diVIsion of allergies nq infectious diseases. he r e s e a r c h group will y tissue jury in diseases which involve cell immunity, according to Dr. William B.

lute. who is chief inves This type of ussue injury, Pincus said. is involwd with s e v e r a 1 diseases including

mo. lly

e ican

parish the diocese. "I want is

you to kn , ' he added, "that the most wonderful thmg about ourMcxica11American friends is their 'heartli'." • •

• • •

Nun Lauds Archbishop

how great is the hope to which He 1s calling you - the mag- mficence and splendor or the mheritance promi d to Christians - and }lo....- tre- mendous is the p · · avail- ab Ie to us who believe in God," the God of 'Abraham and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

believes in the One who has spoken that word. That same God who asked so much of Abraham has now asked much of J\rcbh1 hop-elect Furey. He i to go forth to a new land, leave his flock and his friends, and build a new following in response to a call, a call just as unmistakeable today as Abraham's was so many years ago The world we know today, July 20, 1969, this great scien- tific, knowledgeable world which has just put a man on the moon, needs this example of unfaltering, unwavering, un- hakeable faith God has asked our bishop to give us this example. He has responded. We admire this inspiring virtue and we are grateful for this lesson needed to increase our frail faith. Tends to Forget Today's world tends to forget these arresting words of Scripture: "This is the victory over the world, our faith." We forget that it is not enough to believe that God exists, but we must also respond to his word with a response that is wholehearted, willing, trusting and loving. And so we turn to our bishop and say m the words of St. Paul to the Ephesians: "Since, then. I heard of this faith of yours in the Lord Jesus and the practical way in which you are expressing it toward !low Christians, I thank God ntinually for you and I never ve up praymg for you; and this my prayer: That God, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ and the II-glorious Father, will •1ve you the spiritual wisdom rd the m ht to know more of 1m, that you may receive that lnner ilium nation of the Spirit which will make you realize





Research set for stndv of di!-ieaii-e Some of the n teries of man's most de tructive dis- eases may be understood a· the result of research at the San Diego Biomedical Re- search Institute and the Uni- versity of San Diego. A three-) Par project to be conducted al the institute and the umversit1 has received a $7,j.000 grant from lhe '\a- tional Institute of Healt:h's Di- vision of Allergies and Infec- tious Diseases. 1 he research !!l'oup will study tissue injury in diseases which involve tell irnmunil\·. said Dr. William B. Pincus. • ·'This type of tissue injury is active in several clinical diseases, such as cancer, mul- tiple sclerosis and rheuma- toid arthritis. It is also in- volved in rejection of grafts in animals and man, whether they be heart implants or skin grafts.'' be added.

Dr. W. Richard Comstock, as- OF:\f, w sociate profe r of religio teaching studies at the Universitv of Cali- leachi':g a fornia at Santa Barbara, is for:ms 1t takes, and the c~ange_s teaching a summer course at bemg call~ for at the Umvers1- lhe University of San Diego on ly of San Diego. theologies of hope m the 20th Century. Included in the course are works of Protestant theologians. like :\llottmann, and Catholics se on turgy, the

THE AMLRICAN TRADITIOJ\': A truly American sentiment recognizes the

Adult Indifference Perils 'Youth for Decency Rally'

like :\!arty and Chardin, as part of the growing interest in relat- ing Christian hopes to secular hopes for better humap isl• ence. The Rev. Warren Rouse,

LANE BELIEVES that $1,000 will cov- er a 11 expenses, but it might as well be $1 million. "It doesn't seein to look like a good in• vestment to the business people and adults," he said. The San Diego Up with People organi- zation has volunteered to provide sound equipment. Several popular local musi- cal groups have agreed to appear on the stadium stage. A program of student speakers has been arranged. "Our aim is to make smut and dope unacceptable in our schools," said Lane, a 1969 graduate of the University of San Diego Law School, "instead of seeing the responsible student rejected by campus society." The planned rally, he sa· has brought expressions of encouragement fr o m hundreds of students at area high schools and colleg . THE UNPER.L Ir\G l hem e of the messages, ane said, is rat ude that "I am not alon ." The ultimate goal of the organization, according to Lane. would be a perma- nent San Diego Youth for Decency Com- mittPe to ncour highe1 oral stand- ards ainon area youth. Gari and Tina ,Lane are disappainted by the lack of response on the part of an I<' o mJul , but not disheartened. THEY DESERVE the support of the community in a worthwhile endeavor that has been successful in other cities. If they don't gel it, San Diego must bear the shame.

HAS "DECENCY" BECOME a contro- versial subject in San Diego? A group of young people planning a "Youth for Decency Rally" at Balboa Stadium July 21 fear that it has. They fmd plenty of enthusiasm among high school and college students in their desire to overcome San Diego's title as "smut capital of the U.S." and to erase California's national image as a haven for pot smokers. It's only among their elders that they encounter resistance. "THE RALLY IS designed to show that the majority of San Diego youth is law- abiding and decent," said Gary Lane, chairman of the steering c o m m i t t e e planning the rally. Unfortunately, business p e op I e and school administrators have been suspi- cious. Lane said he and his wife, Tina, were rejected by several high school princi- pals in their request that the rally be publicized prior to the end of the school year on the grounds that the matter was •·too controversial." · Bu inessmen have been reluctant to commit themselves to financial support v. ithout assurance that other members of the bu ine..s community are participat- ing. Since the San Di~go City Co u n ci I agreed lo co-sponsor the rally , the group will not have to pay rent for the stadium. They will have to provide an insurance pa,iicy covering liability, however, and pay for lighting and security police.

Archbishop Fe· · cl By Chancery S affs (Contmuedfrom page 1)

prayers. Other functions fo

cheduled farewell

th,• modern symbolic gift as "groovy" and added, with ton u in eheek, that the word for Jl was "psychedeltc." In his brwl, but touching, remarks accepting the gift the Archb1. hop 111v1led all present to visit him m San Antonio and to remember him in their

rchbishop Furey mclude a luncheon to be given by pnest.~ of the four-county San Diego diocese at noon, Wed- ne,;day, July 30, in El Cortez Hotel, and a gala civic luncheon Monday, August 4, in the Community Concourse Con- vention Hall .

ENT for Jde Gray, left, is director of the Lindo Vista Recreation Center. Discussing his appoinlment with new district director Art Belen:zon, Gray sa ys he plans to continue asking community involvement in the programs at the center. Gray is a g raduate of the University of San Diego where he ma· d in history. - ~f>-'-• C. t ,_., rJ • h 'r

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