News Scrapbook 1969-1971

Linda Vista Ground Breaking 'Handy' Se~JJ2.r ,,~!grts New Church By NICHOLAS BIONDO SAN DIEGO - When anxious to he!p turn over the dozed for a parking lot. first spadeful of earth. Reflecting the new


nd To Become First Deacon SAN DIEGO - Dr. Raymond ~yland, the first candidate for e permanent diaconate of the San Diego diocese, will be or- dained on the feast of Christ the King, Oct. 25. Dr. Ryland, who is assistant professor of religious studies at the University of San Diegot received ihe tonsure m May o this year and was admitted to minor orders by Bishop John R_. Quinn Friday, Oct. 9, at the Church of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. These orders conferred porter, lector, exorcist and acolyte.

15 lnves iture Plans Pending

The committee comprised Father Bourgeois, a con- tractor, an architect (not the one who actually designed the church), a lawyer and a financier . Father Bourgeois also cites the lay council for its over-all se rvice to the parish, its dedicated apostolate and its fostering of solidarity in the com- munity. PARISH REMAINS "After working with the council for nearly two years," he observes, "I heartily recommend that pastors look into the possibility of setting up their own councils to strengthen and facilitate the work of the parish." He adds that "after all, pastors come and go, but the paris h d its people remain.'' "Tl e' o much talent in a parish going unused," he believes, " and a council gives the caurch a chance to (Continued on Page 3)

liturgical changes bringing worship closer to the people, the church will be a 16-sided church-in-the-round - with seating on three sides of the altar. It was designed by but Dameron of La Jolla. The ground-breaking was a satisfying accomplishment parishioners and pastor since they had been aming and saving for a COUNCIL LAUDED Father Bourgeois gives most of the credit to his parish council, headed by William O'Donnell, "The Council," he says, "pushed for the planning and building of the church. It appointed a five-member committee to spearhead the whole building program and take some of the heavy burden off the pastor's shoulders by making major decisions." structure - similar to a architect Joseph F. for the sanctuary for seven years.

The exterior dimensions of the church were outlined in white on the ground and the bishop dug into the earth directly underneath where the main altar will be. He told about 300 men, women and children that the new sanctuary "bespeaks of the great faith in the daily\ lives of the people." The structure will go up on the corner of Ta it and Coolidge Streets, adjacent to on Tait and Ulric, b ·u m John W. McDonagh who founded the parish a year earlier. MAY COMPLETION It should be completed by May - maybe sooner, depending on how much the pastor is allowed by the nstruction crew to pitch in - ,md is expected to cost een $180,000 and ,000. The older church will be remodeled as a parish center. The old one was bull- 1943 by Msgr.

funds are limited, it helps get things done cheaper if the pastor is handy with tools, has the know-how and pitches in with other workers. Such is the case at Holy Family in Linda Vista where ground was broken last Sunday for a new 750-seat sanctuary to replace the parish's original, smaller church. NEED PROOF Father Lloyd V. Bourgeois is the "jack--0f-all-trades" pastor there. If you need proof, he can be urged to show you the wood and cork paneling and other remodeling he finished recently in his rector . There are some fanc looking b

pa tor m t-'ebruary, 1968. in Manchester, hgr. Giesing, ordained in St. England. He has been assistant Jo~eph's in 1955, was born in of Our Lady of the Sacred San Diego in 1929 and studied Heart, St. Joseph's and St. Vin- £or the pri~thood at St. Francis cent's, all San Diego, and pas- and Immaculate Heart tor of Sacred Heart in Bryn Seminaries He has been rec- Mawr and Our Lady of Per- tor at St. Joseph's since 1969. petual Help in Riverside. He Before that he was pastor m was assigned to Our Lady of Coach Ila and Blythe and an Grace in 1966. assistant in San Diego and Msgr. Nolan was appointed H1verside. pastor in Palm Springs in 1961 1 "r. Gllntlan comes from after serving as assistant at Ir land where he was born m Holy Family in San Diego and 1921, and educated and ordained St. Mary's Star of the Sea in in 1947 for the San Diego Oceanside. He was ordained in d1oce e He was assistant at St. st. Joseph's Cathedral in 1948 Joseph's, 1947-50, and astor of after studies at St. Francis St, James in Del Mar, I 9 Seminary. He also was as assistant


the present 350-seat church."'-l.:A,1111•

cated for the priesthood in

wh n he went to La Joli 'tis"•·· Keane, al born in 1912, and educated and ordamed there in 1938, ame to Ire and San Diego that served as assista mini trator at Our Lady o me year. He ot ad-

d where he was born in AT ST. THERESE

On Sunday, Oct. 18, also at the


Isgr. O'Donoghue has been Church of St. Therese, where serving parishes in Los Angeles Bishop Quinn is pastor, Dr. a~d ~an _Diego si~ce his or Ryland will receive the last of

dinat1on m 1929 m sub- Sacred Heart in San Diego, St. where he was born in 1905 and diaconate. The ceremony will Joan of Arc in Blythe and St. educated. In San Diego he was be at 8:30 a.m. Joseph's in Holtville. He is a assistant at St. John's, St. When he is ordained deacon former pa tor of Sacred Heart Joseph's and Holy Family. He at 5 p.m. on Oct. 25, in the in Brawley and has been in also served in Coronado, En- Immaculata Chapel of the Redlands since 1955. canto and Lemon Grove. He has University of San Diego, Dr. 'th"r. :vlcDermotl has been heen pastor of St. Mary Ryland will become the first on leave of absence since 1959 to Magdalene since 1953 lavman in the diocese to hold erve in the Navy chaplaincy Msgr. O'Dowd served as position. corps He is a former assistant assistant in_parishes in ~rela~d .Jr. Ryland is married and in San Dit,go, Palm Springs and before commg to San Diego m was formerly an Episcopal El Centro. Born in Ireland in 1943. He was assistant at St. minister before converting to 1929, he tudied at St. Francis John's, 1943-45, and pastor of Catholicism. He was minister at and Immaculate Heart Blessed Sacrament in Twen- churches iii Washington, D.C. S minanes, El Cajon, and was tynine Palms, 1945-67. He has Beaumont, Texas, and in ordained in St. Joseph's been at Blessed Sacrament m Oklahoma City, where he also athedral in 1955. He is San Diego since January, 1967. became director of the Center currently at the Theological He was born in Ireland in 1910, for Christian Renewal. Seminary, Princeton, N.J educated and ordained there in tsgr. ,\1urray was named 1940. . -, . J diocesan director of Holy ~M~)?· Portman, born in /director March 26, 1968. Name Societies in 1969. He has W1scon~ln m1931, was educated ,1sgr. Spain, pastor in Solana b4) •n pastor of St. Michael's at St. Francis a_nd Immaculate Beach since June, 1969, was ince 1968 and formerly headed Heart_ Semma_r~C;i and Nor!}l pastor of St. Mark's in San n hes in Holtville and Sun American Pomtif1c 1 liege m Marco from 1963-69. He served ty. He also served in San Rome wher wa or in as assistant in San Bernardino Bernardino, Banning and 1956 o lowmg r I) .Berna ino rn. 1928, he took his n. 1952 for the San Diego Immaculate Heart in 't'V i~t . 1es at Immaculate diocc e. Since 1968 he has been on e-.irt eminary and Catholic Msgr. Moloney was born \ USO faculty where he is University of America in (1917>, educated and ordained chairman of the religious I Washington, D. C. He was or- (1943> in Ireland. He came to studies department. He was dained in St. Joseph's Cathedral San Diego in 1946 after serving named ecumenical commission in 1956. Ireland, the minor orders, the

I nve;flft;re~r~~~g~d For 15 New Monsignors SAN DIEGO - Pastors recently named Rev. Mon- signors will share their in- vestiture with parishioners m their own churches.

Msgr. James M. Gilfillan, fary, Star of the Sea Church, La Jolla. 1 Sunday, Nov, 22 - Msgr. Thomas Moloney, Our Lady of Grace Church, El Cajon. Bishop Maher also will dedicate the parish's new sanctuary. Wednesday, Nov. 25 - Msgr. Edward Creighton, All Hallows Church, La Jolla. Sunday, Nov. - Msgr. Anthony Giesing, Msgr. Mark Doran and Msgr. Thomas J. McDermott, all St. Joseph's Cathedral. Msgr. Giesing is cathedral rector; Msgr. Doran is diocesan director of Catholic Family Service and Catholic Community Services, and Msgr. McDermott is a Navy chaplain now at Princeton, N. J. Friday, Dec. .; - Msgr. Sean Murray, St. Michael's Church, Paradise Hills. Sunday, Dec. 6 - Msgr. Daniel O'Donoghue, St. Mary Magdalene Church, Clairemont. Monday, Dec. 7 - Msgr, William D. Spain, St. James Church, Solana Beach. Thursday, Dec. 10 - Msgr. Henry W. Keane, Sacred Heart Church, Redlands. Friday, Dec. 11 - Msgr. Michael Nolan, St. Theresa Church, Palm Springs. Saturday, Dec. 12 - Msgr. Rudolph Galindo, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, San Ber- nardino. That day will be the feastday of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas.

The rites will take place at Concelebrated Pontifical Masses with Bishop Leo T. Maher as principal celebrant. The 15 new monsignors in- clude 12 pastors, one chaplain and two diocesan directors. Date, place and time of in- vestiture, where known, are: Sunday, Nov. 1, 4 p.m - Msgr. Luis Bc,Jderas, Our Lady of Guadalupe. Calexico. Friday, Nov. 6, 6 p.m. - Msgr John R. P ortrcan. M1ss1on San Diego de Acala. Msgr. Portman is chairman of the USP Relie:iqp§ Studies Department amfdirector of the brncesan cumenical Com- mission. Msgr James T. Booth is pastor of the historic mission. Sunday, Nov. 8, 10:30 a.m. - Msgr Patric O'Dowd, Blessed Sacrament Church here. Tuesday, Nov. 10,;i :30 p.m. -


THIS IS HOW, BISHOP - Jimmy O'Hanlon, fourth-grader at Holy Family School, shows Bishop Leo T. Maher how it's done when ground is broken f r e new Ch.aue<>io. W•tolring " ' Fa«rermJiif ourgeo1s, pastor, and other friends. - Staff Photo 'Handy' P-astor Starts New Linda Vista Church (Continuedfrom page 1) use some of this hidden talent for the good of everyone." Another major council activity, he said, is the lay men and women, plus other CCD personnel in various capacities. Father Bourgeois ob- served that the CCD

program is strong because the parish area includes Kearny High - arch rival of University High- and six or seven elementary schools. ENROLLMENT GAIN Holy Family parochial school, staffed by the School Sisters of Notre Dame, has more than 320 boys and girls and was one of the few Catholic schools in the diocese to report an en- rollment increase this year. "An homogenous group" is the pastor's characterization of the student body. He says the children "accept all colors as they grow p and know no such thing as prejudice." In fact, he added, the description fits the parish which has a good proportion of various races and nationalities. Father Bourgeois has been Holy Family pastor for about a year and a half. ta -1-F }I)

sponsorship by its Education Committee of a new adult education program. Started Oct. 6, the program consists of three lectures given simultaneously every Tuesday from 8 to 10 p.m. in the Holy Family School, continuing weekly until Nov. 24. Eight talks on vario~s aspects of religious education are given by three speakers. They are Father Michael Alcaraz, rector of St. Francis Seminary; .Qr. John Swanke, USD philosophy prcfessor, and Father James N. Poulsen, associate at Our Mother of Confidence Church. STRONG PROGRAM Father Bourgeois said the parish's religious education program also is strong among the area's Catholic children attending public schools. The CCD's grade, junior and senior high schools program have a total enrollment of bet een 700 and 800 children. Father John Nebsitt, associate at Holy F amily, is in charge of the first nine grades, and Father Bourgeois directs the High School of Religion. They are assisted by two nuns and 40

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