News Scrapbook 1969-1971
From March 21 To March 27
JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER, 4079 54"1 St., 9·9 Mondav• Thursday, l•S FridaYS and noon sundoys-'lrish Awak- ening,' exhibit of Irish fabric , en s Tuesday. JONES GALLERY, 1262 Prospect St., La JOiia, 10-6 TUH· =~fisf:.t1~e°lmi~a,;;~:ra~8/~~r~~{:1cfr~~ ponery by gallery KENKNIGHT G~LLERY, 12.50 Prospect SI., 8123, La Jolla, 10-6 sun.::lay-FnGay-Frederick KenKnlght acryltcs, water• colors; George Losey Prints. and James KenKnlght metal sculpture. KESLER ART GALLERY, 2521 San Diego Ave., 10:30-6 ~fJ~s~/;,ksti~~:~1'1Jh::,~~Sf~n~nc~~tlr9w:r.".::apltt:rf:i Charlu Fries Historical Collection. LA GALERIA DE CALIFORNIA, 21'1 Aventda de la Playa, Lo Jolla, 10-s dailv-Works in various media by members of the cawboy Artist of Ame~lca Association, Harry Jack- son bronzes, Jahn Clymer 0115, Harvey W. Johnson oils. LA JOLLA ART ASSOCIATION, 7917 Girard Ave., l·S dally -John Patterson aand Ruth Silnes oils and watercolors, fhrouqh Morch 31. LA JOLLA MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, 700 Prospect St., 11,5 Tuesday•Frlday, 12:30-S Saturdays and Sundays, 7•10 Wednesdays-•Contemporary American Sur- realism, ends today. LAUDEL, 8055 Wintergardens Blvd., El Calon, 8-6 MondaY- Saturday-Oils, watercolors and pastels by local artists.. LA MESA ART GALLERY, 7427 El Colon Blvd., La Mesa, 7-10 P,m. Monday-Friday, noon-9 Saturday and noon·_6 Sundan-Sculpfure and paintinH bv contemporary Call• fornia artists. McLEAN GALLERY, 1250 Prospect St,, Suite A 2.1, La Jolla, 11-S Tuesday.Sunday - H. G. Stalnaker Dils PIUI oils by other artists. • MANUEL'S HISTORICAL LANDMARK RESTAURANT, !~;iot~n o~ 1 i~?i :.,~~~nl~l·::··Ml·friw~ai!Yall::,~~apei bY MIRACOSTA COLLEGE CRUMBLY GALLERY, Oceanside, ~:ks,!~; 3 w~~:s r~' v:1rY~~:~~?a';~~~o~~y:~~~ ,~a!~~~:~, work by six sculptors, through April 1. MISSION RESTAURANT, 6225 Mission GOrge Roaa, 6:31 a.m..e 1:1.m. MondaY-Sa1unk1y-Group show by members of the Del Gardens Arts and Crafts Guild. MIXED MEDIA. GALLERY, 930 Gornet Ave.. PDClflc leacn, 10-3 Monday-Saturday - Joan Hammond watercolon; throuth Morch 31; also, gro,,p show !n various media. MORETON STUDIO-GALLERY, 4046 Bonita Road, Bonita, noon-6 Monday-Thu~sd.ay and Saturday, noon-s Fridays-- Russell Moreton pamlings, N~!Ny~~al~~~~Rsii1cre~.~Ee'!~bitBo~lb5~tcri~IC,wit1°·~~ 3 ,! ural history themes, through April 13. CARL NEUBERT GALLERY AND STUDIO, 1411 Hermes St., Leucadia, 9., daily - Cart Neubert paintings and sculpture. N~~:-~:1u~~;o_:EJe:i~oR:~t'at;:y~ 1 GP~~d: 1~0 nd 1:~11W:r, through April 9. N~~:.T~~~d~~L~n~Rratt~'a~!~'C-~ i~3~y~ 0 ~· ~~Jti~:e':i show by gallery artists in various media. OCEAN BEACH BRANCH LIBRARY, 4801 Santa Monica itrs~·aJ~1~°annddat~~r~bs:,xo:i~3 ~!~l~e,F{h~Jgh 5 :g~~:?1L OLD TOWN GALLERIES, 2501 San Diego Ave. 10:30,,6 dally-Watercolors by Fred Whitaker{ Jean Stu1(, Gerald ;~~Tst:r~ 1 ~~0~:~e~h1::ke':~\~r,!, 'af1\, 1 ~i11'ftN~ ~~J:eJ.ri~ Murphy, Guy Pene Du Bois; Rot>ert Henri and A. a. Davis pastels; Picasso and Matisse 1raphlcs. o~~~~rot}rc?d:=.Wo~rs't!fl.1:~r:p::·a~S t~i~n European and American artists; continues indefinitelY. 0 ':: 1 ~J:iv~R11~Tfa~~i«J';E ~;rd 1~Jd::~Je:!inJO:n:~~ff~i: ery by Designers' Workshop; through April 19. T~~.u~J;E.!!_ lro~:rd 1 ~1fF~:Ae~~•oJ;=l:;f~ 31 pr:i:da 0 ld lithoqra~hs by Aldo Luongo and Vtl Miller. ST. MARK"S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, :1502 Clair.. mont Drive, 1-4 Friday, Saturday, 2.-S Sundav-Lenlen Art Festival, juried exhibition, through April 11. SAN DIEGO ART INSTITUTE, House of Charm, Balboa Park, 10-s Tuesday.Saturday, 12.:30-S sundaY-Atti and Jim Mver.s, one man shows, ends next Sunday. SAN DIEGO CITY COLLEGE LIBRARY, 14th and S Streets, 7:30-10 Monday•Thunday, 7:3M:30 Friday, noon,o ~ii~:ai.'1exican paintings, Pnnts ond sculpture; ands SAN DIEGO PUBLIC LIBRARY, ,20 E St., 10-9 Monoar- Frlday~ ,:30-5:30 Saturday - Paintings and 5tifc;hery by Frances Steffens, through March 31. ROBERTS SCOTT AND CO., INC,, 227 E. Grand St., Escon- t::fe ~~~::er~fl~~ay-Frlday, 9:30-noon Saturdan - SCANDIA INTERIORS, 3849 Fifth Ave., 10-6 MOndOY•Thurs- :~sf:1n ~~~f:i:• ~td1 i~.F~:1~~5p:t~u~ai~fi'ri'gty ti~~I:~ March 31. SCHEQ.TLE ART GALLERY, near post office Grossmont Center, La Mesa, 10-9 Mondav-Frlday, lG~ Saturaay, 1-4 Sundav-Bela Bodo paintings. 5 ~0~:ITT:U~fa 1 :~,c 1~-tt~:,Fmt::~ 1 ~':,i~f'l:r1~f!:al~~ colors. SHOWCASE OF THI! ARTS, 126 S. Kalmta St., Escondido, 10:30-5 !v\Onday-Thursdav and Saturdayf 10:30·9 Friday - m various mtdla by local art sts on a rototin!I SOjTtfERN CALIFORNIA FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 5125 A:i~ri1~1a:'hrJtth~;r~f31~ursaay, lO-S Friday - Vess \ SOPUTrWESTERN GALLERY, Spanish Village, Balboa a:~ La~~~n-:~~?; ~~~=td~~~~~df1~-0il1 by Eve Green SPANISH PLAZA GALLERY, 2627 Saa Diego Ave . 10-, Mond~y-Thursday, 10-9 Friday-Sunday - DeGra:r:ia Prints, Med· A._Gorpez, eu~k McCain Western i,a1nt1ngs, Grae, wo11,1S oils; orlg1na1 oils by Europeau. sr,;1~10 ~s, Spanish Village Art Center, Balboa Park, t-4 fngs,";~i:rs·SaunndG~~uii,tu5~,drc:~rh 3::mery, paint. T~~,DdAVENUE FLASH GALLERY, 62t Third Ave., 11·5 var~u:~:Ji~r,- thc/gi:g _t:.,~:1 2:. ond 10-Groop show 1n TIM GALLERY, northea5t corner of Plaza de Panama, Park, 1~5:30 Tuesday through Saturday, 12:lO- u~d'Bjcf t~~f:r:.ours by oppoinlmt 11-Putnam co1- TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, 220 "A" St., 1:30 Monday•FridaY-Ed Scott oils of Victorian homes and early San Dieso bui!Omgs, TRO.SBY GALLERIES, 7442 Girard Ave., La Jolla, 11·4 daily except Sunday-Early American furnlfure, 17th and Jtth ~entury oils, Oriental rugs and English and Amer~ ,can silver, through July 31. UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK "' Lomas Santa Fl Drive, SOiana Beach, 10·3 Monday-Thursdc:iy, 10-5 :30 Fridays - Vic Hennan paintings of Mexito. UCSD ART GALLERY, La Jolla, 11-6 Tuesday.Sunday, 8-10 W~rt'fsdayfb~~, ~no::Ug~ti=~~ctve in gallery and HU• UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO LIBRARY, AICOkl Park, f•IO ~gi~~f/gli~5sd:1~a91r~!dfJro~:h s;_~~:~ll~nd sundav- VISTA ART GALLERY, 3-4$ E. Vista Way, Vista, noon-4 :i~'s'1~J;S~t~;::,vand ,:a7-t_Guild membership show w:~~~~~.:,i~.;k 34 l~!/:!~1!~~o,!fs~t. Loma, t-S Monday. WESTERN ART GALLERY, Julian, 10-5 Wednesday-Sunday f~~u~t ~=ir:ment - Group shaw by gallery artists, EVENTS SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC CO. AUDITORIUM, 101 Ash St.-San Diego Watercolor Society presents Donald Putnam lecture-demonstration at 7:30 p,m. Friday. SHERWOOD HALL, 700 Prospect St., Lo Jolla-Actor Ster- linq Holioway discusses his contemPGrary urt collection at 10:30 a.m. Thursday in lecture series presented by Lo Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art.
M?:lum of ContomporarY
Art: Friday through Apnl 25. JOE GOODE, lithographs; La _Jolla Museum ol ContemPor- arv Art; Friday through APnl 25. GROUP SHOW. oils; Chula Vista Ari GUIIO: saturoar through April 4. GROUP SHOW, various me~la; Third Avenue Flash Gal• lerv; Saturday through April 24. 'JOANIE WELLS LEAVES TOWN-SOM.E THINGS LEFT BEHIND' Modern Music School, 615 Third Ave., l•S Satur- day, sundav and Wednesday: Saturday through APril 18. BARBARA STRASEN, works In progress; Barbara StraHn StUdiD, 631 Third Av•., l•S Saturday only. INOIAN TEXTILEScPrlvate collection; Fine Arts Gellert: Saturday through MOY 9. ROLAND PETERSON, paintings: La Jolla Mustum of con- tlmPOrary Art: Friday through April 25. ~~c~:r~:n~V~~l~~r~:J~. re 1 ;J~~~~~ lCH daily, 12•5,Sunday: TOday through May 1, DON UVIERE TURNER, 'Animal World,' 300 pieces with ~i:.~;.c:t:~~!~~• 5 -fJ~~s,~~Ll:rt·A!~ri ro~u'Fl~c::,,on 'ti today, rr:~m ~~~t~~ni~~~~~ft~tf-o~~~~:,n:~re~i&1Yeg:x~t~~~~~ Center and Library, 9-1 Monday-Friday: Tomorrow through April 8. SHOWS CONTINUING A~!; 1 ~!~:J.s;:!t~';!.~e~lJ~11~~lu~'!::~~b~~::,, 1:~:~ngeh March 31. ART BARN', 1113 Broadway, El Caion, 1-5 Sundays-Hal Kettle, one-man show, throuqh March 31. ART CENTER, 11, E Street, f-&:30 Mondav•Saturday-Con• temporary American and Eurol'ean Pointlmn. A~:. '\~~ri~: 1~:d 5 s~~:av~~e~lna •·:1e!u~fa 0J~:r1:1~i! through April 10. ART CENTER, DEL MAR, 115' Camino del Mar, 11•8 doll,-, ~~!~:, s::r:e~~!l~~:;:,~~Q~~w:~e!Yin~~~ 1i~'Je,;~•ltS, Aq_Te Y OLLAS, 997 Ocean Lane, Imperial Beach, noon• sunset daily and by appointment - A. Pappagallo, du Trembi Y and Moura oils, Zelera watercolors and Felipe Nunez patter,. THE ATHENAEUM MUSIC AND ARTS LIBRARY, lOOI wall st., La Jolla, 12-5:30 Tuesday, Wednesday, FridaY; 12-9 Thursday, 10-5:30 Saturday-Ruth and Carl Gewalt pa,ntings, mixed media, continues indefinitely. •'f=i~d•:., A~TT~:Liiv~YPa,~~kF~.h _:i~~·rt, 12 ~!1tti~~ nd a 0 Jd POiter/. BARD HALL GALLERY, First Unitarian cnurch, 4190 Front St., t • Monday-Friday, 9·1 Sunday, closed Saturdoy-Syl• vio Fletcher 'Forms of Nature/ ends next Sunday, 8 ~:l'~~~::y.fti,~~:r~,o~:J ~~~d::e~ w;r;~~l :ir:ihy IOcal and European art,sts; continues Indefinitely. tJ,EN POLAK FINE ARTS CENTER, 8D53 Unfyerslty Ave., La Mesa, l·S Saturdays, Sundays-Willa Smith, o..,man show, ends next Sunday. lit>RREGO DESERT ART CENTER, OD the Mall, BorrHO Sprinqs, 10-4 daily-New works by Everett Gee Jackson, 1hrough April s. ...CK BOYD ART STUDIO 5151 Moreno Place, t-5 Mon- ,day-Saturc;iay-Sc.Ulpture, (ewelry and objecls of art by -studio artist. CAJON TONE MUFFLER, 1260 North Second St., El Colon, fetd~~~tin~~~1~~e'fi~li~b?:. and metal sculpture by Al Fln- E coo HOUSE_, 258 Harbor Drive South, Oceanside, :JO-S:30 dally-V1r,inla Mitton acrvlics, through APrll 25. .'qOUSEL GALLERY, $41 Highway 101, Encinitas, 10-5 Iv-Leonard Smith, on~man show, through March 31, CEH'TURY BUILDING, 3443 Camino del Rio South, t•J ='1.:r'3~~t 1rclay - Ruby Agnew watercolors,. throu1h CABRILLO ART CENTER, 4940 Newport AVI., H Monaay- tr~o:rid1~etii~~r~1~~Joarrs•sbyH~~y o!~O:cau.!fts,:~grav• c~u;, C~~.~• S~gJa::n_D~~fnt~;:,, a~~ • ciauf~=datlv MCIUl"io Reser and other local artists. CHATEAu ART GALLERY, 110 15th St., Del Mar, 12:30•4:30 Tuesda/ Sunday-Multt•medla work by Mrs. Robert Brue, thro419'1 March 31. CHULA VISTA ART GUILD GALLERY, 4$,11 Sweetwater :~::;n1tot5fJ?J~~rJs~~~t~~s-01ls by Eldora Moses ana COLORADO -fOUSE CAFE, 2715 San Diego Ave., 1-1 clailY' -McnJel (M1smo) Mosley paintings. CORONADO SCHOOL _OF FINE ARTS, 176 C Ave.t Coro- nado,, 3--5 MondOY•Fr1day-continuing exhibit of pamttn,s, drawffls and prin1s by members and students. COUNT'RY SQUIRE INTERIORS. Paseo Dellcas, RancJIO Santa Fe, lo-4~30 Monday•Saturday - Works in various media by qallery artists includlng Jim Pu9h,, Marv Tift, Margit Kovaks and Dietrich. DEGRAZ,A, 2&11 san Diego Ave., 10:30-6 dally - Works In various media by Teet DeGrat.ia. DEL GAR'DENS ARTS AND CRAFTS GUILD, President's J'u':i1i/ay~lboa Pork-Art Mart 11>5 Saturday and next DISCOVERY GALLERY, 825 Prospect St., La Jolla, 11..C Monday-Friday-Paintings, sraphiC:s and art obiects. e1,~~HM~t~e 0 ~i~ti~~;FbWw5 Wa:1~~~i::tar:~-.~t~~~~Y- EL CAJON BRANCH LIBRARY, 202 E. Lexington St., 10- 8:30 MO'lfY•Frlday, 8-4:30 Saturdays-Eva Gordon oils, t:~N9 1 t arch 31 ; also Al Finley sculpture, through EL PATIO BUILDING, 7946 Ivanhoe St., La JOIIG, 9-4:30 Thursday-Saturday - C. E. Morton oils, demonstroflons daily. ESPERANTO BUILDING, 343S Comino del Rio South, H Mondav-Satl.lrday-Edmond Woods landscapes and marina paintinqs, itirough Mgrch 31. EVE'S GALLERY, 4094 Fairmount Ave., 11•5 dally-Michael Julian, one-man show, continues indefinitely, FINE ARTS GALLERY, north end of Plat.a de Panama, Balboa Parle, 10-5 Tuesday-Saturday, 12:30-5 Sunday. Free docent tours at 10 a_nd 11 a.m. Tuesday-Thursaay, 2 p.m. Sunday and &y appo,ntment-Paintinvs by Mexican artists from gallery",. permanent co11ectlon. Chinese carved jade, through April 4. •constructivist Tendencies,' M works by 55 artists assttnbled by ucsa. lhrough APril 4. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 2111 Camino del ~~teSdo~:'t~;S. 0 ,~i~DVJ~riucri 1:~::. by gallery artists pre• GALLERIES OF' MASTERS, 11J4.36 Cron,~ Ave., Coronado, ,., ~ondav-saturdayr 1,, sundan - Work, in vanous media by gallery artists. GALLERY NEsr, 4512 Coss St., Pacific Beach, 10 a.m.• !,:d':'J1tsMgffgJ:aJ~f::r~1t~':;~daC:iei:~.dan-Works by G~R·?v~R~!~ G ~~~YR~il102 Avocado St., El Caion, 1-6 GILBERT HOUSE, 139 Fir St., 1M Salunlay, Sunday- Juried exhibition in various media, ends next Sunday. HAWTREE STUDIO AND GALLERY, 2731 San Diego Ave., ~j:g 0 faJ~lnfi~~u;~d~i~lre~y!"'ose1ey, Eric Paulson, Hal HILTON INN, Surfstde Room, 1775 e. Mission Boy Drive, , p.m. • mldnlqht daily - Seascapes from Old Town Gallenes... ISTANBUL, 1250 Prospect Plact, 11 o-.m,-11 :30 p.m. Mon- dov-Thursday, 11 a.m.•midnight Friday-Sunday - Anna D'Arcy (Shammoot) oils, acrylics and opaque water• color!li. JACOBS AND WEX!LER IMPORTS, 2200 Fourth Ave., 10.S Monday-Saturday--fNork$ in various media by local and foreign craftsmen.
( ,,,2. '-/ ? / News from area universities and San D,ego State College. U.S. INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY By :\-1ARY ROBBINS With the begmni~ of the sprmg quarter many changes are taking place at Cal Wc:;tern. In the office o{ the Western Tide, the school newspaper, new · editors are busy getting their hands in printers ink. Heading the staff 1s editor Nancy Burrows, formerly the campus correspondent for the Evening Tribune. Robin Woods is assistant editor and :\1ike von Biela is managing editor. The college council is currently considering several propos- als which would have far-reaching effects on campus life. Under considerallon are: ~,<~ .:,
Virst - A proposal by dor- mitory student presidents to eliminate the head residents and replace them with gradu- ate assistants. Second - A proposal by women residents to abandon their present curfew system or to change curfew hours to later times. Third - Aproposal by resi- dents for visitation rule changes that would allow an open dorm for guests. The renovated student union in Cabrillo Hall opened this week. Dorm residents are hur- riedly making arrangements
-Stoff Photo ,_Debby Goodbody, a San Diego City College stu- dr>nt, inspects leaded glass art. work or: sale at University of San Diego's Sprmg Festival and Parents weekend which will continue today. USDFete Opens Parent~,W,eej MARY ROBBINS for spring smg which will be held m May. Organizers of the festival are soliciting support around campus. UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO By OSCAR RODRIGUEZ "Renaissance" is the theme for the Spring Festival and Trade Fair which will be held Saturday beginning at noon at the Student Sports Center. ''The purpose of the day is to welcome spring to USD and to the community. Everyone is welcome, especially the students' parents since this is in conjunction with Parents' Weekend," said Greg Daulton, social committee chairman. . . Durmg the day, sports activities will be held ms1de the gym and booths donated by the Knights of Columbus will be set up around the pool. There will be contest booths, food booths, and booths where goods such as leather items will be on sale. other events include film shorts of W. C. Fields and Laurel and Hardy which will be shown in the Alumni Lounge adjacent to the gym. Evening activities will in- clude entertainment by two local rock bands. William McLinn, teaching a istant and graduate stu- dent, has been selected as one of 30 participants from 15 countries to study at the Cu- ropa Institute of the Univer- OSCAR RODRIGUEZ sity of Amsterdam located mThe etherlands. The 1971 summer session catalog is now available at the Summer Session office, room 92, Founders' Hall. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA By SUSA!\ GRAVES It is spring break and a strange quiet pervades the campus. Those students who normally live on campus in the dormi- tories must pack up and \eave the campus for the week, b~t occasionally one runs across an undergraduate student who 1s working on campus over the _break or a gradual~ student locked away in his lab doing his research or studying m the library. A busload and several carloads of students left Saturday morning for a week-long all-Cal (all UC campuses) Skiing Trip to Purgatory, Colo. e, Thomas M. O'Neil, assis- tant professor of physics, has been awarded a Sloan Re- search Fellowship. O'Neil re- ceived his Ph.D. in 1965 from UCSD in 1965 and served as a staff associate at General Atomic before corning to UCSD in 1967 to teach. The fellows are selected for their research potential on the basis of recommendations and nominations made by their senior colleagues. The fellowships are designed to assist young scientists who seem to have difficulties ob- taining support from govern- mental and other sources at an early stage in their ca- SUSAN GRAVES reers. The E F. F. Copp Medical Lecture Series will present Dr. Arnold Lazarow speaking on "Diabetes," at 8 p._m., Thursday, in 2100 Basic Science Building, School of Med1cme. SAN DIEGO STATE COLLEGE By STEVE KARMAN . The controversial credit-no-credit system of gradmg for some campus comparative literature courses is being consid- ered by Glenn S. Dumke, chancellor of the state colleges sys- ~m. . .. The system which gives students credit or no credit in classes rather' than grades, used last year and then abolished by the council of undergraduate studies. The system was referred to Dumke after the faculty senate voted to reinstate it and the council refused. Work will begin next month Q1\ lhe landscaping around th Malcolm A. Love Li- br ry. The cost of the landscaping project will run $39,000 and t)le funds wHl come from building funds. :\-IECHA, a Mexican-Ameri- can organization, and MATA- PANG, a Filipino group, are sponsoring a food drive this week. The food will be sent Saturday to Filipino and Mexican-American migrant workers in lmpenal Valley. Donors may deposit canned goods, flour, coffee, sugar, dried pinto beans and other foodstuff~ at the Aztec Center tomorrow and Friday. No .. STEVE KARMAN clothes are being asked £or at this time. The San Diego County Dental Society Women's Auxiliary is now accepting applications for a dental scholarship. Appli- cations are due May 1 and interested persons should contact Mrs. Modt: R. Perry at 6631Avenida la Reina, La Jolla.
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