News Scrapbook 1969-1971

SHOWS OPENING ART LARK, 60 orttst1 and craftsmen exhibit, various n,edia,1 11 East Cresta Way, Chula V1$tD, 10-4 today only. ART MAQT, Del Garde11, Arts and Crafts Guild; Mission Bay Park at Playa Pacitlca: 10-S 10day only. FRANCOISE GILOT, lirhogropns, oils, gouac:hes; Mary Moore Gallery: Next Sunday tnrouth June 2. l!LEANOR HURST, desert and landscape oi11; Western Art Gallery~ Tomorrow through June 30. IUCK McCAIN, paintings; Spanish Plata ODllll"YI t-iexf Sundaw- throu1h May 16. JOE NYIRI, bron11 1culltture and drawIn111 Orr's Gallery, 2200 Fourth Ave., 1~5 Monday-Saturday: Next Sunday through June 30. IGNACIO PESQUIIRA, on•man show; Galerla dt Vic Her- man, the Mercado, Rancho lernarcso, 10-4 da1IY, 12·S sun- dgy. WlflnesdD'/ through May 31. S~Ro•,~c;,.:Ta Fh~~l~~l~'rfi~1~!'1~s~Y~!Pt~~r1,a.:tiwr~ir Tllur and Friday, 10-6 Saturday, 12-5 next SundaY SHOWS CONTINUING ALl'IN • ART CHALET, 2241 Victoria DrlYI, AIPlnt. , ., TundoY•Sunda-;-Marlon Chrllllt oils, through May 31, ART A N, 1233 Broadway, El Cajon, 1•5 sundays-Llo-;a At , ant-man show, through May la. ART CENTER, 71f E Strfft, t-6:30 Mon~ay-Saturday-Con• lfln arv Amtr,can and European painllnss. ART AND DESIGN SHOP, Bonsall, 1-7 Tuesday.Friday, 10-1 Saturdan and sundays-Oll!i, watercolors and ac- rvllt1 by three ar11stsi ends next sundaY. ART CENTER:, DIEL MAR, 1159 Cam.ino de! Mar, 11,1 dally, outside hows 10 S Sundays- Palntin515 by gallery artists, ,ottery, leather and sculpture, A't:TE Y OLLAS, "7 Ocean Lan•, 1mp1ma1 oeach, noon• wnut dally and by appo1nrment - A. Pappagallo, ciu Trembi y and Maura 0,11, Zelera watercolors and Felipe Nuntz pottery. ARTIST'S SHOWROOM, 2150 Chatsworth Blvd., UH Mon• dav-Saturday-GraPh1cs by Bragg, Dall, Schoneberg and ers alsa, watercoton and oils by various arhsls.

Sprin!IS, 10•4 da,lv-Gallery collection Of American and European artists. JACK tOYD ART STUDIO, Sl51 Moreno Place, 9·5 Mon• day-Saturdav-Sculpture, jewelry and objects Of art by studfo artist. CAJON TONE MUFFLER, 1~60 North Second St., El Cajon, ,-s daily-Al Finley works ,n progress. CARROUSEL GALLERY, 541 Highway 101, Encinitas, 11)..5 daily-Sue Beere one-man show, through May 31. CABRILLO A.RT CENTER, 4940 Newport Ave., 9-5 Monday. Friday, 10-5 Saturdays-Edna Hibel llthograPhs1 Luongo prints; local artists' work, CASA DE COLOR, 2803 San Diego Ave., 10.4 TUHday- Saturday, noon--s Sundays - Paintings and crafts DY Maurlo R&str and other local artists. CHATEAU GALLERY, 110 15th SI., Del Mar, 12:30·4:30 Tuesdav-Sundav-SPring show of work by San Olewulto An Guild; continues Indefinitely. CHULA VISTA ART GUILD, 4541 Sweetwater Road, Bonita, 1-4 Saturday and SundaY-Guild•sPDnsored art mart Satur- day and n.xt Sunday only in Balboa Park, Sixth Avenue and Laurel Stre~t. COLORADO HOUSE CAFE, 2715 _San DIHO Ave., ..., da,1y -Manual (Mlsmo) Mosley paintings, COUNTRY SQUIRE INTERIORS, Paseo Dellcas, Rancho Santa Fe, 10-4:30 Monday-Saturday-Works In various ~::;~tbtla!gL1:rJn:rg~fril~~!uding Jim Pugh, Mary Tift, EARTH STUDIOS, 632 First St., Encinitas, noon-5 daily- Dalt Moore paintings; Drew Wayland metal sculpture, Ei,~\l,.~~da 9 v'.',,A,~ia~. ~!t~f:O\ur~ 0 o\t:la~ti:~~~n,t~hkJt. oils, through May 30. daily. ESPERANTO BUILDING, 343$ Camino del Rio South, f-7 Monday-Saturday - Ruby Agnew walercolon, through June 30. EVE'S GALLERY, 4094 Fairmount Avt., 11·5 daily-J. K, Cota painlings, through May 30. FINE ARTS GALLERY, north end af Plaza de Panama, Balboa Park, 10·5 Tuesday-Saturday, 12:30-5 Sunday_ Fret docent ours at 10 and 11 a.m. Tuesday-Thursday, 2 P.m. Sunday and by appointment-Paintings by Mexican artists from qallery's permcment collection. lndlan textile! from Private collection. ends next Sundav. California-Hawaii regional iuried show, through June 6. E\h~:S1~~-s8aVJ~a~~N~ l~ 4 t 1~;~: ~,is, L3e~:~~tr:tt~~=

MORETON STUDIO-GALLERY, 40-U Bonita Road, Bonita, noon-6 MondaY-Thursday and Saturday, noon-5 Frldan- Russell Moreton paintings. CARL NEUBERT GALLERY AND STUDIO, 1,411 Hermes st., Leu(adia, 9.9 daily-Carl Neubert paintings and sculpture. NIMBLE NEEDLE, 2'45 Son Dleg1> Ave., 10-5 dailY- Stitchery by 12 San DlHo artists, through May 28. NOVA ART GALLERY, 4549 Minton Gorse Road, 10·6 Mon• day-Thursday and Saturdays, 10•9 Fridays-continued show by gallery ar1ists in various media~ O~Ec!:ay~T1~fs~ay~,,~3~-~~o 1:~1d::nt~dM:;t'i~e1ai!::.a!~! nice Cardella oils, through May 31. 0 ~~1,l!::rer~:1~~e:~E/;Js:Jhi::~er~~e=n ~r:1r, ~;!i: Grace, Ralph Hulett anc:1 Robert Mettzer. Oils by J. Earl ~:r,~i~j-, '¾-:~ldHll~e~ri'i?CJmG::;t~ J~a;_ni:J~~'ph;,eoc!~: Pene Du Bois; RObert Henry and A. B. Davis pastels; Picas!io and Matisse graphics. DeGrazia prints and originals. ORIGINAL OILS, LTO., 224' Avenldo de la Plava, La Jolla, 11·$ Tuesday•Saturday-Works by Alain Lopez and Anton SiPH plu1 European and American ar1ists. THE OWL STUDIO, 15$0 Sixth Ave,, 9.5 Monclav-saturday- Sculpture by Allan Krov1t1, contlnuH indeflnllely. T~:tu~l/vE~ l:o;i;d 1 ~:1fF::ne~~•oe~i:;f~ 3 ~r~f," daald lithotlraph1 by Akl'o Luongo and Vel Miller. SAN DIEGO ART INSTITUTE, House of Charm, Balboa :~dkJ01tv'e1l::':~:-!~!~.d~roi~:h30-Ja~u:ay-Joa Burton SAN DIEGO CITY COLLEGE Theater Art Gallery, 14th and C streets, 9.4 Monday-Frlday-Foculty drawings, paint- ings and ceramics; through May 14. SAN DIEGO PUBLIC LIBRARY, 820 E St., 10-f Monday. Friday, 9:30•5:30 Saturday-Mary Novak animal sketcl'les, rnrouth May 31. SAN DIEGO STATE, librarv, 1·11 Monday-Thursday, 1-S Fridays, 9-S Saturdays, 1-10 Sundays-Women•, Art Fu- tival, works in various media, ends Friday, SCANDIA INTERIORS, 384f Fifth Ave., 10·' MondaY-Thurs~ day and Saturday, 10-10 Fridays-Daniel Wltkoff acrylics, through June 31. SCHERTLE ART GALLERY' near post office Grossmont i~~~~v::m':~i~C:.n1:~8d ~~~g~~~r~~1rs'ts~0.4 Solurday, 1-4 SECURITY PACIFIC BANK, 92SO Mission Garst Road, 10·3 Monday-Thursday, 10-S:lO Fridovs-Show by Helga and Eva Gordon; throU9h May JD. SHELTER ISLAND GALLERY, 2733 Shelter Island Drive, 10-10 Wednesday-Saturday, 1-9 SU!ldoy, 1-10 Monday, Tuesday-18th and 19th Century etchings, through May 15. SHOWCASE OF THE ARTS, 126 S. Kalmia Sf., Escondido, 10:30-.5 MandaY•Thursd and Saturday, 10:30-9 Friday - Works in various Dy 1oca1 artists on a rotatm1 basis.

GARDEN ART GALLERY, 5102. Avocado St., Ef Caioi:i, 1-6 daily-Oils by Roland McNary, Angus Rose, Lvnn Wmans and Maria Johnson; watercolors by Clarence West. GROSSMONT COLLEGE Student Center and LiDrary Foyer, 9.4 Mondav-Friday- 1 Th1 Colors of Man,' traveling shOw from Smithsonian Institution, through May 10. H1,lY,1RJ'oftv~~~~~efi~s~!Lb.~s~~.?7~riianp~Jr;'o~,A';.•,ii Wilcox paintings. H~LT~i.!~~cinf~h7s1a3a1~:~Tea1~7Jpe~· '1t:~on g~ D{!~'~ Galleries. ISTANBUL, 1150 Prospect Place, 11 Cl,1!'•11:30 p,m, Mon- day-Thursday, 11 a.m.-mldnlght Friday-Sunday-Anne O'Arcv (Shammaut) oils, acrylics and opaque water• colors. JAJ!'n~~y~s~ru~ly~,:~M1: 0 :a~fou~e~fourJ~ fo~~( !~·: foreign craftsmen. JONES GALLERY, 12'2 ProsPect St., La Jolla, 104 Tue1- daY•Saturda.y-Palntings, sculpture and pottery by vallery artists. • s~ KENKNIGHT GALLERY, Praj,tcl St., Lb Jollf, 10., Sunday-frldar-Fred 1ck )(enKnitht c:ic ics, water• colors, Geo- Lo,., orirth. and Jam.. KenKn ghl sculptvre. K1!$Ll!R ART GALLERY, 2S21 San °'"" Avt., 10,_ it::s~1~~t,,bMi~1•a..~~~st:.ntct~~iri,,..::.·i0Pl~t:rt:i Charles Fries Historical Collection. LA GAL!RIA O@ CALIFORNIA, 2161 Avenlda dt la Playa, ~f t~~ 1 ~1)~g:y d:~lit':', 0 Z~J~1cv:1~~:c:re,i:, ':l'a~:"J~~~~ son bronzes, John Clymer olls, Harvey W. Johnson ails, LA JOLLA ART ASSOCIATION, 7917 Girard Ave., 1·5 dally -Thelma Butler and Beverly Brown oils, through May 10. LA JOLLA MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, 700 Prospect St., 11-5 Tuesday-Friday, 12:30-5 Saturdays and Sundays, 7-10 Wednesdavs-David Herschler and Melvin Schuler sculpture; Joe Goode photograPhic suite; through June 6. LAUDEL, 8055 Winter-gardens Blvd., El Cajon, a-6 MondaY- SaturdaY-Oils, watercolors and pastels by local artists. THE LITTLE GALLERY, 251511 San Diego Ave., 10:30-6 dally-Small pictures In various media by 1allery artists. MARY MOORE GALLERY, 2163 Avenido de la Playa, La Jolla, 10-~ Monday-SaturcJay or by appointment-Works by Channing Peake in various media, ends Saturday, McLEAt-4 GALLERY, 1250 Prospect St., Suite A 21, La Jolla, 11-5 TUesday-Sunaav-H. G. Stalnal

SOUTMERN CALIFORNIA FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 110 Turquoise St., 10.5 Monday-Fr(day-Thelma Bruner 0,1,. SOUTHWESTERN GALLERY. Spanish Vl!lage, Bau,aa Park, noon-4:30 Wednesd<1y-Sunday: - Maxine Dunn pas- tels and oils and Mary Sare oils; through May 15. SPANISH PLAZA GALLERY, 2,21 San Diego Ave., , .., Monday-Thursday, 10-9 Friday-Sunday - OeGraz1a print!, M A Gomez suck McCain Western pa1nt1ngs, Groce Eciwai-ds oils,'original alls by Europeans. STUDIO 25, SPanlsh Village Art. Center, Balboa Park, 1-4 WednesdaY-SundaY-AII media 1ur1ed show by San Dleto Art Club. through May 31; 2 p.m. reception next SunCIQy. THAT GALLERY, 2470 San Diego Avenue, 11·4 MendaV• Frida/, 1-4 Saturday and sundav-Work by gallery artists. THIRD AVENUE FLASH GALLERY, 62, Third Ave., 11-5 Saturday-Ethel Green surreollstlc palnt1n1s, through May 29. TIMKEN GALLERY, northeast corner of Plaza de Panama, Balboa Park, 10-5:30 Tuesday thr[!:ugh Saturday, 12:30- 4:JO Sunday, guided tours br appointment-Putnam col• lection of Old Masters. TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY! 210 "A" SI., 1:30 Monday-Frldar-E~ Scott olls Of v,c Orlan nom• and tori-; San Diego bu1ldmg1, TOWER. GALLERY, Setra Museum and Library, Presidio Park, 10·5 dolly except Monday-Thelma Bruner oils ot Collfornla Missions. TROSBY GALLERIES, 7'42 Girard Ave., Lo Jolla, 11-4 ~:;~v c'e~•~'v sgN:,ar,ri:::~r tur;ser~~~n d~~l:~~nft:,:: .. kan silver, throu1h July 31. u~:n~gy.T=~ra~~~~~tm:As~~ne~ 1 :11s~ 0 m:~eg~eW'J 0 31~0-s UCSO ART GALLERY, Matthews Campus, 11·4 daily - 'Artaud Paintings• by Nancv Spero; through May 16. u~~~e~1J,';o?td:ft:-3!~0:u~i~~~i~~:.f:;dLi~:h1~~~ 1nrough May 31. VISTA ART GALLERY, 345 E. Visla way, v111a, noon-4 Tuesdov-Saturday - Vista Art Guild membership shOW plus flea market and book mart. WATERCOLORS, 3453A VOllaire St., Pt. Loma, f.J Monday• Saturday-Frank Lowe watercolors. WESTERN ART GALLERY, Julian. 10·5 Wadne1day-Sundav and by appointment - Group show by gallery ar'lhfl, ends today. EVENTS FIN@ ARTS GALLERY, Balboa Park-Dr. Ary Robert d• Vries, actinq director Of Timken Gallery,_ discusses "In Light of Vermeer" at 10:45 a.m. Tuesday 1n Copley Aud.I• torlum. Fine Arts society presents junior arl festival from 10 a.m.-noon and 1:30-3:30 P,m. Sa_lurdoy with OP.en house from l•J p.m. next Sunday, also in Copley Auditorium LA JOLLA MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, 700 Pros- PICt SL La Jolla-Parent•child workshop on moon bal• loons will be held ot 2 this afternoon, U~!7a~g i:a\'tf. 0 1~-~ 1~oaj::ti~~s}g;:also • Vic Herman paintings of Mexico. i~;i;aF~rdt?;~v~

AUSTIN ART GALLERY, 3'29 Fifth Ave .. 12:JO·S Monday- Friday - Tb• Rev. Patrick X. N1dorf, pamtmgs and patten•


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local and European IEN POLA.C FINE ARTS CENTER, IOU University Ave.. La' Me,a, 1-.5 sarurdays, Sundav!--Marv Howard, one-man show, plus work by Reda 8alant1ne, tnrough May 30. • ORREGO DISIRT .lltT CENTER, Oft lht Mall, Borrego

GALLERIES OF MASTERS, 1134-36 orange Ave,, Coronado, 9.9 Monday-Saturday, 1-9 Sundays-Works in various media by gallery artists.

G~LP~~~to~d~i'!'sa1~r~o;~s~o!t1 ~~~l_'i~u~:g~:!-~or:S~:; students of local universities and colleges,


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