News Scrapbook 1969-1971

Furey Goodby

Dignitaries Bid Bisho

-Staff Photos bv Joe F ynn

among notables who spok<' at I VP•· taking ceremonies for Bishop Fw-ey at Convention Hall.

James Francis Cardinal l\kintyrP, right, archbishop of Los Angeles, talks with Bishop Fure) . The cardinal was

Mayor Curran bids farewell to Bi.·hop Furey. Mayor and other dvic leaders conferred honors and gifts on bishop for community activities.

Low 11 E. Engli h, left, and Rear dm. :\I. E. Domm after civic lunch- eon honoring bishop. (Storp, b-1)




Honors B o eel Upon Bishop Furey





City Bestows Honors o Bisho F 1,000 At E~umenical Luncheon Climaxing Leave-Toking Events By S. A. DESICK An ecumenical bishop received an ecumenical larcwell yrster- day in an affectionate civic compliment. About 1,000 persons came to a luncheo~ in Convention IlaII, to say goodby to the Most Rev. Francis J. I• urcy, bishop ol the San Diego Catholic Diocese. before he leaves today lo be~ome arch- bishop of San Anto1110, Tex. Climaxing a series of leavetaking events _hy the cl,•rizy and laitv of the diocese, this was a representative turnout by tl1e community at large . to bcslow l honors and gifts on hun .

ap- thc

INLAND HOT, COAST COOL San Diego Cuunt:,•5 weath- er was like this yesterday: Cool along lhe coast. llol inland. Very hot. ,f\lore of the same is expcclcd today. A. . W. Anderson, meteorol- ogist-in-charge at the lT.S Weather Bureau, Lindbergh Field. ·aid temperatures ranged from balmy highs o[ 72 at Imperial Beach and Del Mar to a blistering 106 at Ramona and 119 at Borrego. The coastal dwellers are- being cooled h} sea breezr5, Anderson said He said the high !(•mpcra- ture yesterday al Lindbergh Field was 77 after an over- night low of 64. while Borre- go recorded its county high of 119. V:illcy Center hl'ld 104, Escondido h~d 98. Gil le~pie Field ID P,l Cajon 100 and Lakeside 101. -----------

One of the speakers, thP Rev Dr. Hobert H. :\layo of the fi rst Presbyterian Church, said to the J bisl1op : _ . "We wouldn't he here 1[ 1l were not for your wide range of communilv interests, ) our lotal1 perspective, YOlll" _\\ Jllingness to l rise above parochial tn1erests. '!..ABORED FOR Ul'\ITY' "You ave a ore or ity of all people - we give thanks." The same theme was sounded 1 b, Rabbi Joel S. Goor of Tem- pie Beth Israel in the benedic- tion - and it carried a hint also\ of the interest c_lergymen of oth- er faiths have m what the ecu- menical posture will be of Bish- \ op Fu1ey's succcsso1·. who has not vet been named ' Let us never ignorr or with- draw," ' said Rabbi Goor, "from the gains he has made in the growmg movement 0 1 ecumen- ism by his speaking in syn- 1 agogucs and Protestant church- es and by his appointment of a ahbi as teacher at the (church-operated) University of \ h I h d f the un · .· and for this

-Staff Photo by Joe 1=-ivnn D ·1e".-o Catl1011·c Dioce!;e to become a rch- bishop of San Antonio, Tex. ••

,.1·,·1·c luncheon biddin!!: farewell to Bishop

Jimmv Durante, that eminent ba,:s-bari- tone. intones a ballad at a Convention Hall





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Durante To Sing At Furey Farewell Ed1tor,ol on page b-6 The gravel voice of Jimmy merce, Convention and V_isi!?rs Durante will be added to those Bureau, Un1f1ed Port Dsstnct, honoring the Mo t Rev FrancJS repre~entatives of all religious J. Furey, bishop of the San Die- faiths and a 200 member _CIVIC go Catholic diocese, at the fa. and business leader committee, rewell luncheon in the Commun- will he the last public honor for lly Concourse today. the bishop hefl)re he leav~s lo· Durante announced yesterday morrow to ~ecome Archbishop that he 11111 ofler a nostalgic of San Antomo. collection of his famous songs Others on the program in- a · part of the luncheons' enter- elude the Naval Training Center tainment program. band, the NTC Bluejacket The luncheon-sponsored by Choir, the Marine Corps Recruit ctty and county government Depot color gua~d and ~oprano leaders the Chamber of Com- Carla AlherghetlI who will open ' Wednesday in Starlight's pro- duction of "My Cousin Josefa." . 1laster of ceremonies will be James F. Mulvaney. James Francis Cardinal Mc- Intyre of Los Angeles an-

Franciscan Orde~ schedt1les convent10~ Talks by Auxiliary Bishop and Cornelia Su an. A dis· John R. Quinn, Archie ~Ioore cu, _ion follO\\ed. · d · Bishop Qwnn spoke on a~d vanous panel tscussrnns "Hierarchy-Laity Relation~ will mark the Third Order Se- in the ontemporary Church'' cular of 5t. Francis, Im-nacu- at 8 pm Wednesday. rate Con~eption Fraternity, The Cru~aders, a _young Comention hich began Sun- pe ans group w1tlim the • • r · ~·ranCJ can Order. held a day at th e 1P1vcrsity O :San 1teens day at 1 p.m. ,redne • Diego Oollege for Women: dar. Registration and discus- e 11e of the convention, s1011 groups were held and hlch \\ill epd Saturday ac- :Ila 11as aid. 'Ihe • dancerl cording to Mt farcellme to a Ii\ e band driana Quij- /.i'helan ol P mt Loma, rha1•- ano i. leader of the group. man, 1s "'Franciscan • ow." • One Under C-od" i. the The convent1 n is sJ1,1bolic of topic of the Ecumenical d1~- the j y or e1 s relevancy to cus.ion to be held loda,· the time according to • !rs. at 9:30 am. Plnel members E cy L Ruiz. are Rev. Paul Vienstra, Rev. A reception and reg1stra- Francis :\fcGuir:i and Rev. tlon for the conv~ntion was\Laurence Dolan. An open dis- held Sunday at the College cussion will foll:iw. for Women. A banquet will be held at A panel featuring Robert 7 p.m. with entertainment McCardy, E. Gernand and land a mariachi band. Robert Sch litzgeber \\as held Dr. Robert Brooks will Tuesd,ay on "Responding to speak on '·Peacemaking - the Poor.' A di cu~ 'on fol-·Alternative to Futility" at lowed and Mass said at 11.30 9:30 a.m. Friday. Archi11 a tud S!erry discussed foor , leader of the Any Boy •.,...,.,u;;. th Gap Bet\ een Can program In San Diego, pl o God" at 8 30 \Hll sp ak on "Spiritual Con- c·ept.~ n \ 1ucs" at 8 p.m. a spe I ,:,n Prirla . Bouncl , · 'Th c,rn e •on 1, tll clo he d b.r Jnin~dollo111'1i,: breakfa t Satu1day.

E condidan on law chool' cholar Ii t SAN DIEGO - Victor E. 'i Ramirez, 21Xil Ordath Ave., ' Escondido, is among 10 students who have been awarded scholarships by the University of San Diego School of Law as part of the Legal Educations Opportunity programs The holar hips for minority group stud nts cover full tuition and provide book allowance. Th' y are for about $1 ,300 apiece tn the un1versity 's day division and $1 ,000 each in th evening d1v1 ion Ramirez I an evening dsvlslon student at Pepperdine College He I majoring in ociology

San Diego."

CARDI. AL PRESENT House, Gov. Beagan and Sen. Joining in the farewell were George Murph . K-Calif. The the Rev . Dr. Louis Evans Jr.. ot White Hou c message, which the La Jolla Presb?'tenan was srnt on behalf of President Cliurch, who gave the mvoca• ixon hy his communications tion , .James Francis Cardmal director Herbert G Klein. '.\1clntyre. archbishop of Los An- noted. ' geles: Albert T. Harutunian Jr.. ,,:-.:ow that you .ire leavmo thP lhe luncheon genPral charrman ; Pr~sidcnt's home state to go to Ma~or Curran; DcG:aff AuS t l~. the state •ot his predeces. fw, c(1airman of the Boa1d of Supe: • mav vour work in the arch- -.·1sors: the Rev :\1elvfn H. Hatt- diocese of an Antonio. whiel1 er. cxecullve . director of the reaches out to the planets Count} _Counc~I of P'.u 1:ches, through lhe space program. b• with wl11ch 131shop m ej h_a_s crowned with the success tl1at undertaken an ccumerneal afhh- h· clclrlv marked your six ation: Murra> D Goodrich. rep- :!r~oin San ·Diego." resentin~ th b mess commun-:Y . ity: .James F. '.\lulvarey, mas- 1 _Cardm~l Mc1.~tyre_ no;ed tril ter of ceremonies; Carla Al- Bishop ure) contmuc5 un berghetti. who sang the national ihe patronage of famous samts anthem. and Jimmy Durante. m ~1s plac,<; of departure a d who "got into the act" with dcstmation . songs. gags and nose. I "This 1s a movem?~t ty1 There were also telegrams to of the gr011 th of tc,1g10n l the bishop from the White, (Continued on b-3. Col. 4)

nounced last week that he will come to San Diego for the fa. rewell ceremonies. Albert H. Harutunian Jr., chairman of the citizens' group planning the luncheon, said the event i:; planned "as a salute repr enting all ' denominations and will be a cross-section of the community's recognition of Bishop Furey." Attendance at the lunch will be limited to ·1.soo. but 1,100 ad- ditional seats will be available in the ga,Iery. There will be no admission charge for the gal- lery srats. I l iJ~ •t<' ,t.. .

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