News Scrapbook 1969-1971

J~ P-.!-tf.. Chicano workshop


1 P-"/ .;,._/Cf Priest Advo ates Standing in hur


,P, "3 t, ?' _USD Appoints C I. Salomon Retired arine Col Irving lumon, former U.S. dele- gate to the United Nations, has been appoirtted a visitiIJg profcs- ~or at the University of San Diego. He will teach a cour~e titled 'lnternation I Crises" during t fall term, according to the V, ry Rev. John E. Baer Col. Salomon will bring to t c dassroom yrars of experi- c ce in international politics," . 1d Dr .A Paul Theil, chair- of the department of politi- cal ~c1enc <.;ol. Salomon was a delegate to the 13th general assembly of th U.:'i., was chairman of a de~egation to the 1953 UNESCO conterencc in Paris, has been a nsultant to the federal govern- ment and is president of the World Affairs Coun,·1l m San Diego.

Pa fty'Pla ,;~;a7 By Law Alumni The Alumni Association of the University of San Diego School of Law will hold a bar- becue and swimming party for alumni and friends this Satur• day, September 20. The event is the first in the history of. the alumni association, said William C. George, association secretary. The party will be held from 3 lo 11:30 p.m. in the area ad- J01111ng the USO pool. ln ad dillon to the swimming and barbecue th re will be Mariachi music and games, George said. Further information about the party may be obtained from U1e association officers: Hobert Adelizzi, :!39·75!H, Bruce V. Wagner, 294-4572; Gayle 1''. Anderson, :!!11-3132, or Gaorge, 23\1-7711, cxtr>nsion 451.




llcqu st Pra)er \lhrned •n implementmg the latter. aid Father Rou e, 1t v. uuld be inappropriate for the priest to foist his per onal oc10-1JO- htical views on the congrega- tion.

Workshop took a n1fferent lack, she a d. and came up with a two-week course that explores thP problems of thP uninvoJv. ed- what h1~ culturP 1~ problrms are and ho · the) i;1-iould be d " coordmators l ·n sociolo 1 C1tv govern- m<'nl will send a student, and !l \\Ill the heriff s Depart• ment, he said professors. priests. social v.orkers and CIVIC leaders at 8:30 a m tomorrow m the univer- sity's registral!on office, Ad· mmistration Bui l d ; n g. An overview of the four-unit credit course is at 9 a.m. Regular sessions are '.\fon- oay~ through Fridays. 8 am. to 4 30 p.m. v. th three hours of conversational panish startmg earh da . Le lures n socio ogy and tha' s a'1 a ea Iha affects he p esent 1t11ahon o( the llex1can AmcnC'an 1n San Others a r e Registration tart ho ha P prere!(- ar nt estmg of Mexican Ing to thr



SD professor selected

SAN DIEGO - Col. Irving Salomon, a resident of San Diego who also maintains a home north of Escondido al Rancho Lilac, has been appointed visiting professor of political science at the University of San Diego. In making the announcement, the Very Rev. John E. Baer said Salomon will teach the course "International Crises'' this fall. Baer is coordinator for the coordmate colleges, University of San Diego. Salomon , former U.S. delegate to United Nations, is an author, TV commentator and business executive, as well as

an expert in foreign affairs. "Salomon will bring to the classroom years of experience in international politics," said Dr. A. Paul Theil, chairman of the department of political science at the USO College for Men. the United Nations, Salomon was U.S. delegate to the 13th General Assembly of the U.N. In 1933 he was chairman of the U.S. delegation to the UNESCO Conference in Paris and American delegate to the ECOSOC Conference in Geneva. He has been a consultant to the federal government, While associated with

including the War Department in 1947, and the Munitions Board in 1949. He also has been a consultant for the Fund for Adult Education, the Fund for the Advancement of Education and the Ford Foundation. Honorary president of the Sari Diego U.N. Association Salomon is also a member of the board of the Foreign Policy Association. He is president of the World Affairs Council and a columnist on world affairs for a local newspaper. Salomon is vice president of the American Jewish Committee and a member of the board of the U.S. Committee

for UNICEF and Institute for International Education. industry, he . is chairman of the board or a director of several firms and president of Mount Pal~mar Ranches, Inc. the San Diego Ballet, Inc., president of the Friends or San Antonio de Pala Mission, past president of the San Diego County Hereford Association and a member of the board of Children's Hospital. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps in World War I and was a Lt. Col. in the U.S. Army during World War II. Active in In addition, Salomon is president of

THE SAN DIEGO UNION t 7 inority Stud nts Gain USD Awards Ten scholarships to the Uni-reach, said Sinclitico. versity of San Diego law school Day students receiving have been awarded minority awards include William A. Dav- ila, 5228 Alcorn Place, a history group st udenls. . student at USD; Harold T. The scholarships cover full tu- Hamilton of Riverside, a biology ition and provide for a book al- student at La Sierra College, lowance, according to Joseph A. and Sergio L. Lopez, 3168 Man- Sinclitico Jr., dean of the Law dan Way, a political science stu- scl1ool, who announced the dent at San Diego sta te. scholarships. EVENING DIVISION Among those receiving the Evening division scholarship · . recipients are Herman M. Ha- s~hola~sh1ps was l\1rs. Geral- gan, 7614 Parkway Drive, La dme Rickman, 5164 College Ave- Mesa, a student at San Diego nue, who has been attending the State; Victor E. Ramirez, Es- USD College for Women. condido,. a sociology student at PROGRAM DIRECTOR Pepperdine CoIIege; John w. . . . Torres, 4235 Arista St., an ele- :Vfrs. Rickman 1s director of a mentary education student at commumty opportunity pr()- San Diego State; Gerard A. Wil- gram which seeks scholarships Iiams, 7610 Teebird Lane, a so- and aid for minority group stu- cial science student at San Die- go State; James A. Wilson, a dents. . . speech arts student at San Die- Day students will receive go Slate, and Mrs. Rickman. $1.300 each and evening division/ The 10th scholarship winner students will be awarded $1,000 has not yet been named. Scholastic standards of the s:- ;. J

l Phon Number For USO Schools The Umvers1ty ot San 01ego now has a srngle telephone numbl'r. The unified system for the USO undergraduate col- leges and School of Law re- places individual numbers for the various departments of the uni vers1 ty. /I master switchboard will now handle q,II 111coming calls to the university. The new number 1s 2\11·6~!10. Extensions will serve the various offices and departments. The unif1ca tion of telephone service 1s another step in the unification which is uniting the schools at the academic level and creallng a joint ad- ministration of the coordinate colleges, with r'alher John E. Haer as coordinator of u111l1<.:at1011. s

Mrs. Robert A Cihak hat been appointed charrman of the loth annual luncheon and fash- ion show schedu1ed by the Alca• la Guild of the___,,,,,_..,.

r s

e appointment of a unl- it •Wide business manag- er mark another advance in the unllication program for the ooordinate colleges of the University of San Diego, an, nounced the Very Rev. John E. Baer, USO coordinator Fa er Baer, \\ho is also preSident of the 'USD College for :'.\len, said the appo~nt- ment of Gerald Hitzeman, of 5071 Pacif;ca Dr., Pacific Beach, as university business manager will coordinate uni- rersity services and financial affairs of the colleges, which are operated b,· two inde- pendent corporations. lJSD is operated by the Catholic Diocese of San Diego, and the College for Women by the Religious of the the Sacred Heart. Hitzeman. 30, comes to USO froln Loyola Vnirers1ty, Chicago. ,1 here he 11as direc- tor of the university budget. Pre~iously, he v.:as with :'.\orthwestern University as contract administrator and later director of budget con- trol. "\\Thile at • ·orthwestern he was treasurer of the NU Employees' Credit Union. He has also held a position as general accountant with General Foods Corporation. Hitzeman was graduated from , ·orthwestern \I ith a bachelor's and master's de- gree in busmess administra- tion, and has completed var- ious IB'.11 courses. Three other posts in the coordinate colieges' joint ad- ministration are being filled, said Father Baer. Peter \V. Barend is the ne\\ director of admissions. Sister Annette Bourret is director of finan- cial aid and Nicolas :M, De Turi is registrar. Previously, Barend and De Turi were with the USD Col- lege for :IIen administration as registrar and assistant reg- istrar. Sister Bourret was di• rector of admissions and fi. nancial aid officer for the USD College for Women


to the Um- each, said Smclitico.

holar hip


students .



mty f San D1c•o law

Un i v er sity of San Diego at 12 30 p,m.. Oct. 25 in the As- sembly Room of Vacation Vil- lage. .Mrs. Edward L. Tagwerker, president, announces that "Trails or Fa ·h-

. v. ard d mmorlty awards mcludc William A.. Dav- ila, 5228 Alcorn Place, a h1Story at USO, Harold T. The scholarship cover full t,1• Hamilton of River ide, a biology I n and J1rov1de Ior a book at tudent at La Sierra College, I wance, accordm to .Joseph A and erg10 L. Lopez, 3168 Man- i !'ti Jr dean or the Law clan Way, a pohllcal science stu- nc 1 co • dent at San Diego State. s hool, \\'ho announcerl th( h larshi EVE. I. 'G DIVISIO~ SC O • . h I h' Among those rec ving the E_v~nmg d,v1s1on sc o ars 1p .scholar hip \\aS Mrs Geral- rec1pwnls are Berman :½. Ha- lim R• kman, 5164 Coll ge Ave- gan, 7614 Parkway Drive,. La nu , who h s been attl"nding the \lesa, a. student at San Diego o College for Worn State,; Victor Ramirez, Es- condido, a sociology student at l'ROGRA"M DIRECTOR Peppcrdine College; John W. Hickman dir ctor or a Torres, 4235 Arista St., an clc- co unity- opportumt pr()- m nt8 ry education student at gr which seeks cholarsh1p San Diego State; Gerard A. Wil- and 11d for minority group stu- hams 7610 Teebird Lane, a so- d n c1al science student at San Die- l) udents v. II recciv go tate; James A. Wilson,. a t 300 caeh and evening div1S1on speech arts student at San D1e- tud nts will be awarded $1.000' go State, and Mrs. Ric~man. The 10th scholarship wmner has not yet been named. Scholastic standards of the \ C a oup stud nt . student b n

RELIGION Bishop Furey Gets Farewell H9jJJU M2rr9ay The Most Rev. Francis J. Fu rey, for the last ~ix years th leader of the 350,000 Catliolics i the San Diego diocese, will be honored at a farewell luncheo Monday in Convention Hall. Bishop Furey will leave Tues day for his new duties as arch bishop of tbe San Antonio, Tex. Catholic archdiocese. The highlight of the communi" ty-wide triqute to the prelate will be a visit bv James Franci Cardinal McIntyre of Los Angeles. MCRD COLOR GUARD The smart-stepping of a Mar- ine Corps Recruit Depot color guard will open the luncheon. Soprano Carla Alberghetli, who will open Wednesday i o the Starlight Opera production of "My Cousin Josefa," will sing the national anthem. Master or ceremonies will be James F. Mulvaney. Entertllin- ment will be provided by the Naval Training Center Blue. jacket Choir and the NTC band. 2-STATE AREA Bishop Furey was na~ed by Pope Paul last month to suc- ceed Archbishop Robert E. Lu- cey, who has retired, as leader of the 500,000 Catholics ln the San Antonio archdiocese, which includes Texas and Oklahoma. BishOJ> Furey will be installed as archbishop on Wednesday at San Fernando Cathedral by Archbishop Luigi Raimondi ap.. ostolic delegate to the U~ited States. · The luncheon salute \o the bishop 1s sponsored by city and county government leaders, the Chamber of Commerce, Conven- tion and Visitors Bureau, the Unified Port District, represent- atives of all major' religious faiths and a committee of 200 civic and business leaders.

Mrs. Cihak

ion" will be the theme. Mrs. Domimc DePietrl was named cochairman, and Mrs. Clem Berrlll v.ill serve as ad• visor. Party assignments have been given to l\.1Ines. Idus Lawson, decora ions; Ross Dingman, pa• Irons; Willlam Bilbay, treasur• er; John Wilper, gifts; John McDermott, faculty representa• tive; Gordon Briggs, hostesses; Paul Vesco, alumni representa• t i v e; Robert Howard, enter- tainment, and William K. Buck• ley, publicity.

school will not be waived for the students, but each will be as- signed to a faculty member who will be available for guidance and assistance.

school will not be waived for the tud nts, but each will be as- signed to a faculty member who viii be avrulable for guidance nd assistance.

Itinerary Outlined For KOf CTour Italy, France. Spain and Por- was t, f•, f tugal are on the intinerary of a Other stops on the three-week Knights of Columbus-sponsored tour will include Milan, Flor- 200th anniversary San Diego de ence and Loreto, in Italy; Paris Alcala tour group which will and Lourdes, France; Madrid, leave here Aug. 21. Spain; Lisbon, Fatima and Lis- Highlight of the tour will be a bon, Portugal. special audience Aug. 27 with Reservations for the Europe- Pope Paul at_ the Vatican in an tour, sponsored by the San Rome, arcordmg lo the Rev. Diego-Imperial Counties Chap- A_lfred F. Geimer, law library ter of the Knights of Columbus, director al Umvcrs1ty of San may be made with Thomas ·~ w~o wi11 _ be sp1n tuaT C~k & Son travel agency here ieliaerof tne pilgrimage. un!Jl Friday, Father Geimer Among many religious shrines said. A dozen reservations have to be visited are Alcala de Hen- been made. ares, near Madrid, where San The religious tourists will Diego (St. Didacus1, this city's leave here Aug. 21 by United patron amt, JS buried, and Pal• Air Lines plane for New York, ma, on the Island of Mallorca laking off from there the same Spain, \\h re Father ,Junipcro day aboard an Alitalia Airlines Serra, founder of the San Diego plane tor :l,!1Jan. Th group will anrl other California nus,1011s, return to New York ept. JO.

USD Award Law Scholarships

VOICE-VIEWPOINT - Aug. 13 thru Aug. 19, 1!_69-A-3

3168 Mandan Way, political science, San Diego State. Scholars in the evening di- vi on are Herman M. Hagan, 7614 Parkway Drive, La '.\Iesa, San Diego State; Victor E. Ramirez, Escondido, soci- logy, Pepperdinc College; Geraldine Rickman, 5164 College Avenue, USD College for Women; John W. Torres, 4235 Arista Street. elementary education, San Diego State; Gerard A. Williams, 7610 Tee- bird Lane, social science, San Diego' State, and James A. Wilson, speech arts, San Diego State. The tenth ·cholar will be named shortly, Sinclitico said

practicing law i~ exceedingly small," Sinclitico said. He noted that the law ha tradi- thmally been an important avenue for entering inta poli ti,• , public administration and business management. In ·selecting the USO School of 1 .aw Minority Group Scholars, the primary con• sideration was financial need. The student's participallon in the life of the community was an important element in their s 0 lection, as well as their di- verse background , he said. The day scholars, their majors and their schools arc William A. Davila, 5228 Al- corn Place, hi tory, USD; H,u-old T Hamilton, River- stc!e, biology, La Sierra College, and Sergio L. Lopez

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