News Scrapbook 1969-1971

• Mari es Join 1n Tribute t The Southern Cross

rchbish p Plaque Given As Thousands StageFarewell Most Rev. Francis J. Furey received a rare distinction last Friday, when he was named an honorary member of the US. Marine Corps. The occasion was a parade and review of 2,200 Marines held at the huge grounds of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot as a farewell tribute to lhs Excellency who, after six years' serv- ice as Bishop of San Diego, leaves on August 5 to become Arch. bishop of San Antonio, Texas. Another 2,500 Marines in the bleachers and hundreds of guests from various walks of life warmly applauded the honor bestowed on the Archbishop. · Archbishop Furey, who has served as Military Vicar for Cath- olic servicemen from the West Coast, reviewed the troops with Maj. Gen. Lowell E. English, depot commanding general, and as- sisted him in presentrng combat awards to six Marine heroes returned from Vietnam. ----------- Additional Pictures, Page 9 When the parade and review were over and Archbishop Fur- ey stood with Gen. English on the field in front of the enclosed reviewing stand where sat clergy, military and civic leaders, the general surprised everyone by presenting the Archbishop with a plaque - not announced previously The plaque, signed by Gen. English, was inscribed· "The Most Rev. Francis J. Furey is appornted an honorary U.S. Marine in appreciation for services rendered." Gen. English told Archbishop Furey, "This is for your out- standing contribution to our military forces. We're going to miss you terribly because you've been such a very important part of San Diego. We wish you Godspeed." Archbishop Furey, who returned recently from a three-wC>ck, 25,000-mile tour of Air Force bases in the Far East, was about to speak in accepting the plaque when the Marine Band began playing "Auld Lang Syne." Smiling to the strains of "Should old acquantances be forgot," the black-dad Archbishop said into the microphone, "I can't beat the band," and waited until the last notes had been sound- ed. Then the Archbishop spoke, addressing his remarks to 'My Marine Corps." He told the Marines, "I can't imagine anything that I wlll prize more, but I think this honor is not only for me



Entered A, Second Clou Motter ot the Po,t Office of San Diego under the- Act of Morch 3. 1879

P"bli1hed Weekly By The Diocese of Son Diego, California

$4 Yearly


AT PARADE AND REVIEW - Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, top photo, and other dignitaries stand at attention and military men salute as colors pass in review at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot parade honoring the prelate. Photo below shows reviewing stand with

clergy, military and civilian notables before Archbishop Furey and Gen. Lowell English went on the parade grounds to review the troops. Among those seated are Msgr. John Purcell, vicar general, left, and Auxiliary Bishop John R. Quinn, center.

but for rehgion in general. My heartfelt thank for this great honor." He observed that "it will be a pleasure always to remember my close association with you here." Leaving San Diego will be made easier, he added, because in San Antonio are many other members of the • armed forces whom he can also serve. Auxiliary Bishop John R. Quinn, accompanied by cler- gymen of various faiths were special guests in the reviewing stand. Preliminary routine proced- ures in the depot's staff NCO ceremonies included the Ad- jutant's Call, presentation of command to the commanding officer of the troops, manual of arms and publication of re- portr. and orders. Then came the presentation of the com- mand to the reviewing officer - Gen. English joined by Arch bishop Furey. The two men were escorted to a jeep bearing a two-star flag and, as the Marine Band !_)layed Sousa's "Washington Post" and a couple of planes roared overhead, the review- ing officers inspected the troops while they were slowly driven from one end of: the huge field to the other. Awards Presented When t he_y returned to the 1ront of the reviewing stand, the awards were presented to the six Marines who came for- ward as the band played Sou- sa's "Stars and Stripes For- ever." Recip_ients and their awards were Staff Sgt. Marion K. Mor- gan of Oceanside. ir Medal; Gunnery Sgt. Wallace S. Blum of Glendora, Navy Commenda- tion Medal with Combat "V"; 1st Sgt. Manuel N Martin of San Diego, Staff Sgt. Jerry L. Burger, also of San Diego, and Sgt. Loren M. La Mora of Chu la Vista. all three getting the Navy Achievement Medal with Combat "V," and Staff Sgt. Ernest F. Fully of San Diego, a Gold Star in lieu of a third Purple Heart. Following the awards pres- entation, the troops passed in review before Gen. English and Archbishop Furey and the other notable in the stand. Clergy in the stand includ ed Msgr. John Purcell, vicar general; Msgr Donald Doxie, pastor of St. Brigid's Church; Father I. Brent Eagen, chan· cellor; Capt. John L. Wissing, USN, Catholic chaplain at the MCRD; Father Roger Lechner, Archbishop Furey's secretarv. and Father Lawrence Purcell, Bishop Quinn's secretai:y. · Ministers Present Ministers of other churches were Canon Paul G. S trang of All Saints Episcopal Church; Rev. Orval Hartman of First Lutheran Church, Rabbi Joel Goor of Temple ~th Israel and faculty member at the University of San Diego, and Rev. B. Jerry McClain of First Congregational Church. Also present wer Dr. Mal - colm Love . president of San Diego State College, and sev- eral military 1,:ommunity leaders. At the conclusion of the field ceremonies, Archbishop Fur- ey was driven to Gen. English's quarters where the general was host to a private reception _honoring the prelate.

Farewell /~7' Program Set For Diocese Th public of the Diocese of '.m Diego will be able to bid farewell to Most Rev. I-'rancis J. r'urey, Archbishop-elect of San Antonio, Tex., at an open out- door recepllon to be held at the University of San Diego. Th tru ·teei; of the university colleges have invited all per- soru; who live in the four countie · of the diocese to alt.end a program and reception al 4 p.m. Sunday, July 20. "This will be the chance for all those who might have no other opportunity of person lly wishing 'goodbye' to Arc h- bishop I-'urey to do so," d Mrs. A.J C. Forsyth, chair n of the event on behalf of the trustees. "There will be r m for thou nds in the lov ly Alcala Pa.,r.,,.rrT•r-, etling for a reall rful farr 1ly Sunda rt 11 therin .' The pr l II include messages from I ommur ty and the university repres n• tat,ve~ "We pur~ely want a (continued on page 31 -:------- Farewell Program Set s,a.- ~/'' (Cont 11uere will b plenty of time for peopl to meet individually with Archb1 hop Furey b£>fore he ll•a v for" . The ceremony and receiving hne will be in the outdoor the ter ootw£><•n the School of Law and the Coll ge for Men Ample parking is avaJ!able on the campus 'In th,• 1x year he has been with us, A,chbishop Furey has tru v<•lcd so extP11s1 vely within the four count,e of the diocese that there must be many friends who would lik<• to me t him to bid him farewell," aid Mrs. Fo1 ytt, · This ·ill be an oc- c,1 ion when all or these, of aU faith. and cultural b11ckground., will be able to Ill('(?[ turn b ore hi departure n xt month "

s....-.,.l 111/b "j Bishop ):i ure. to he honored at public fete Bishop F'l'ancis J Furey of the San Diego Diocese will be honored Aug. 4 at a public salute luncheon in the Com- munity Concourse convention hall for his "remarkable dem- onstration of service and con- tribution·• t.11 the cornmunitv. The bishop \\ill leave San Diego Aui! 5 to assume du- ties at San Antonio. Texas, ;s archbishop. He has been in San Diego six years. Albert T. Harutunian Jr., ~eneral chairman of the event, said the tribute was planned because of Bishop Furey's role as a community leader. "He has been a great uni- fying force in our communi- ty, particularly in his work to eliminate soc:al bigotry and injustice," Haratunian said. Tickets wl1l be &-01.l to the public at $5 each for the luncheon on the main floor of the convention ball Tick- without charge also may o ainPd for spectator sea in thP balcon . which has- a capacity nf l.100. T1cke ~le are b,.·ni! handJ,.d b fop tru dep~rf- ment of the U. S.• ational j Bank.

Jesuit to Give Lecture at USD £ ... l-w-,..,. ? ./1. /1, 1 "The Primitive Faith and the Contemporary Christian" will oo the ubject of a lecture at 8 p.m. thi Saturday, July 5, at the mversity of San Diego • liege for Women Theater. Father David 111. Stanley, SJ, professor of theology at Regis College, Ontario, Canada, le<;t rer and author, will con- Ir t the condition of modern y taith with that held by the e rl) Christians. There is no c rge. The Jesuit theologian taught at the Un1ver:;ity of Iowa's School of Religion and was a participant in the Catholic- Protestant Colloquium in 1963 at Harvard Unive. ily.


its internatio.nai offices in La Jolla, ga,·e his col- leagues an itinerary which.showed him at hotI?e tlir~~ da,s between now and mid-Au 11st. )lea1mhde hes toiiring Europe, Asia and Latin America setting up a world air .freight network. XOTEPAD: Mayor Frank Curran, trapped in a sum- mer snowstorm on Loveland Pass last Th_ursday, got out in time to proceed to Vail, Colo., and give the key- note address at the annual conference of the Colorado Municipal League. (Curran is a vice president of the ' National League of Citie. ; he told t~e. w·b~n typ~s that President Nixon intends to help cities with their problems.) . . . Bis · i

Adieu to Bishop Arranged



• We purposPly y,ant as httl ormality i le, .o h~t th e y, Ill be p'lenly of time l!l p ople to meet with Arch- b1Shop Furey before he leaves Jor Texas." The ceremony and receiv- ing line will be in the outdoor t hP.ater between the School of Law and the College for Me •

'rhe Unl\crs1ty of San Diego has ~t.:hcdulcd a ublic fare-

a id :Mrs For-

thou ands '


"In the . ix yea· he lias been with us, Arc 1sbop Fu- rey has traveled so atensive- ly within the four ~n s of the diocese that there must be many friendB who would like to bid him farewell."

1 • o ta·kets ar req1t1red and no re ervat,ons are needed for th,. event.

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