News Scrapbook 1969-1971

Theology Cal




Roma Catholics To Be Included in New Grou p He re /"• .:l ;,. By ROBf,Rr DiVEH.OLI


Published Weekly By The Diocese of San Die&o, California

[ntored As Socond Class M•tt•r at the PostoH1c1 ot San D1010 und • r tho Act of March 3, 1879 Vol. LV, No. 43 Thursday, October 23, 1969 USO Announces $16.9 Million Plan $4 Yearly

The conference, approve at a general assembly meeting in All Saints Episcopal Church, has revised bylaws which will permit membership by Ro- man Catholic congregations. Keeping With Trend The action is in keeping with a national trend in which local and state councils' of c-h:irches have adopt d new names, al- tered admission requirements or both, primarily to permit Catholic membership. "This action affords the Christian churches in San Diego a m·w opportunity to promote the message of Christ in everyday life," said the Rev. Canon Paul G. Satrang, president of the disbanded council. J:<'eelings Exprcs ·ed "Wlwl a way to celebrate Renewal Sunday I'm thrill- ed " said the Rev. John R. Po~tman~ chairman of the Ec- umenical Commission of the San Diego Catholic Diocese. Renewal Sunday, observed throughout Christendom yes- terday, was formerly known as Reformation Sunday, which commemorated the unofficial start of the Protestant Refor- mation in 1517 by Marlin Lu- ther. Election cheduled The Ecumenical Conference will be officially mslitutcd at a meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m., Jan. 25, in the First Presbyterian Church, 320 Date St., when a pre ·ident and oth- er officers will be elected. The assembly voted unani- mously to disband the council and reorganize as the Ecume!'- ical Conference. Some 225 clergy and laymen from nine denominations took part in the deliberations. Approved by Diocese Although the conference has the approval of the San Diego Roman Catholic Diocese, the diocese itself will not join as a unit. Conference membership will be by individual congre- gations only. The first three applicants for membership were La Mesa United Church of Christ, Our Lady of the Angels Catho- lic and All Saints Episcopal churches. 'No Connection' The conference will have no connection with either the Na- tional or World Council of Churches. According to the revised preamble of the conference, member congregations accept Christ and baptism as bases of Christian unity while recogniz- ing continuing doctrinal differ- ences among themselves. Serv- ice to others is emphasized. Each Must Agree Each member congregation must agree to take part in one of four project areas and agree to support the organization financially. The four project areas are ecumenical relations, social concerns, education and publicity, and special minis- tries such 1s to youth and the elderly. Membership fee is about 50 cents per congregation family. Father Portman said that th!!, conference will have no p er to bind member congre- gations on doctrinal matters. It can take stands on public issues only by a 60 per cent vole and must record and pub- licize dissenting views, Father Portman said.

and aevetopment through endowed chairs and salary improvements are key elements of the program. 0th r lmprovt'ments Students' housing, curriculum and graduate program devclopm nt, . a umvers1ty center and 1m- provcmenls m U1e ports and re1:reati program are in- cluded 111 the plan. A special part of the proJeclton provides for new programs for U D involvement w!lh the needs and problems of the general community The expansion also proposes m.-,titutes for sp<.-cial ethnic stud1e~. as well as enviromental tud1es. Also m the plan 1s an l!:cumenical Center, a Center for the ·tudy of Communicative Dl der , a, an Education R earch Ce , as well as a program f continuing cduca lion tor dulls. The projection gives the university community guideline for its future and insures that the development program will be in keeping with u:;o·s philosophy of education. !acuity




San Diego, Monday, October 6, I 969

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lle said th long-range plans t•nahle thP lJSll campus to ct n w go.: I to contmuc and ex, pand 11.! • uruqu•• nd · ntial commumty crvtc ·• Th(• six-year plan include~ $.'l 3 rmlhon for the School ol (,aw, including an expansion ot the building to accommodate the 111creas of students, cholarsh,ps, law library, a court center, :.tud nt housing, and tlw stabhshment of chair for distinguished professors of lav.. 0th r program arc for the undt•rgraduate ancl graduate divisions, tot.iHng 13.6 m1lhon Studt>nt aid and scholar hips,

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't. PREDECESSOR GREETED-The Most Rev. Leo T. Maher, new bishop of San Diego, left, greets his predecessor, Bishop Francis J. Furey, right, of

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San Antonio. In center is Archbishop Luigi Rai- mondi, Apostolic Delegate to the United States who officially installed Bishop Maher Saturday.

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sity post-graduate level to the Jourth-fifth-sixth grade levels. The . ystem of S) mbohc logic IS what amounts to put- ting certain k!lown truths into

Overflow Crowd Attends Bishop Maher's First Mass

us D um T C b 0 e e r,, I.I H Omecomi University of San alumni will celebrate vember 1, by competir the new club football le The game at 1 :30 i Hoover High Stadium reception for the USD e~ so / .l ? commg

men do for each other, they do

After speaking briefly to the throng, Bishop Maher went to his Mission Hills residence be- fore conferring with San Diego Sermon Stresses Love his sermon yesterday, Bishop Haher called on .all he men to be concerned about each other's needs and to love one another as Christ did dur- Tn the congregation that Christians are stewards, not owners, of the goods and talents they possess, and must use them for the benefit of all Diocesan Consultors. ing his lifetime. He told

SloH Photo France;

CONTINUED FROM PAGE l the 45-minute service featur-



for Christ.

"We can leave no one out of 1in, ~ranee, Sunday

ing folk Mass music.

A dmner followed.

our lives," he said. The bishop said that Chris- I tian love implies always think- ing of what you can do for an- other person. This is the per- sonal type of!ove which Christ had for all men, he added. "When you know what your !leighbor needs, then you are in a position lo really love

Visit Arranged Early

The Rev. Richard H. Brown, assistant pastor, said the bish- op arranged two weeks ago to say his first Mass at Our Lady

-. 6 9 t T

s Our


of Guadalupe

to demonstrate his


• I nner

on Sa turda) special interest in all Mexi-


"Our people felt very hon- that the bishop came


"th b. h


ored here

e is op sai •







Children Receive Blessing After the Mass, Bishop Ma- her gave his ·episcopal bless- ing to about 200 children and other parishioners before meet- Father Brown said that dur- ing the meeting, the bishop demonstrated obvious sincer- ity in his desire to help area ~f 0 ~6~ll~a~~~-b;~ughl an un- ' usual reunion with a subma- · mg w1 ·th · h par1s priests. · , Latin-Americans. brought from Acapulco mto the recompr~ss10n .~ha~ ber of the USS l'iereus, s~1d Qeorge Sprowls, of . tex1co. He now walks 0:1 ca_n~s as th_e result of the skin

three Jesuit

followed in the evening Brown, one of

rge. "And I came to this and country without pa- s because of the emergen- ~ature of the accident. ere was no trouble with au- rities - and the people had no obligation to let come here without papers. t they let me, and I am ive because of it." Grace Zau of China, who is a resident of Tokyo, Japan, is now a student of German at San Diego State College. "I don't ha~ a car," she said. "So this tour is just what I needed to get out and see the city. We foreign students go from school to home, and even if one does have a car, there is no one to show us the sights, and explain the history and background of the things to see. So today's ri~ is really a great way to get acquaiqted with the city." After the HarbGr excursion, sponsored by the San Diego Unified Port Di trict, the stu- dents attended an illustrated lecture on the port and ts fa- cilitie '. They boarded buses after the lecture, hel d in a warehouse full of ·nternational goods des- t)ned for San Diego markets, and went to the City Council ,:inambers where Mayor Cur- ran o ficially wecomed them to the city.

priests in the parish.


Installed at St. Joseph's Bishop Maher arrived here


Man's Needs Cited

Guests to be honored a

Rev. Leo T. :\1aher, ch, Friday from Santa Rosa and of USD and Most Rev. • was insta I as third bishop Quinn, auxiliary bishc of San Diego Saturday before ! ed a capacity crowd at St. Jo. seph's Cathedral. Installing of- th Raimondi, Apostolic Delegate Olhers are Mother F ficer was Archbishop Luigi. provos t of university. the co01

''We are accountable for all th ose arowid us," th e bishop said. "God expects us to ilni- late Chri~,t, 10 be 0th er Christs


to th em:

The bishop said that what 4~: ui~:~:n~\~~~s. ceremony r~~n ~·i~;j~=~b;;c;~~~~~i_ov~: .w two films about the city, followed by a con-

Danz, chairman of fr~!~~/~s;. 0 ~~;n


president of the USD Col was

.et with Mayor Curran m

in which

celebrated Mass

Sister Nancy


some 30 bishops participated. ily Coun<;il chamber~, and f1-

president of the USD Col Women, and Joseph

II~ were honored_w1th a re-

, Among them were former San

cltlico Jr., dean of the s, Diego bishop and at present !pt10n and dmner m the U.S.

rant Hotel. The da) .was onsored by the lnternat10nal ffa!fs Board of San D1e~o. "It is a wonderful onen!~- ion," said Mike Ukpong of. ·1- ieria, who is doing post-grad- 1ate work at United States Hl·

Archbishop of San Antonio,


The reception will bj the Most Rev. Francis J. Fu- 5:30 p.m. in the Faculty n;•. A luncheon honoring the Room, De Sales Ha. new San Diego bishop followed

the Mass at the El Cortez Ho-

alumni dinner will be



Greeted at Airport

Folk Mass w


celebrated at 10 a.m. I More than 1,000 persons, in- ternat1onal November 2, in the Ch eluding the Bishop's Red Robe ,ave attended several univer- 1 the College for Worn Choir, children from each San ,ities in. this country, but at use thetr University. "I



alumni a nd their fa Diego Diocesan school and a ~runch will follow. at.10 Knights of Columbus honor m the Faculty Dmmn~ guard greeted the prelate Fri- Mr. and Mr_s. Conrad day at Lindbergh Field. a re co-chairmen ,

Homecoming weekend. Mr . and M s. Dan Wachowiak were in charge of invitations , with Mr. a a, . CruirTei; King. Mr. and M Pon Gilmore are taking res rvaltons. The Homecoming events will be prcceeded by a husmess meeting at 11 a .m. November 1 of the College for Men A1umni Associa li on

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