News Scrapbook 1969-1971



Sunday, June 29, 1969

Hi lights of the month's fare in art, music cl drama-the times, places and playbills.









rform nc con inumg on a

d o

• f n y Co, 77 l El Cajon Blvd., ope Steve Gillette and Steve Martin, 8:30 and 11:30 p.m. • La Jolla Art Association con- tinues Lynn Winans oils • South- western College opens The Wicked Witch of Marvey Dao, Mayan Hall, 10 a.m.... Continuing: J,S


S GI be 'Spoon River Antholo tional company of 'Fiddler on on the Roof' R- Rm ling Bros. and Barnum and B ley Circus 0- M1ss1on Playhouse 'Dor. Juan in • He I' ' F

• 200th Anniversary ope 1869 Circus in Old Town, 2, 4and 8 p.m. • Carrousel Art Gallery opens Ruth Rankin oils.••. Continuing: J,S

• Starl.ght Is at the Z c open My Fair Lady, produced by United States lnternat1onal Univer- sity School of Perfo ing Arts, Wegelorth Bowl, san Diego- Zoo.* ... Contin~ ng: S • Royal Ballet presents Swan Lake C1v1c Theater.* • South- western Gallery opens oils by Margo Gillett, Clare Hickman. ... J,C,L,R,S ,

n1vers1t pre- sen s an Diego Ballet in 'Clas- sical Symphony,' pas de deux from 'Don Quixote' and 'Romeo and Juliet,' College for Wome• The ter. Alcala Park.* .•. Continuing· C,S of

• Fiddler on tfie Roof opens in CivlC T ater • Sandipex '69, stamp how · tr original art mas- terpieces included, opens four-llay run at Community Concourse. • La Jolla Art Association con- tinues Elise Hoelzel oils, Liz Seelos watercolors ... M,L,R,S

menca ttfl banjo player Eda1e Peabody, set for Civic Theat 0 r, 7 :30 1d 9 p.m. • Cen- tral Puhl c Library continues show of pam mgs, dr wmgs and water- colors by Jo Burton and Fern Hudson ••• Continu1ro L rng

Dionne War- joins Hugh Masake- la, Woody Her- man at Arend .t • California Ballet performs m Pilgrim Hall, Escondido, 2 a d 8 p.m.... M,J,S,W wick

• North Park Branch Libr y con- tinues show of surreah t1 water- colors and oils by Ethel Greene. ... Continuing: M,S

• Grossmont College Summer Theater opens Li'I Abner, Stage- hoo-5e Theate , El Cajon.* • • • Continuing: M,S,W

• California Ballet perfo High School, Daliva Drive.+ .•. M,C,S,W Madison

t Denotes an event beginning at 8 p.m. * Denotes an event beginning at 8:30 p.m.






From July 20 To July 27

S BIER SYMPHONY-Carmen Dragon will conduct the San Diego Symphony with so- prano Mary Costa, below, as soloist at 8:30

comedy to be performed at 30 p.m. Fridays through Su n d a y s at C ronado Playhouse through Aug 30. 'WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGU,,"IA WOOLF'!' - Edward Albee's drama will be presented at Synanon House, 3955 Fourth Ave., at 8 p.m. Saturdays and SLmdays througli Aug. 3. 'SWEt"f CHARITY'-The Northsbores Adult School has extended its run of the musical comedy for performances at 8:30 p.m. Fri- day and Saturday in the auditorium of Mis-

High School, 4833 Doliva Drive; at 8 p.m. Friday in ~e Laguna Beach 'gh School au- ditorium; at 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday in Pilgrim Hall, Escondido, and at 8 p.rn. next Sunday in the auditorium f Hoover High School, 4474 El Cajon Blvd. Als ••• ACCORD! N ENSEMBLE - The ~itchell Accordion Band will p form at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Balhoa Park Organ Pa- vilion. 'A FAMILY REMEMBERED' - The Brick 'n Shutter Puppeteers will present the puppet play about the Thomas Whaley family al 2 and 3:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through Aug. 10 in the courtroom of the Whaley House, 2482 San Diego Ave., Old Town. CIRCUS - Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey ends a 12-perforrnance run in the In- ternational Sports Arena at 2 and 7 p.m. to- day. ITZHAK EMANUEL - The Israeli singer will head a troupe of his countrymen in a 7 p.rn. performance Tuesday in the Jewish Commu- nity Center, 4079 54th St. FIESTA 200 - The San Diego 20oth Anniver- sary, Inc., presents daily performances by ·'The Flying Indians of Papantla," the Fiesta 200th Ballet Folklorico, magicians, marion- ettes and other attractions plus arts, crafts and gift shops, noon-10 Monday-Friday, 10-10 Saturday, Sunday and holidays through Nov. 2, Old Town. PUPPET PLAYS - The Heydt family of pup- peteers will present "Something About the Weather" at 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. Friday through next Sunday in the Balboa Park Pup- pet Theater, \\ here the Puppets Please pro- du 10 of •·The World of Winnie-the-Pooh" will dose after performances at 1 :30 and 2:30 p.m. today. UP WITH PEOPLE - The patriotic singing group will perform at 7:3Q p.m. Friday in the Balboa Park Organ Pavilion. 'THE WIZARD OF OZ' - The Pupp<'t Play• house, 3903 Voltaire St.. Point Loma, will pre- sent the play fo) children at 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through next Sunday.



and next Sunday at 8:30 p.m. and at 2 p.m. Saturday. 'JULIUS CAESAR' - 'ob1hly In Rome is ex- p orcd m the Shakespearean tragedy at the Old Globe Theater at 8:30 p.m. Thur,day and Saturday and at 2 p.m. today. 'Ol.JR G \NG A~D THE COBBLER' - Actors Quarter, 480 Elm St., will stage this musical adaptation of a Grimm fairy tale at 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through July 27. •THE RI\ LS' - The Richard Brinsl y Sher- :ian Restoration comedy is being presented al Attor!I Quarter, 480 Elm St., at 8 p.rn. '-ll11e impro 'sa- t1onal play devi,ed by the Theater Five com- pany under the supcrv1s n of playwnght 1lurray I\Iednick will be presented in the company's Pacific Beach playhouse, at 751 Turquoise St., at 8:30 p.rn. Fridays and Sat- A musical revue about Southern Californians in 1969 by the Vanguard Players will be performed at West- min ·ter Presbyterian Church, 3598 Talbot St, at 8 pm. tonight and Friday through next Sunday. 'SPOO. RIVER A. '11JOLOGY' - The Edgar Lee laster poems of Americana will be pre- nted on the Old Globe Theater's Cassiu., C rter Center Stage al 8:30 Tuesdays-Sun- d s and at 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays t 1gh July 27. ' ST O P THE WORLD - I WA. T TO uI:.a,--uFF' The Arthony ·e de orce wJI be pre try r- li.,ht in th an o Z o's Weg forth Bow 1 8·30 pm. Wedne day t ugh ug. 2 except next Sunday, prod iced by the USlU I of Pcrformmg Art . ''IHC TAR SPANGLED GIRL' - A Southern hello mterrnpts two smcere young men pub- I hmg a protest magaLine in Neil Simon's Fridays and Saturdays. 'THE Sf DOW RIPE: urdays for an unlimited run. 'SOUTH CALIFORNIA!' -


Tm~ CHI "\ HOP' -

'THE HULi, l

Irt h dctcctive encounters ters m 1hr comedy at Holy Trir. ty Ep1 t Chffs Blvd. The Cabrlllo Pla)ers schedule p rformances at 8·30 pm. Friday and Saturday rughts through Aug 2. 'THE COMEDY OF LRitORS' - Twins pro- v,de th confu ion for this unorthodox ver- sion f Shakespeare's little play at th~ Old Globe Tht'ater, Balboa Park, at 8:30 p.m. to- day and 2 p.m. Wednc day and next Sunday. 'THF: (,lJRIOUS \VAGE' - \Ii sion Play, hou e, 3960 la on St , Old Town, will pre ent the John Patrick comedy at 8:30 p.m. Fridays, x Jovrlorn spm- op I Church, 2083 Sun

p.m. Friday in the San Diego State Open Air Theater. WAKITA KOTO CHMIBER ORCHESTRA- The Japanese ensemble will play at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in Russ Auditorium, sponsored by San Diego's junior colleges. ANNE LLOYD YOUNG-The clarinetist will be featured in an all-Brahms program at 8 p.m. today in the Univenity of San Diego College for Women Theater. Pap JEFFERSON AIRPLM~E-The San Francis- co group will hea a bill including Ten Years After, So Q[ Qiarnplin and Congress of Wonder gmning at 11:30 a.m. next Sunday in Balboa Stadium. SUNSHL E COMPANY-The Candy Co., 7711 El Cajon Blvd., will present the group at 8:15 p.m. Thursday through next Sunday after Ralph and Holly Barr end their run toni t. DIONNE WARWICK-The singer will head a bill including Hugh i\lasakela and the Woody Herman or<.:hestra at 8:30 p.rn. Saturday in the International Sports Arena. Dance CALIFORMA BALLET-The company will perform at 8 pm. Wednesday in Madison




GARY BENDE'fT - The pianist will present a recital at 3:15 p.rn. today in the music audi- torium at San Diego State. DUO PIA ·•ISTS-B. J ey Brown and Lana Mysior will play at 8 p.m. next Sunday in the Cniversity of San Diego College for Women Theater. LA JOLLA CHA'\IBEH. ORCHESTRA-John Garvey will conduct the ensemble in a con- cert at 8: 15 p.m. next Sunday in Shernood Hall, La Jolla. DlJf'1\Lf) SHA "KS-The organist will present recital .at 3: 15 p.m. today at St. Joseph's Cathedral, 1535 Third Ave. SAN DIEGO COU :TY SYMPHO ·y - John .Metzger will conduct the orchestra al 7 p.m. today in Kimball Hall, 1303 A Ave., National City and repeat the same program at 8 p.rn. Thursday in the auditorium of Horace Mann Junior High School, 4345 54th St.


'M mb11ion chews ike a cancer In the Shak pearean tragedy 11t the Old Globe Tbeattr playing Tue day, Wednesday, Fr1ctay B~:111' -

.~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duo Pianists To Give Recital At USD

Ilana Mysior and B. Jeffrey Brown will perform as duo pl· anists in a two- and one.piano four-hand recital at 8 p.rn. next Sunday in the University of San Diego College for Women Theater, Alcala Park.

The program \\ill consist of Mozart s Sonata 'or Two Pian- os in D Major, "Jcux D'Enfants" by Georges Bizet, Paul Hindemith's Sonata for One Piano (1938) and Rac'l- maninoft's Suite :No. 2, Opus 17.

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