News Scrapbook 1969-1971



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San Diego,




s es or,d San D,ego State Col cge.


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r ,., univers,t s a d San D,~go Slate Col/ege. U.S. INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY By DO\;1, BOWERS Cal We t n Colic TT! ,de llp of turlcnt . faculty and aamrn1strator h r, commended the school relax ,ts dorm1to y and curf II r quirtmcnt Thr propo al w I now go to t 1e college provo t for final ap- proval Ame the re ·omrr ndat1n:, made to the counc1l hy thr resi- dential living coll' 1ttc II ere First Tha• a prorram of oprn hour br vallahle for all

UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO H~ BELITA T YLOlt K th' en Dt nn 20 a JUI' o at the College or Women, was rrc nth aY. rd n u r roduate cholar p from the Rota ry oundat1on. hr \\Jl ttend the ni\er~i•y of Concepcion in ChL Kathie o v.a nnmated for the honor b academic dean, ·1 ter all\ I• r \ Studrnt or I-.:uv1 onmental A'llaren are spon oring a speaker Marty Kurvin. from the •'atural H1 tory Museum in "an Dle"'o at noon Fr day m room 226. Kunin is an authority on the e ects f ch oronat d hydrocarbons (DDT) on bird .

Also, at 9 a.m Saturday, member of the EA are plan- nmg a clean-up the campus campaign. The Model Lnited a.wns club atl<'mkd tne reg.onal con- ference at San Bernardino Val- ley College la t ,wee end. Rep- re entmg Cyprus, CSD's dele- gation discussed problems be- fore the United 'ations. The Black Students Union v. II spon or an Afro fashwn shov. · s It Should Be;· al 7 p m tomorro~ m the tudent um n fcmbers of the orgaru- z IIC" v. 111 model onginal lie- boot• dancer from the l S orgaruza- t1011 will perform at inter- mi on n , rom Africa 'I1l

orlic-norc ann Junior women, ta cd on p:1rrnlal approval, goorl c·adlmir standing and a'l no .nn· nl, 11 orrPntat1on. SPcund - All sludcnts who have attamed <1n11ff standing have llll' altt•rnat1vc or Jiving of campus Third 1rat thr university 1111dcrt.1k a program of con- trollect vntat10n b tw n occu pants of the r 1ilcnc halls and • ,;-dual this after 1t ha~ be n I~ nperat1on a short lime An I Jrhcr c·on rrsu showed \l!dP campu upport of a lib- rrallzLCI living c de. St 11t1,ic laboratory C'quip- ment anrt J1brarv matPrials \ alw•rl a! morr than $JOO 000 have be n givrn to USIU 'by t Atlanllc Hrchl1cld Co

Int grating Secular Activities t s isters Senate Goal


B ,LIT TA \1,0R


The grant c n

ts f ,ab equipment and cientlf1c books and



r tor hav U 1vers1ty over per- t g frs.


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Lula Barry h :lO:.nted director of per onnel and Paul H. Maynard as director of ac- countmg -1 ', 1 hi£&.- , t,, /;111 c II rt,{!. ~-.;>.)-70 n

be au c \\hilc prlc ts an•

The l ters al o agreed that nuns are not necessary m,1ke a good Catholic school, to

The '1,dent pre~ 1 fir a "po11• park' has bcc•n rrjrcfed hy Si t r '1 V \torr president of fhP College for Women The re, ell n w , 1 d out rn an exchange of I ttcrs bctwc~n as- so , ted tud nt V1 c-PresidePt .Jolln Mackey and Sister Mm ris. Stud it _.., nted to turn the undcrdcwloJll'd area (locatrd a r 0 1 f o the l W , m ,, a lei ure po . Other membi rs of the facu ty and th B cl nf Tru tees rnnl'urrcd wilh Sistt'r Morris' stand or th propo al. Th land is part of a long rangr plan for devrlopm nt Jt ng to the CW B ack tud rt ('nion Presi- CIPnt Jon Connor has outlined acllv1t e to take place during "Black Is Be· Jtiful" Week Monday through March 2. Act1V1t1es to oe held in the studcn. Ulllon me .Jdc a talk at noc.,1 \1onday by Kenny Den- mon. member of the Black Panthe party Two black ex- pouc"m 'II w1l speak Tue~day :1t no '1 and Sukumu, presi-


b1 hop,


swer dircrlly to

an w r to superiors

th nun

al chools can h government

but that paro Jnlve only

m th 1r ow11 o. ders

Rrcrulhn, Pl n Told



r Cath rm



a st e or fed-

They be i

nnt \\ 111 help recruit girls to b ome nun wh n 1t can

crnl vouch r sy t m, by which to a pub!J or pmat sch ol fund , \\ ould sa\·e a p rent could nd his child with pubh th Cat oli S<.'hool vstem.


dupl eating

1th ut xl ting r 1m .


r crullm nl




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speculated on th nd futur of school sy tl•m.



"B comm a un u d to be a ood way to c me socially involved," said SL ter l\lary Jo, "but today th re ar lots of organ1zat1ons hke VJST and the Penre Corps, where girl can be of rvlce " 1ster Br mn r suggested \\Omen, like mo t peop e I ay, are reluc- tant to m kc perman nt com- mltm nl to n hlng. S1 t r Catherme agr d but added· Sborta e E d • I think we're over th nun hortage cr1 1 e hopeful 1 b cau v.omen coming Into th orders tQday are more table and kn what they nt. ' Th y'rc more m lure and don't hav a over-romanti- c1zed id as r- what a nun is that many girls used to have," dded i t Mary Jo. also that yo

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• conferen~e c,n fmanCJal the ch2lll"D

nf change


th" S1star

for b !i ld b

plann g

planrun growth,

dcrt of the LS organrrntion in an D1t o, w,11 ~peak at noon next W dne d ;. An Afro fash- ~n how wil, b hrld at v p.m. F ') 26, ,11t 1 a dance aftcr- ,1 rd A dl play of black art and cullwe will be on exhibit throughout the we<'k


reorgamzat•on ard of the D10 e e of 8an Diego.

"Religious Commumt1es: Planning for Change" is the theme of the conference to be conducted by members of the faculty of th University of otre Dame The confer• ence will be held Feb. 21 at the Universitv of San -n College o· omen from 9 a m. to 8:30 p.m.


~. /?-?() USO Gets $2,500 From Foundation

co-a111hor of the Autobiography of Malcolm x



Alex llale;y


P ak trJrught at 8 m the CW Theatre.



Group is seekmg y Center for Worn- n's stu 1es course more tradillonall) docJe , omen stu- b ut ad 10n by the governing board of


t A dr r dozen Tntons will travrl to SBn Francisco t omorrow d 111tn he regenL~ to refrain from imposing UIIIOO on l C 100.000 'UC.C'PtS. Led b AS pres1d r· Jef, Benjam n, the gr.oup will attend the monH Y re ents mcetm". \\h:-~ it is expeC'ted the Jong-pursued crusade b Gov. Reagan for tuition will be resolved t T: 1 ,·eek h2 seen the last sparks of fight ~n the part of s u en ft• f_ c , , _nd Lan Diego communr ly caders. Accord in to Ben mm, even lf tuition is imposed, the fight will cnntinue t~ mn 'lf

• We don't believe m over- mph sizing on at the e ·- n of th otbrr,'' aid S1s- t r ary Jo And on of Mer- C} Hospital. Org niz d La I UC btr The S1 t r Senate as for- mally organ!Z d I Oct. 25. It has a commit lee of 46 nuns, ore from each order in th fo 1r o nty San Diego Roman thoh 010cc e Th1i d1oce ·e ha about 900 nuns in all Ele t d first chairman of th tcrs S nate was S1 ter tari ll Bremner of the Unl- ver 1ty of San D1 go. S, ter Regina R of t. ary' Com ent v. elected secre- tary Th s nate rew out of two old r org:1111z.11lons: The D1occ an S1st rs Council, con- e rned primarily with voca- tion , and the Rcllgm , Plan- nm Group, v. hich peclahz d m arrangmg I cture and du ational program for

rescind the extra charge (of $300 more per) ear by 1971) in the future. Attemptmg to break down barrier~ betweC'n themsehes and sl1.:dcnts, vcsn·s provosts arc getting down ,to the grass root and rnpping with under- graduates about educational and facial liang-ups. Provost .John Stewart meets Muir Col- lege ~tudents on Wednesday af- ternoons. Provost Paul Saltman of Revelle College talks with stu- dents over hamburgers and malts at the Coffre Hut. Chan- cellor Wilha'Tl McGill does his part, too, by lunching weekly with the uCSD ''media mag- nates'' of the Triton Times and

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ue from last semester

An I






One e, emng last week a 1olotov C'OCkta 1 was thrown on the middle of the parking lot surrounding Scrips Col- age Despite this - and an October incident of vandalism - stJdents. faculty, alumni, admim tralion and local state leg slator are eoPtmu ng their O neces,aQ to make a park out of the slature has lauded a sophomore coed, De-



se tr. T



.park ng let

The Califor _13 Le 6 msc Evers, for

in,, the La 1esa Optlnu l Club·s Outstanding ~outh of the Year. Tl e resolution, sponsored by Assemblyman :John Stull cites '.\liss E~ers for her instrumental work as chair- man oft c East Court)•area Heartland Youth for Decency. U.S. INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY By DOUG BOWERS lSIU is lookmg for a new name for its athletic teams. Stu- llent are bemg asked to contribule suggestions and a student - faculty committee c01r >O ed of representatives from cal-West- ern, Ell.,• and the School of Performing Arts pave been meet- ing to select names Their objecthe s to select a name they feel · I "fit the :i::oncept of w internal.Iona! university pnd still serve as a sym- 'bol for the various athletic teams.·· Names already suggested

View o ~ftrci11 Eclipse Forecast lor San Diego The earth's shadow will

SAN DIEGO STATE COLLEGE By ROHN MAYDECK The spring ~emLstC'r on Montezuma Mesa is proving to be rather unsetl1mg experience. a Although hrrd to loncri.t, there :ecms to be more students andd mokr~ automobiles than before, and fewer faculty members an par mg bp Ct's to erve . ?omputcr mix ups Jell at least one course "do,ed'' after reg- ;5 ~ 0 mg only onr student. 11hile several othrr classes intended rr o 40 students are crowded with more than 70

Rudolph Lippert,,. professor emenlus of astronomy for the Universi~ of San Diego Col- lege for omen, said the max- imum shadowing of the moon will be about 5 per cent. It will . show only as a crescent, Lip- I pert added. I The eclipse will begin at 12:03 a.m. Saturday; maxi- mum coverage will be at 12:30 a.m., and the eclipse will end at 12:58 a.m., Lippert said. He said a similar lunar eclipse will occur Aug. 17, and that the nexl total eclipse will be Feb. 10. 1971. This will be the last eclipse until 1974, he added.

cause partial eclipse of the moon early Saturday, but not so San Diegans can really no- tice it.

include: Diplomats. Voyagers, Explorers, and Cavaliers. A tudent vote on names w,11 be taken at an election early :n the sprmb quarter Spring bred: has beer ex- tended to last until '.\1arch 29. instead of . 1arch 23. This will 11 1 <'lude C;ood Friday and Ea t- er Sunda~ in the vacation. Steps are bemg taken oy D~. Carroll Cannon, the college provost to improve campus se- curit} He cited recent thefts o:i campus as the reason for his move An increase in securit~ per- scnnel and tighter restrictions on cbmous vi itors are among new n easures put in force Thl' O lege Council - mad

Although those ·in charge of regist ration procedures were generally pleased with the ear- ly system usrd for spring, it has been announced that registra- tion for the fall scmc ter will not be held until lat<' August and e3rly September At the s_amD time. studPnts ll'<'rc cau- tioned lo exprd higher f<'CS. The cult ir/1! srcnc for the nc11 semtstcr i commg •into focu . The fir • of ering, at 8 tonrghl at Montezuma Hall featurPs Jav. musician I ellie· Green , wbo 1nll p 0 rform on the pmno, v braharp and nutr. Blacke playwright le Roi Jone w1l!appc r!'uu 26 Poet Al.m < lll5hrrg 'l'lll be on campu A n. 2.


., rr, rustrauor of,iclaI intends to ruti1dt:iilllic:,iti1iatton into tne problem. The council , her efforts t,1 protect stu nts and


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