News Scrapbook 1969-1971
Area Joins In Honoring Archbishop (Co11tir1uedfrom page 1) presenled by the city of Rialto. Frank Bland, sheriff of San Berna r dino County. named Archbishop Furey a deputy sheriff. Whereupon Judge James Cunningham, master of ceremonies at the dinner and one of the chief organizers of the program, quipped: "If you ever get in trouble down in Texas, just call Sheriff Bland and he'll be right down to extradite you and brmg you up here where we will ta ke care of you." Telegrams Read Telegrams were read from Congressmen Jerry L. Pettis, and John Tunney, State Senator William E. Coombs, and State Assemblymen John P. Quimby and Jerry Lewis, and Lt. Gen. J W. O'Neill of the USAF, all thanking the Archbishop for his mteres I in all the people of San Bernardino County and in the services he had rendered to them. In acknowledging the many tributes, Archbishop Furey/ said: "I am very dee ply grateful for the honors that have been heaped, literally heaped, upon me tonight. I am accepting these honors with a ense of humihty . l don' t feel I deserve them ." Pointing out the wide area covered by the San Diego diocese - aboot 36,000 square miles - the Archbishop ob- ·erved that "it's not possible for a bishop to visit his flock as often as he would like." the dinner and commendations were "only a culmination of my gratitude for the ix years of cooperation" had received from different groups during his tenure as San Diego Ordinary. On Sunday morning Areh bishop Furey offered a fare- well Mass in St. Bernardine's Church. He was assisted by Msgr John J. Bradley, pastor of t Bernardine's parish, oldest parish in the county, having been founded in 1890. The Mass was followed by a breakfast in the rectory, at- tended hy clergy and leading laymen. In the afternoon, another Mass was concelebrated in Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, largest in the county. Con- celebrant were Archbishop Furey, Father Rudolph Ga- lindo, pastor, and Father Rog- er Lechner, the Archbishop's secretary and vice chancellor. Rise, Cheer As rchbishop Furey entered the church before the Mass he was greeted by a mariachi band and the congregation spon- taneously rose to cheer the prelate with "viva el bispo." At the conclusion of the Mass, the Catholic Youth Organization of the parish presented Arch- bishop Furey with a spiritual bouquet. Msgr. Bradley was host at Cooperation Cited He said
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.The lost Re\'. Fra nds .L Furr y. bishop of &111 !Jicco Ca tholic· d,ocesc, <·rlr bl'a ted lll ass and spokP in Immu- 1·ulate Con<·rption Chu r<"h in Old Town
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r11t('d the 200th annive1 ry of fir. t the ;\l as:; ever c"lebrated in Califoinia on .lune 2, l71ll.
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VISITS PATIENTS - Most Rev. Francis J. Furey receives a happy welcome at St. Bern_ard,ne's Hospital, San Bernardino, from Sister Elaine, left, and Sister Mariiaret Mary, hospital administrator. The Archbishop was on I farewell weekend visit to San Bernardino County, one of four which comprise the San Die110 Diocese. He took time out from his busy schedule to stop at the hospital and visit with some of the patJents. The nuns at the center would not let horn leave until they had feted him at I cook-out on the hospital iirounds. Archbishop's Work For 200th Cited 1 C1mt1•1ued from puye lJ messaiws
Farewell Program!"~ ,-10-1,v Plans Announced A.Ma~ine Co~ps Band and Color Guard and the Bishop's Boys Choir will provide musical entertainment at the public diocesan fa.rewell to the Most Rev. Francis J Furey at the University of San Diego, July 20. .superior Court Judge J ames Cunningham of San Bernardino will be one of the speakers. Judge Cunningham 1s a former mayor of San Bernardino and former State Assemblyman. The ecumenical farewell program, to he held 111 the outdoor thea.ter of the USD campus at 4 p.m. will include selections by the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Band and the Bishop's Choir which has been prominent during the 200th anniversary celebrations There also will he a Color Guar d from MCRD. · Representing Community .Speakers representing va~ious sections of lhe community will give short addresses, according to Mrs. A.J.C. Forsyth, chairman of the program committee which represents the USD trustees "We do, not. i~tend to have a long formal program," said ·l\1rs. Forsyth. '.'fh1s 1s an o~portunity for people from all parts of the four counties to meet with Archbishop Furey before he leaves for San Antonio, Texas." From San Diego, Francisco P . Marty will speak as a member of the USD Board ?f Trustees a nd as a member of the large com- munity of Americans of Mexican descent with whom Archbishop Furey has been associated. Mother Danz to Speak The Superior of the Religioos o.f the Sacred Heart in San Diego, Rev . Mother Frances Danz, will speak for those Sisters who founded and built the College for Women on the university 's Alcala Park campus. "The of the outdoor theater is several thousand persons and there will be no reservations and no tickets ," said Mrs. For- syth. · "We hope it will be an occasion which will he short on speeches hut long in personal farewells," she added.
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to United States servicemen and their families during a three-week, 25,000· mile tour or Aml'ncan Air Fore base · in th• Far East and Pacific His officml purpose for the journ y was to admini t r the Sacrament ol Confirmation to an slimatcd 1,000 men and tlw1r wivt'l; and children who had been given religious in- tructi ns at the various ba · . Greet, Servicemen In bringing greetings and distributing bicentennial coins, he would pomt out to the fighting men that " on one side is an image of Father Serra carrying his Cross , much as I am doing here. And on the same side 1s u likeness of Gen. Gaspar d Portola, the mihtary com- panion of Father Serra, carrying a lance. " This, of cour e, depicts force, s omething which ometime I necessary to establish peace, such as we are doing today m Vietnam " Archbishop Furey also has encouraged other trips to Spain and ~tallorca rn connection with the anniversary and is a co- sponsor of a big national pilgrimage to be undertaken in October in honor of Father erra . Sponsors of Trip 0th r ponsor:s of this trip are Arch hop Joseph T. ~cGuc- k •n ot San Francisco, Co- adjutor Archbishop Timothy Mannmg of Los Angeles and Bishop Harry A. Clinch of Monterey. The pilgrims, who also will visit the Holy Land, will leave from New York Sunday, Oc- tober 5, and are expected to return there after 21 days, on Saturday. October 25. While in Rome, it is an- tic1pated that the pilgrims will be received in audience by Pope Paul VI , and present petitions for the beatification ol Father Serra - major step toward samthood. Another trip abroad for the b,centennialjnclud a Knights of Columbus pilgrimage headed by Father Alfred Geimer, libra rian of the University of San Diego Law School. This pilgrimage leaves New York on August 21 and is scheduled to return from abroad on Sep- tember 10. The pilgrim~ also will visit places connected with Father Serra and other shrines in Europe, with stops in Rome and other places of interest in Europe.
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th· poom he brought with him lrom his v1 it to Sp,un late in 19 ill and read . ome ver es The P<>l'ln w writ n m Spanish by an unknown c.-ont,.•mporary of 1-'u lhl'r Sl'r ra and Archbishop Fur y had 1t tr nslated rnto ~;nglosh Vi,ilcd 'erra Hlrthpt.u.·1· rchb1shop r'ur y made his 10-day trip to the Spani h marnland und th Med1ter r11ne11n I land ot Mallorca in Octob ·r, 1968. to visit the l11stor1c ptuc as ociall'd w,th Fnth1•r Serra and to bring h1 • c •nt ·nnial gret•tong from San DICl(O. · In Madnd he received un offic,ul welcome from Sparnsh government und Church repr ·entative lie went to Alcala de Henar n ar Madrid to offer Mass ut th tomb of St Didacus (San IJ1egoJ after whom this city is n,ime . "' '" " " ., : ' . ' : ' ' I "· ., ., " " luncheon on Saturday in St. Bernardine's rectory honoring the Archbishop. Guests in- cluded local clergy and civic dignitaries headed hy Mayor Ballard. Visits Hospital Later Archbishop Furey visited patients in St. Ber- nardine's Hospital. The Sisters who staff the hospital feted the Archbishop at a garden cook- out. Sister Margaret Mary, hospital administrator, was hostess. The dinner for the Arch- bishop, organized by Judge Cunningham and pastors of San Bernardino, Colton and Rialto, was attended by more than one hundred guests. Priests of the committee included Msgrs. John P . Bland and John J . Bradley and Fathers Michael Keane, Thomas Meagher, Thomas O'Toole and Rudolph Galindo. I . " , . . , . " ., ti I . , ' ' ' ' ., .. .. ., • " • ti • Ballet, BI11ejackets, • ins . men a s on tap -Sc.N:1N,'J,... 7,3. r..9 BJ Th<> D11,go Ballet ll"JarkPt Choir Rnd three . • in~trumE'nta l <:on r e f~ will he mental cnn~ert~ will be held g1l'en at t}!e lrniv1>rsity of. nn ronsecullve t111days, .Tuly San Diego dunng the sum- '13, 20 and 27. All will be held mPr cultural program. at 8 p.m. in the USO College The San Diego Ballet, di- for Women Theater, and are r~ted by Richard Carter, fre.e. will perform •hree dances Th f . Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. ln the e mt concert will fea• USD College for women ture the works of Beethoven Theatre. and _Ga.spar Casado, featuring the r 1 h<> seri<>s of three instru : and cello, MarJorie . Hart, Ilana Mys10r, piano. • , I I I. guests at the AlPssio :\lt. Helix home ~aluted Bish- op Furey, who 1s leaving herP ne}l.1; month to be• l ome ar ·hbishop of San Antonio. The bishop was l10nored for hi tstanding service to San Diego. -Evening Tribune Staff Photo by Ted Winfield IIU:\U~ \ . ·u THE ID~ART- I . 10 greet guest of honor Bishop Francis J. Furey at the Alessio home last night after the hri!':temng of John Dominic Alessio, a grandson, at the bi hop's private chapel. More than 500 ""'r 7 - I:,- - ' 1 :'ITr . and l\lrs. John S.
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