News Scrapbook 1969-1971

RELIGION BRIEFS Talk Series By Virginia ,/eris Slated Dr. Te;;"y J<'al· ;i(~astor of Thomas Road b, .,, .. t Church, Lynchburg, Va., where the Sunday school enrollment is 5,050. one of the 10 biggest in the nation, will speak Monday through .\larch 15 at First Bapti t Church of Del Cerro, 5512 Pennsylvania Lane, La Mesa. lie "ill appear at 7:30 p.m. daily through next Satur- day and 10·50 am. and 7 p,m. March 15. * * * The Sahation Army Citadel Corps will join with the con- gregation of College Center Covenant Church, 4463 College Ave., in a vesper service there at 6 p.m. tomorrow. The Sal- vation Army group will not conduct its usual outdoor ser- vice in Horton Plaza tomor- row night. * * * '.\lnrtm •·. lleafer of Hous- ton, a member of the ChriS• tian Science board of lectur- eship, will sp ak on ''Open Your Eyes" at 3 p.m. tomor- row in the Masonic Temple, 732 Thml Ave, hula Vista, under auspices of First Church of Christ Sci nti t there. * * * licharl C. ·ewman, direc- tor of d velopment and public relations at the niversity of San DIPgo, will speak at a meclmg of the Second Sonday Clnb, an alumni group, after the 9 a.m. Immacnlata Chapel Mass tomorrow at De Sales Hall on the USD campus. .. * • The Very 'Rev Arch st Konstantm Nawereshsky, for- merly of Australia, has been assigned as assistant pastor of St. John of Kronstadt Russian Orthodox Church, 770 Loma Valley Road where he will celebrate d\ ine liturgy in Sla- vonic at 9 45 a.m. tomorrow. He Y.ll, be ass1 tant to the Rev. M ctarl Ligh foot, the pa tor, h r.1ces all are m Engli h. * * * The Re\. 1s~r. Frederick hling of San Diego, a re- t ed ·avy chaplain. has do- nitted to the Knights of Colum- bus Library at the Upjyersjb; of San Djegq, a Latin and Arabic vers of the "Gospel of the Infancy of the Saviour," printed in 1697. The 4-by-6 inch book has more than 150 pa es. * * * Steve Fenn a student at Southwest rn College, Chula Vista, a forne Marine Corps Band member who directed choirs while Rtaboned at Pearl Harbor, ha been named an assistant · the expanded mu- sic progr m of Calvary South- ern Bapti t; u th 6866 Linda Vista oa .

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/\,ews I om oreo universities and Son Diego Stole College. U.S. INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY By DOUG BOWERS USIU has r eivrd a license to use radioactive materials for instrucltonal purposes. Acquiring the license wa. largely the \\ork ot Dr. G 01 g(• Zabka. When · ske about th<' purpose of obtaining the license, Dr. Zabka explained: ' T~es radioi otopes (radio;1ctive ources) will be used pri- mar-ly In 1 hi• n10log~ department, but also in conJunction with ehem1slr and physics clas~cs where the understanding of .rela- tion3~ip• to atomic energy is 1mµorta1,t." HarJioi~otopes cur,en(ly are being UFcd (o ,lUdY. pollution eff,•,.ls from suc-h <'hemicals as DDT by lrndng I chemical 111 d1fl<•re11I organ s. Similar cxp~1·1merits arc ·11 planned by ui:n sludcnt .

Twenty-five freshman wom- en m ·t with Audrey Parker, women Dean of Students, last Monday 1,, di cuss lhl' forma- tinn of nn on-campus honorary sop, 11mnrc ,,.,,omen organiza- tion The n.eetmg was called oy Deari Purher 1rnd convened in the !'resident's Lounge for din- rwr well a. to "give senous

tof PhOto Erriest L c Ande1 son .Tr. tell· San Diego dnc. 1tlief leaders of the pre~ na need for ii'· tricken people of Biafl'a where her ew merc-v airlifts. With h • re, from i bl eh; trf' Rev. '.\lark P. Do an and \ in H HartPr u,.,_._"1 • '70 Majo Faiths Join I n 1 · e Effort Protestants, Catholics And Jews Plan Unified Drive For World Move

OOt,;G HO\\ERS lhou 0 ht to the uhjcd." 'fhe plan has been JJreviou. ly considered, but nothing actually done. All 1s t~nrat,ve. and thought is bemg generated for dis- cu,s,on at :rn or ilmwt1011al meeting to be hdd 111 the beginning of sprmg quark·. SAN DIEGO STATE COLLEGE By ROBIN :\1AYD CK A hu~e bright!, colored billboard just off campus on College Avenue became a ource of contention, last week, with a public service me sage UJgmg lhe reader to keep his mind straight by keeping of the "gra ." '.\!any of the area residents and campus c-ommunit} con idered the message and the sign to be eyesores. About a dozen person even staged a pitching spree with to- mato By th, 1 middle or last week both the message and the huge sign had b n removed.

Th" tarultv Senate has ap proved a detailed plan for a Studrnt Grievance Committee, that would ;11low sluclenls to ,eek n·dre. s for Justiliable complaints against faculty. staff, and administra1ors. A rigid. creening process must be foll iwrct before a case would be heard by lhe student-facul- ty administration committee. 'l\fo11d,1y evening the doors opened on the latest San Diego talt!•ba•t!d innovation, a stu- dent-or aniz, d, student-staffed HELP (Buman Emergency. Livmg Problems) Center. The otkamp1,. C'(•nter will be open follr hours a night, five nights a week, for tudenls 11anting qualified help, counseling, or



JU, t an <'a fo I:. nd. Th\' stnlf 1s comµnsed mostly of fraduate studePt• 111th a profe sional advisory board, and will assist the O\ er-burden d c, mpus Counseling Center. The traveling colledion of original graphics from London C.rafica Arts "II ill oe on di:;play and for sale tomorrow at Atlee Center. Th prints, which range in price from $10 to $3,000, include works bv Rembrandt, Durer, Picasso, Braque, Chagall, C· Ider, Akch111 '.k) and Vasarely. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA By ROGER SHOWLEY Revelle c·ollege freshman Mark Miller was arrested in Santa· Barbara last Friday while on assignment for the campus FM radio station, KSDT to cover the confrontations between police and rioters Miller. 17. was arrPsted while·standing on the sidewalk some four blo<'ks from the burned Bank of America m the Isla Vista district, center of the rioting, by an investigator of the state Attorne •General', office. He said he was J1eld in Santa Barbara County Jail for 15 hours before being transferred to a juvenile detention unit and held for \'iolal!on of curfew and possession of a projectile.

REPORT CARD School and Youth Notes s-C(• ;)o aj the Un1\ersity of San D1ef!<>J will take a two-year leave of al). nc to continue studies for his doctorate. H 11! enter t. aul Univer Uy, Ottaw Canada, 1n ' ptember Vision Teds fre for Preschoolers The San Diego County Optometric Socidy Prt?school Vision ere nmg ponsored by the San Diego Junior Chamber or Com- m rce llnd local optometr1 ts, will be h Id Saturday from to am to • p.m at B1rn y Elem ntary School auditorium. No appo1ntmf'nt 1s n ce · ry nd ere run 1s fr e of charge to all area pl'('school r The aim of th proJect I to find visual det ets in chlldren entering school ln the fall, accord111 to Dr. John R, Anthony, chairman of th proJ t If diagno d treated at an early ag many vi Jon probl m can b cbrrected, he said. UCSD l'rofessor tecfurn In Israel I?r William Nachbar, prof sor of applied mechanics at the ymv _rs,ty of California at San Diego, is on a leave of a ence m Haifa, Israel as a vi !ting profe sor at the Technion-I rael In ht!M of Technol, Jl He will lecture on tatic and dynamic stability of structures at th school He al o will take part in a· panel d,s~u Ion at th 12th Israel Conference on Aviation and A tronaullcs. YMCA tote, l'rograms lor Te- • -Agers The nr~ COIi t 1''11m1ly YMCA will ponsor a series of pro- rums enhtl d "Th World I Your Hometown" for teen-agers 15 to, 19. accord1og to Jack Bennett, extension director of the YMCA Ocean 1de-Vi ta Extenslon Office The group will m t w kly beginning March _10 I 7 p m at the First Presbyten 11 urch El Cammo and Fire ,Mountain Road in Oceanside The pN,gram w1H con st of a ries of films showing life throughout the Unit d States and other parts of the world It will be pr nted by Jun Hawkins, R student at San Diego City C,oll~ , Jn cooperation with th Experimental College, and Asso- cmt Stud nt Council Orgamz11tlon at San Diego Slate College Ll Th Rev Laurence P Dolan, in tructor of rclig1ou tud1es

BI 1-lOP, 'AY ReWTrectio of joy

''Thal musl have been my tape recorder," Miller said. "It was the only thing I had with me." Miller said he repeatedly told the investigator who he was and why he was ll\ere. He 'was relt':>.sed to the custody of hi parents. The movie on tap at the Cof- fee Hut at 9 tonight is "Pie a la Morle" which is billed as con- taining the "greatest pie- throwin~ scenes of all time." The c;impus will have a change of pace this weekend

ROGER SHOWLEY from the usual fare of dances, conrerts and films. Kite flying will be the big attention getter from II a.m to 4 p.m. Sunday. when entrants will compete to see wbo can fly lileir rig the highest. UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO . By ~EUTA TAYLOR Two rlt>ll'gates from the university newspaper, the Vista, at- tended the California Intercollegiate Press Association's annual confcre!1ce ever the weekend.The conference took place at the Los Angeles Hilt n Hotel. The conference hosted over 23 col- leg

TO BE WED - Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Lofgren of San Diego announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Patricia, to Joseph Gary Reagin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Beagin, also of San Diego. Miss Lofgren is a graduate of Madison High School and a senior at Mercy Colle11:e of Nursing. Her liance was graduated from Uni• versity High School and is a senior at University of San Diego. He will teach at University High in the fall. The couple plans a June 13 wedding. .5· b "------------


Journalists on Today's Cam- puses." Steve Ruvalcaba, fea- ture editor of Vista, was the nead delegate. . The Young Republicans will sponsor James Flournoy, Los Angeles attorney, at 12:30 p.m., ~arch 12, in the Rose R

I am. IJnotrdh , our~ in ('hri,l, LEO T. \I.\HER Bishm, of San Di<'t_ ___

blr, w,: upon you



Cahtornu1 College~ and Unive1:sitics. • Purpo•e or the ,nceting was to present a revision to the state eonstitufon and to disru,s a new bill, Assembly l:lill 31, which v.ould increase Ir numoer of awards under the slate scholar- s tp prugram.

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