News Scrapbook 1969-1971
Bishop Names Committee 1/JiaconateProgram Set Most Rev. Leo T. Maher this week appointed a special commi tlee to establish a "permanent diaconate program" in the Diocese of San Diego. diocesan bishops to decide whether the diaconate will be re tored 111 their dioceses, to examine candidates for the office and ordain them. The diacona le is open to both married and single men. However, unmarried deacons and married deacons who become widowers after or dinalion will not be alJowed to marry but must observe the rule of celibacy.
os lean Environment Cited By JOE STO. "E 'f •i, • '0 America can have a cl an US.', lllh aval District oper- environment but the price tag ations officer; Roy Dodson, high and mo t of it will be paid county director of water utili- bv citizens who are !lOW stu• ties; Dr. William :M. Thwaites, d~nts. a. ociate professor of biology, That recurring heme ran an Diego State; Henry Boney, through speeches at a two-hour chairman of the county Board of Earth Day convocation in the Supervisors, and Kenneth H. Golden Gymnasium on the Cali- Lounsbery, chief deputy city at- fornia Western campus of torney. United States Intcr:national l'ni- Lounsbery said he is working versity yesterday. on franchise agreements wi~h Dr Roy Wagner, airman of public ~lilitles into _which h~ 15 the advi~ory committee of the attempting to \1T1te reqwre- ounty Air Pollution Control meats fo~ aesthP~C _values such istrict, was moderator. as placmg utiht1es under- . tembers of the panel were: ground.. . Dr. Robert J. Hasterlik, clini- "It will take court action to · l profe. sor of medicine finalize the authority of the city CSD ; Jack Thomas, manager to contr.Pi aesthetics," he said. of resource development, San It will cost money which the Diego Gas and Electric Co.: utilities will pass along to the obert E. Ropelewski, public re- consumer, said the attorney, iiltions, Pacific Southwest Air- and it will happen over the next lines, Cmdr. Richard D. Fas· (Continued on b-4., Col. 1)
Pope Paul, in a 1967 molu proprio, outlined specific tasks which a bishop can assign to a deacon. These mclude such duties as to assist bishops and priests al liturgical functions, to administer baptism, to dis tribute Holy Communion, ad- minister sacramentals, preside at funerals and burial services, read the Scriptures to the people and preach, preside at worship and prayer services in the absence of a priest, minister to scattered Catholic com- munities in behalf of the parish priest and encourage the lay apostolate. Permission <.,rantf'd In 1968 the Vatican granted permission to the National Conference of Catholic Bishops to restore the permane1tt diaconate for married and unmarried men of mature years in those areas where they are needed This ml.'ans, in prac- tice, men 35 years or older, but a candidate fCJl office can begin lraimng several years earlier.
The bishop named .D!..Ul,e)" MiJ:hael Alcaraz, rector of St. F ranc1s Seminary, Alcala Park, as chairman of the committee. The word "deacon" comes from the Greek word which means rvant or helper. The diaconate flourished m the early centuries of the Church, but gradually fell into decline. Advocat('d by Council Restoration of the d1aconale was advocated by the Second Vatican Council as one solution to the shor ge of priests in many areas. especially in Latin America Where priests are lacking, permanent deacons can per- form many priestly functions, particularly in developing a sense of Christian community among the faithful who otherwise would have little formal contact with the Church. According to Vatican directives, it is for individual
A St.anding Committee has been set up by the NCCB to oversee restoration of the diaconate. The U.S. bishops have declared that they wished to introduce the permanent diacona le in this country "both to complete the hierarchy of sacred orders and to enrich and strengthen the various diaconal rmmstries at work in the United States with the sacramental grace of the d1acona le." Integral Part "'l'o complete the hierarchy of sacred orders" refers to the fact that the diaconate is an integral part of the ministerial hierarchy - bishops, priests and deacons - originally established in the Church. I•'urther informati 'n about the d1aconate in the an Diego diocese may be obtained by writing to Vather Alcaraz, De Sales Hall, Alcala Park, ~2110.
r(lfessor's tall'- slated atVSD 3o, 7 a Student~ CIVIi nights Res .i.rch Counul ard th 0 San D 1 0 Chapt 0 r of American (' IV; 1 I, bert1es Lnim wil spcmor n1 ad- dress b J, • .Jerome Skoln- ick at More Hall, liSD Law School, l! p .m . 'I esday, --uF.'"Skolmck is professor of so i ·1ogy. UCSD, cha1r.m:m df · , ask force of t11e • ation- a Comm iss·on on th~ Causes and Prev ntion of Violence. ACLU will elect officers at th e meeting. The followrng slate has be,.en proposed by a nominalmg committee: Pres- ident, Lowell Blankfor t. edi- tor and copulblisher of Churn Vi sta Star • 'ews; vice presi- dent attorn°y Luther Good- win;' 6 cretar ~, Mrs. Jane El- liott a n rl tre• surer, Mrs. Stan ley FrE' ~h ominat on ma be made fr om th " fwor w th pernns- si on from a no m . The ACLl ',. J , 1 \lcdical Care Comm tte wil' have its second meeting at 7:30 p.m. May 20 at the Legal Office, 2491 Imperial. nte La
'TRUMPET ,msrc OF THE BAROQUE' - Trumpeter Jack Logan will play w~th an or- chestra conducted by Howard Hill at 8: 15 p.m. today in the San Diego State Recital Hall.
DUKE ELLINGTON - The famed Jazz pianist and composer will be joined by critic Leonard Feather in a program called " An Evening of Jazz" at 8 p.m. next Sunday in the Grossmont College Gymnasium, El Cajon. JAZZ FESTIVAI~Composer-conductor Elmer Bernstein will be the guest for the Southweitern College Jazz Festival's main program, begin- ning at 8 p.m. Saturday rn the Chula Vista school's gymnasium. WAYNE NEWTON - The pop singer will bring his show to the Convention Hall at 8 and 10•45 p.m. Saturday. THE OUTSIDERS - The rock group will per• form in the Palace, 4025 Pacific Highway, at 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. ROCK AND ROLL REVIVAL- Chuck Berry, Bill Haley and the Comet.s, Bo Diddley, the Platters and the Coasters will play in the In• ternational Sports Arena at 7 p.m. next Sunday. Also... TOBY LURIE -The poet will present a m.}xed- media work at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Boney Hall on the California Western campus of USIU. 'PETER Al\'D THE WOLF' - Puppets Please will present the marionette show for children at 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. each Sunday in April in the Balboa Park Puppet Theater. 'THE RELUCTANT DRAGON' - Puppet Play- house, 3903 Voltaire St., Point Loma, will pre- sent the play for children plus "Snow White and Rose Red" at 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through May 3.
pm. Saturday tn the USIU Performing Arts Center, 350 Cedar St. SHERRY HARRIS - The soprano will sing a semor reC'ital at 3: 15 p.m. today in tht. n Diego State Recital Hall, accompanied by pianist Jill Seibert. San Diego State musicians Jack Logan, Danlee Mitchell, Larry Livingston, David Ernst and Peter ~id- dleton will improvise a concert at 8:15 p.m. Saturday in the school's Recital Hall. JUNIOR HIGH VOCAL FESTIVAL - Choral groups from the county's junior high schools will compete from 9 a.m, to 1 p.m. Thursday in Mayan Hall at Southwestern College, Chula Vista. EDGAR LUSTGARTEN -The Iii will play a concert at 8 p.m. Thur ay in the Aztec Center Montezuma Hall at San Diego State, with a program mcluding a new work for cello and piano by David ward-Steinman with the C llfi'ROVISATIOII.AL CONCERT - ette will perform his own work on the Impro Guitar, which he designed and built, at 8:30 p.m. Thursday and April 24 m the Hall of Chimes, 2222 23rd St. P OCHIAL SCHOOL MUSIC - Students from area Catholic schools will perfonn at 2 p.m. to- day in the Civic Theater. SAN DIEGO STATE SYMPHONY - The orchestra will perform at 8:15 p.m. next Sun- day in the school's Dramatic Arts Theater.
AC From April 12 To April 19
. 'A THOUSA. n CLOW. ·s· - The Herb Gard• ner comedy will he presented in the Patio Pia)• house, 373 Hale Ave., Escondido, at 8:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through April 25. TWO SHORT PLAYS - Jerry Lee Productions will present Irene Fornes' "The Successful Life of Three" and Robert Piaget's "Archltrac" at a· 30 p.m. Wednesday and April 23 in the Hall of Chimes, 2222 23rd St. 'VER.MILLIO'.11' - The Ron Mele musical farce for adults built around the Little Red Riding Hood story will be presented hy Jerry Lee Productions at 8:30 p.m. Friday and April 22 in the Hall of Chimes, 2222 23rd St. Music AMADEUS QUARTET - The ensemble w· perform at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in Sherw The ensemble will play at 4 p.m. today in the recital ball of Southwestern College, Chula Vista, and at 11 a.m. and 8 p . Friday in the Grossmont Col- lege Fiqe Arts cture Hall, El Cajon. ~O, FREIRE - The Brazilian pianist will make his West Coast recital debut at 8:30 p.m. today in the Civic Theater. ,, JOSEPH GYETVAI - The trumpeter will join the San Diego Sinfonietta for a concert at 8:30 Hall, La Jolla, for UCSD. ALFIERE QUARTET -
' RR XA ' - The UCSD ex- perimental th~ater, the Aner m ly I<'actory, wilJ present the or lnal work at 8:30 p.m. 'J bur day through Saturdays beginning this week and end- mg May 9 m Building 'JJ,7 on th school's Matthews Cam- pu.
'DIDO AND AENEAS' - The Henry Purcell opera will be presented in a concert version with soloists, chorus and orchestra conducted by Robert Emile at 8 p.m. Tuesday in St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 2705 Fifth Ave., spon- sored by the San Diego chapter of the Ameri- can Guild of Organists. Dance BALLET SHOWCASE - The San Diego Ballet will present four works - "A la Francaix," pas de deux from "Le Corsaire" and "Don -...;;:~...._Uuixote" and "Conclerto de Araujuez" - at
'THF: '\tERIC\, ORF.A. J'-The Edward Al- along with " The Family Portrait" ·and • The Little Blackbird ," both by Ben Cald- w 1- will be pr sented nt 8:30 p.m. Fridays throu"h Sundays in toe , ci bborbood Ilou,e, 1809 . ationnl Ave, ending May 31. 'THF: ClcRIOUS S V,\GE' The John Patrick corn y will be presented by the Chula Vista l'la>hous nt 8 311 p.m. Fr days and Saturdays through Apnl 25 m the ll~rcauon Center, 373 Pnrkway, Chula Vista. 'IIEN1t, IV, PART I'-The Shakespe re hi!• tory w1 U he presented lll the San Diego State Dram l c Arts Thea r at 8 p.m. Wednesday t r Saturday. 'THE PHYSlCI 'TS' - The Friedrich Durren• att play will be presented on the main stage of the Old Globe Theater, Balboa Park, at 8 p m. Tuesdays through Thur days and Sun- d , at 8:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and at 2 p.m. Apnl Z.6 and .May 3, ending .May 3. be pay
·30 p.m. Saturdays and 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. days at 3255 Fifth Ave. continuing through ay 31. JOA. JONAS - The dancer will perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in tlje UCSD Matthews Campus Art Gallery. Pop JOE _COCKER - TIie English rock singer will perform at 8 p.m. Friday in the Convention Hall.
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-Staff Photos by Bob Reddlng
l'CSD, nd George Srriith of United States Intcma- twnal Univer:;ity get ready to submerge with their monopoly board at the Hilton Inn pool. Four fou r• person teams competed in the underwater game.
The four players, who stayed down 30 minute,.,, had slow going in an already slow game ber:ause •hey had a little trouble getting the dice to roll. The board and money are tandard, but h,ne lwPn
weighted and plaslidzerl. A final competi ion will hP held Friday at <.::ea Worlcl frnm 7:30 to 11.30 p.m. Thi:: wmhing team wm gPt a t':t.'h prize to be pre- . puted to a d1ari , o · it:- ,·,.mpu.. .. o/.;f, )()
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