Historic Reflections 2015


P rograms in 2001 Círculo was successful in obtaining funding for educational services including grant funding from the Department of Labor to provide gainful employment. The agency also continued to operate its housing programs for victims of violence, individuals living with a mental illness, permanent housing for formerly homeless individuals as well as its HIV and AIDS programs, domestic violence programs, and youth programs. The agency was growing and expanding. New staff were hired to implement educational initiatives which were supported by the New York State Department of Education and the Department of Labor. This year marked a golden age for Círculo and its Education Department. Of all the program areas, the Education Department was the largest comprising the biggest percentage of Círculo’s overall budget.

Spring Gala at the Garden City Hotel 2000

W e had the opportunity to establish a relationship with the Garden City Hotel in 2000, thanks to a good contact. We were able to receive a very good price for the third Friday in May and we have had the Gala at the Garden City Hotel ever since 2001. P rograms in 2000 Círculo’s continued to operate youth, HIV AIDS, adult education, domestic violence as well as housing programs. Our food pantry continued to operate as well as recreational and cultural activities. We operated out of 62 West Park Avenue in Long Beach and 91 North Franklin Street in Hempstead.

C reating of the P artners A fter -S chool P rogram

During this year Círculo secured funding from the Office of Children and Family Services to create the Partners Program, an after-school program serving the needs of elementary school age children in Long Beach through a grant written by Sarah Brewster. The Program received a five year grant to implement an after-school program in Long Beach at East Elementary School.

C asa S alva , T ransitional H ousing for V ictims of V iolence

Círculo was also successful in obtaining funding to operate a transitional program for victims of violence through a federal grant in collaboration with the Nassau County Continuum of Care and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Casa Salva provided a rental subsidy to victims of violence for up to a two year period to help them achieve safety, stability and support.

D ay C are C enter

In 2000, Círculo de la Hispanidad submitted an amendment to its articles of incorporation to establish and operate a day care center. This was approved on July 14th, 2000. The establishment of Círculo’s Day Care Center was vital to its business plan for its Center. The Day Care Center would not only fill a need to support child care for working families, it would also provide financial support for the financing for the Center.



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