Historic Reflections 2015

funding from the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance to provide educational classes in English as a Second Language, computer skills and literacy to the community in addition to other supportive services including advocacy. Funding also provided resources to support additional education programs in food services. Círculo held cooking classes for its clients and also helped them learn to shop and chose healthy foods at the grocery store. Also, Círculo received funds to provide services to the community to those affected by Sandy through a collaborative effort with a sister community based organization. In the end, Círculo decided to forgo these funds, a decision supported by Círculo’s Board and leadership as objectives were changed and Círculo did not agree with these changes.

Poveda cooked a Thanksgiving meal for over three hundred individuals using Círculo Center’s commercial kitchen. The Hispanic Federation transported the food to Long Beach where other community organizations, professionals and volunteers distributed the food. C ommunity S upport and D onations for S andy Círculo’s Long Beach site became a central place for donations. Its large multipurpose room was filled with boxes of clothing, blankets, household items and food. The Hispanic Federation and their donors were instrumental in providing needed food to those affected by Sandy. Church groups also contributed as well as individuals in the community.

F unding to S upport V ictims of V iolence A ffected by S andy

Círculo also received funding from the Office of Children and Family Services to provide direct financial assistance to victims of violence impacted by Sandy. Domestic violence victims were assisted with rent, furniture, building materials, insurance and other items through this funding.


R ebuilding A fter the S torm

Círculo was able to secure funding from the Robin Hood Foundation to support individuals impacted by Sandy. Funding provided direct financial assistance to those affected by the Superstorm. In addition, funds enabled the agency to hold educational training sessions in the area of food services. The purpose of the program was to help individuals improve their employability and secure jobs. Sy Grabil helped to create the curriculum and worked with Chef Josh Poveda at Círculo’s Center to provide the training.

T ragedy H its C írculo ’ s F amily O nce A gain

In May of 2013, Círculo’s beloved Board Member, Diego Núñez, passed away. He was a member of the Board for many years as well as a close friend. He supported Círculo in many activities always smiling and bringing happiness to those around him. We miss him still.

C onstruction on the S econd F loor of C írculo C enter

During 2013, the agency was able to finish construction on the East Wing of the second floor. The previous year construction was completed on the South Wing but still the East Wing remained unfinished. Sarah and Gil worked diligently to secure additional funding. Two additional classrooms spaces were finished as well small offices, a meeting room and bathrooms.

D omestic V iolence W alk for P eace

Círculo de la Hispanidad held its first “Walk for Peace to End the Silence on Domestic Violence” on the Long Beach Boardwalk, on October 19th, 2013. Thanks to funding from Sustainable Long Island, Círculo was able to implement this project. The event showcased educational posters in English and Spanish along the Long Beach Boardwalk with statistical information about domestic violence. Círculo continues to hold this event annually to remember victims of violence and focus on prevention and education.

S uperstorm S andy B lock G rant F unds

Sarah Brewster applied and was approved for funding under the Office of Children and Family Services to repair Círculo’s three two-family houses that were damaged by Superstorm Sandy. In addition, the agency was able to secure



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