FINANCIAL REPORT BPCE management report

Research and development activities BPCE did not conduct any research and development activities during the period. Management of financial risks Informationrelating to managementof financial risks is provided in Chapter3. Main risks Informationrelating to the main risks and uncertaintiesfacing BPCE is providedin Chapter 3. Difficulties encountered The difficulties encounteredover 2017 were linked to the economic and financial environment described in point 4.2.1 of Chapter4.

Social, environmental and societal information This information is provided inChapter6. Information relating to control of accounting and financial reporting quality This information is provided inChapter5.8.

POST-BALANCE SHEET EVENTS No post-balance sheet events were recorded.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND OUTLOOK Outlook for the economic environmentand recent and forthcoming regulatory changes are described in point 4.7 of Chapter4.



Registration document 2017

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