FINANCIAL REPORT BPCE management report


Date of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting

Nature and purpose of the authorization

Amount in euros Duration


Authorization toexecuteone ormore share capital increases in cashreserved for employeesparticipating in a companysavingsplan

The total numberof sharesthat each employee maysubscribeto cannotexceeda maximumamount of€100,000

26 months 05/22/2015

Not used

PAYMENT TERMS TO CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS Pursuant to Article L. 441-6-1 of the French Commercial Code, all French companiesfor which annual financial statementsare certified amended by Decree N° the provisions of Article

D. 441-4 of the French Commercial Code 2015-1553 dated November 27, 2015 and

by Statutory Auditors must publish in their management report payment terms to their customers and suppliers, in accordancewith

Decree N°2017-350dated March

20, 2017.

Invoices received but not settled at the balance sheet date which are due

Total (1 day and over)

0 days (indicative)

91 days and over

1 to 30 days 31 to 60 days 61 to 90 days

in euros

(A) Tranches ofoverdue payments Numberof invoicesconcerned Total amountof invoices concerned (including taxes) Percentage oftotal amount ofpurchases includingtaxes for thefiscal year



740,189 2,216,544





The percentageof unpaid invoices received, at the balance sheetdate, was lessthan 1% of the total amount ofpurchasesincludingtaxes during thefiscal year


Percentage ofrevenue before taxes for the fiscal year (B) Invoicesexcluded from (A)relating to disputed orunrecognized receivables and payables Number of invoicesexcluded


Total amountof invoices excluded None (C) Benchmarkpaymentterms used(contractualor legal term –Article L. 441-6or Article L. 443-1of the French Commercial Code) Payment terms used tocalculateoverdue payments Contractual terms: Within 30 days of invoicedate

Invoices issued but not settled at the balance sheet date which are due

Total (1 day and over)

0 days (indicative)

91 days and over

1 to 30 days 31 to 60 days 61 to 90 days

in euros

(A) Tranches ofoverdue payments Total amountof invoices concerned (including taxes)

0 3,787,084 5,108,368 The percentageof invoices issuedbut not settled atthe balancesheet datewas lessthan 1% of the total amountof sales (with tax) recordedduring the fiscal year. (B) Invoicesexcluded from (A)relating to disputed orunrecognized receivables and payables Number of invoicesexcluded None Total amountof invoices excluded None (C) Benchmarkpaymentterms used(contractualor legal term –Article L. 441-6or Article L. 443-1of the French Commercial Code) Payment terms used tocalculateoverdue payments Contractual terms: Invoice date 223,161 331,370 766,753


Registration document 2017

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