SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIETAL INFORMATION Sustainable development built on our cooperative identity

Improvements recognized by the ESG rating agencies Keenly aware of the major role played by ESG rating agencies and investors, Groupe BPCE makes every effort to meet the requests of these agencies and maintain a dialog with them. For example, they were contactedin 2017 about their expectationson the Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs). The company directors also decided that the strategicplan would focus ontracking ESGratings. To meet these commitments,the group performeda study in 2017 of its ESG ratings, aimed at analyzing its assessments (agencies, investors and NGOs) and comparing them to peer assessments in terms of publicationand promotion,organization(human resources, ratingswatch systemand data collection)and content(issues calling for further development).As a result of this analysis, involving the business divisions in question, specific areas of improvement were identified and an actionplan defined.

training initiatives onsustainabledevelopment issues: ● in 2017, four training sessions on “The Basics of CSR” were - provided tothe business lines, two training courses on CSR reporting (organizationand tools) - and two on the carbon review tool were provided, and two CSR reporting telephonehotlineswere made available in2017. The Group’s SustainableDevelopmentdivision has also set a goal of educating the group’s various divisions about CSR. To this end, it interacts regularlywith them, either during their own seminars (Risk function, Distribution function, procurement function, Logistics function, Fédération nationale des Banques Populaires, Fédération nationale des Caisses d’Epargne, etc.) or at special events (such as Sustainable Development Week or Solidarity-Based Finance Week). Finally, the group set up an intranet site for the Sustainable Development Officers function in 2015, and in 2017 two communication groups were created on our corporate social network: one on green, responsible growth with 223 members and the otheron CSR with 195members among the group institutions.

The following table shows the most recent assessments of the top ESG rating agencies.


Rating (year of last rating)

Rating (previous year) C – Not prime (2015)


C – Prime (2016)


AA (2016)

AA (2015)


61/100 – Averageperformer (2016)



55/100 – Robust (2016)

Vigeo: 54/100 (2014)

A regular audit of CSR reporting and processes CSR has been an integral part of the multi-year audit plans since 2016. The internal audit teams of each group institution regularly perform an internal audit of CSR governance, CSR reporting and coordination of the CSR approach. Audit standards were addressed during a joint project by the CSR teams and the Group Inspection Générale division. United Nations Global Compact (level: Advanced) Groupe BPCE renewed its adherence to the Global Compact in 2017 and to the ten associated principles covering human rights, international labor standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption.It obtained the Advanced level, which is the highest level of differentiation attributed by the United Nations Global Compact, expressing its determination to continue incorporating these principles in the implementation of its strategy, corporate culture and theconduct of its businesses. Commitments made under exacting standards

their investment decisions and practices, and thereby to improve beneficiaries’ return on investment over the long term. Natixis has been a signatory of the PRIsince 2008. Equator Principles By signing the Equator Principles in December 2010, Natixis acknowledged the importance of evaluating the environmental and social risks and impacts of the projects it finances using a methodology accepted by many financial institutions so that its customerscan manage,minimize,and remedy the impactsthey cause as best they can. Natixis’ areas of activity that are eligible for the Equator Principles mainly concern infrastructure, energy (oil and gas), electricity and renewable energy,and miningand metalsall over theworld. Corporate Diversity Charter Groupe BPCE adopted the Corporate Diversity Charter in November 2010, demonstratingits determinationto become a model employer. The Group enacts this commitment through special initiatives, such as the July 2010 implementationof the responsible procurement and disabilities policy (“PHARE”) and the June 2012 creation of the women’s network “Les Essenti’Elles” aimed at promoting a positive image of women and furthering their access to top positions.


Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) are designed to help institutional investors incorporate environmental, social and corporate governance (including anti-corruption) considerations in


Registration document 2017

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