SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIETAL INFORMATION Sustainable development built on our cooperative identity

at the national level, pursuant to Article 173 of the French Act of ● August 17, 2015 on the energy transition for green growth, the Group contributed to a government-sponsored project, coordinated by the ACPR, to establish climate stress tests as advocated by the G20; finally, Mirova, the responsibleInvestmentdivision of Natixis, was ● named Chair of the climate finance working group “Finance for Tomorrow”,highlightingthe expertise in green finance boasted by the Frenchfinancialcenter.

the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a set of 17 global targets aimed at combating inequality, exclusion and injustice, fighting climate change, protecting biodiversityand ending extreme poverty. Deeply aware of its role in achieving these goals, Groupe BPCE conducted a detailed analysis to identify its contribution to the SDGs. Tothis end,the group: comparatively analyzed its CSR policy with the SDGs; ● established a sector benchmark and analyzed stakeholder ● expectations(particularlyinvestors and rating agencies) regarding the SDGs; presented an SDGawareness-raising module to the CSR function. ●

Active contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Adoptedin 2015 by the 193 MemberStates of the UnitedNationsat the Sustainable Development Summit in New York, the SDGs form

The following table presents this contributionto each SDG.



Registration document 2017

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