Write a Book in a Day 2017

His car reversed right into the tank and, after years of straining on the joints, it burst right into the race track. It flooded. The whole running track flooded, with the majority of the participants still racing after the failed first attempt of sabotage. Everyone had turned and watched with growing horror as the waves of water crashed into the track and nearby building, filling the long parched lands. No one knew where this flood came from, but all they knew one thing: they had to run. Fast. By the time the water reached them it was not too high, as it had already dispersed and lost ener- gy on its journey. Debris was the problem. Those few who were ahead in the race were spared of these troubles, but branches, sticks and stones were viciously attacking the innocent bystanders. Of course, not all were inno- cent. One of these sticks met with a bright emerald eye, and was greeted with a scream of epic proportions.

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