Write a Book in a Day 2017

Chapter one A soft clicking sound. A burst of flame. The clang of pots and pans as the caravan suddenly filled with the warmth from the gas stove. He adjusted his chef hat and stirred the soup once more, taking in the sweet aroma of the various spices in his new creation. Jason prepared two bowls and carefully poured equal amounts of soup into each. He delicately placed some coriander on top of each creation, and pushed them out ready for the waiter to take out. "Looks great chef, and smells even better!" The waiter carried out the dishes to Table 2 - the only occupied table - where a tall girl sat, wearing a basketball uniform. She had dark, slightly blemished mocha skin, decorated with freckles. Her eyes were a dark emerald colour, and her eyebrows were thick and bushy. She had long and curly, black-brown hair which was tied up into a messy ponytail, with pieces of hair falling out everywhere. She was wearing a basketball uniform that hung loose on her, with grass stains on the knees. She closed her eyes and appreciated the hearty smell of her dinner. "Thank

you," she spoke with a calm, soft voice, "this looks great." "No worries", said the waiter. "Do you need anything else?" "May I please have some table water?" she asked. "Yeah, sure. I'll be right back."

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