NOTICE OF MEETING The 67th Annual General Meeting of The Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron) will be held in the Club Rooms at 1 Yabby Street, Dunwich, North Stradbroke Island, on Sunday 5th November 2017, commencing at 1000 hrs in the forenoon. Entry to the meeting will be by presentation of a current Full Membership card bearing the Member’s name and number. BUSINESS • Adopt the Minutes of the previous meeting; • Receive an update on Business Arising from said Minutes; • Receive and adopt the Reports and Financial Statements for the 12-month period to 30th June 2017; The Notice of Meeting and associated documentation was posted on the noticeboard in the Destroyer Bar on the Club’s premises on 14th September 2017

and was published in the Noticeboard section on the LSC website’s homepage at by 7th October 2017 and was also notified directly to Members by email that day with embedded document links and/or by postal mail to Members immediately thereafter.

• Transact any general business; • Elect Officers for the coming year. By order of the Board of Directors Roger J McDowall Commodore

LITTLE SHIP CLUB (Queensland Squadron) 2016–2017 ANNUAL REPORT



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Board of Directors

Board meeting attendances

Crossed the Bar

Blue Ensign (Defaced) Warrants

Commodore’s report

Vice-Commodore’s report Rear-Commodore’s report Honorary Secretary’s report Honorary Treasurer’s report Building & Grounds report House & Social report Membership report Communications report Fishing Section report Projects summary

Financial statements


Financial statements contents

Directors’ Report

Auditors’ Independence Declaration Statement of Profit and Loss Statement of Financial Position Statement of Changes in Equity

Statement of Cash Flows

Notes to the Financial Statements

Directors’ Declaration

Independent Auditors’ Report

Trading Account


Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

Annual Report 2016–2017


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