It's Not About Me

A Few Caveats … o You will never be a leader if you are always following the competition o Do not pursue new technology just for technology’s sake o Rank projects by how they benefit the customer (not just what is in it for Me, My Department or My Company) o When planning new projects … think “outside the box” – design them “outside >> in” rather than “inside >> out” o Build projects in multiple stages so you can launch the project sooner and get meaningful feedback from the user community faster o Do not solely rely on user input to develop a new system or idea … many users don’t really know what they like until after they have had an opportunity to see or use it o System development is NOT a democratic process … the most votes does not ensure the best result … the next great idea can come from a SINGLE user’s feedback or suggestion! o Experience counts … take advantage of it

Feedback Can Be Beneficial (and even sometimes Humorous)

What follows on the next four pages are some excerpts from two of my “going away retirement parties”. The first one is a poem written by Rick Emerick who was a fellow employee and roommate of mine at Westinghouse Semiconductor Division. He was toasting me at my farewell dinner as I had accepted a job at Ranco Controls in Columbus, OH in June 1979.

The second one is a recap of my final retirement in June 2013 from American Electric/Thomas & Betts/ABB and comments made by various attendees along with video links to their comments.


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