It's Not About Me
Image Database Development You might be wondering where I found all this stuff for my collections. Well, beyond local sales, auctions, and such, I used to be an avid buyer online as well. I have purchased over 1,000 items on eBay since November 1998. In fact, I used to do so much business with them that I bought shares in eBay and PayPal (which used to be owned by eBay) . Today, I do not acquire many items as I have decided to collect the “images” of movie posters, streetcar cards and related items so that I can restore, document, and preserve the history about these objects. As you can tell from my collections, it would be impossible to collect and physically display everything that interests me. Online, I found a company, Luna Imaging , that has a database product that will allow you to build a web site and display an unlimited number of images and related information about each item. The database can be shared with the public or maintained privately. Here is the link to my Image Library: • Billhead Receipts and Invoices from Tennessee (1840 – 1960 era) This database contains billheads and invoices from Hardeman County Tennessee estate files. Currently, there are 1,532 items in this database. These items were all scanned from the Archives in Bolivar, TN by my brother Ken Savage and me. • Bolivar Tennessee Historical Maps – 1820’s to 1913 era (18 maps) • Ink Blotters – 1910 to 1960 vintage (175 blotters) • Movie Posters – 1905-2009 most are old posters (about 5,600) Each item displays the movie poster image, movie title, movie genre, decade of movie, year of the movie, studio-distributor, IMDB url link, stars, director and remarks (when applicable). • Streetcar Advertising Cards – early 1900’s to 1940’s (1,678 cards) All of these card im ages have been fully restored when necessary and they are fully documented This database currently contains five image collections. A brief description of each follow:
I have been very fortunate in having some articles published on my collections. Here are two recent articles that were published by Antique Back Roads on my streetcar cards and my movie poster images:
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