QFS2016 Book of Abstracts


P4.36 Investigation of exotic spin phases in the one-dimensional spin-1/2 quantum magnet LiCuSbO4 by high-field NMR spectroscopy M. Iakovleva IFW Dresden, Dresden, Germany We will report our recent results of high-field NMR studies of the quantum magnet LiCuSbO4 (LCSO) that presents an excellent model system of a one-dimensional spin-1/2 quantum magnet with frustrated exchange interactions. Such networks are predicted to exhibit a plethora of novel ground states beyond classical ferro- or anti-ferromagnetic phases. In LCSO the absence of a long-range magnetic order down to sub-Kelvin temperatures is suggestive of the realization of a quantum spin liquid state. Our NMR measurements in strong magnetic fields up to 16 Tesla reveal clear indications for the occurrence of a long-sought field-induced nematic phase close to the saturation field. P4.37 High-field magnetic resonance spectroscopy on kagome Swedenborgites YBaCo 3 MO 7 (M=Al, Fe) M. Iakovleva (1, 2, 3), J. Zeisner (1, 2), S. Zimmermann (1, 2), A. Alfonsov (1), E.Vavilova (3), H.-J. Grafe (1), M. Valldor (4), B. B uchner (1, 2) and V. Kataev (1) 4) IMax-Planck-Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany We performed a combined experimental study of magnetic properties of the Swedenborgite type single crystals of YBaCo 3 AlO 7 and YBaCo 3 FeO 7 with high field ESR and high field NMR spectroscopy. In title compounds the magnetic lattice can be described as a stacking of kagome layers, where unconventional ground states such as a spin liquid state can be expected due to the strong geometrical frustration. The experimental results show the occurrence of short-range quasi static electron spin correlations at T* = 22 K for YBaCo 3 AlO 7 and T*= 50K for YBaCo 3 FeO 7 but not a long-range antiferromagnetic order. We compare our results with AC and DC susceptibility measurements and discuss a possible competition between a spin glass-like state due to intrinsic structural disorder and a spin liquid state arising from strong magnetic frustration in this materials. 1)IFW Dresden, Dresden, Germany 2)TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany 3) Zavoisky Physical Technical Institute, Kazan, Russia


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