APPENDIX F CONTINUED: Responsible Party Accountability Statement (Sample #2 Fond du Lac County Fair)

Letter Format Civic Group City, State, Zip


Thank you for offering the services of your group at the Fond du Lac County Fair. We appreciate our partner- ship with your group.

Your group is scheduled to work on (day, date, time and location). Enclosed with this letter you will find a copy of the rules and regulations for concession stand workers. It is important that these rules are distribut- ed to and abided by all people working with your group during your shift. Noncompliance could jeopardize your group’s future involvement with the ________. Please sign and return the acceptance letter upon review of the guidelines.

Again, thank you in advance for your assistance at the fair. Please contact me with any questions you may have. The Fair could not be successful with your help!


Matt Immel Executive Director, Fond du Lac County Fair


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