The Gazette 1976


a specified event the Vendor shall not be obliged to explain and discharge any act which appears on a search made for a period prior to the date of the sec- ond instrument or specified event, unless such act goes to the root of the title". As from Ist January 1977 the Committee re- commends that Dublin practitioners should, in sales of individual properties, adopt the practice presently followed in the remainder of the country, namely that the vendor furnishes only such Registry of Deeds searches as are in his possession and the Purchaser makes any other searches, including a search against the Vendor that he requires. The Purchaser of course, already makes Land Registry, Judgment, Bankruptcy, Sheriff and other searches required and in the opinion of the Committee it is logical that he should also make his own Registry of Deeds Searches. Where as in a Building Estate, a number of properties arc being sold by the one Vendor it will probably be more logical for the Vendor to a Solicitor to continue the present practice of lodging a Master Search and distributing the certified copies in due course.

RECOMMENDATION OF THE CONVEYANCING COMMITTEE OF THE INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY OF IRELAND WITH REGARD TO REGISTRY OF DEEDS SEARCHES Condition 22 of the 1976 Edition of the General Con- ditions of Sale provides as follows: — "The Purchaser shall be furnished with the searches (if any) specified in the Third Schedule hereto and any searches already in the Vendor's possession will be furnished with the copy documents of title. Any other searches required by the Purchaser must be obtained by him at his expense. The Vendor will explain and discharge any acts appearing on searches made for the period within the time from the date stipulated or implied for the commencement of the title to the date of actual completion. Where the Special Conditions provide that the title shall commence with a particular instrument and then pass to a second instrument or to

Society of Young Solicitors o

The Editor welcomes articles, letters and other con- tributions for publication in the Gazette.

Opinions and comments in contributed articles and reviews are not published as the views of the Council unless expressly so described. Likewise the opinions expressed by the Editor are those of the Editor and do not necessarily represent the views of the Council. The Gazette is published ten times a year; material for publication should be in the Editor's hands before the 15th of the previous month if it is intended that it should appear in the following issue. Acceptance of material for publication is not a guarantee that it will in fact be included in any particular issue since this must depend on the space available.

The 2nd Article in the series on Marriage Law appears on page 195

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