The Gazette 1976

When your client says 'Building Society' weicl like you to say 'IRISH NATIONWIDE' Are all Building Societies the same? At the Nationwide we feel we can offer you and your client something different, something better.

a hy-return postal service to save eiderlv or remote clients, time and trouble. CONFIDENTIALITY. Needless to say, the Irish Nationwide protects the absolute confidential nature of all dealings between the Society and it's mem hers. TRUSTEE STATUS. When trustee status is granted to the Building Societies the Irish Nationwide, because of its strong financial structure will obtain this important facility. In this event, the Society will welcome the investment of trustee funds. MORTGAGES. The Society's funds are used solely for residential purposes and it has an unequalled reputation with the legal profession for the prompt and efficient manner in which it deals with clients loan applications and the subsequent payment of the loan cheque. GROWTH. The Irish Nationwide is growing steadily. Our new Head Office is at No. I, Lower O'Connell S t r e e t . Du b l i n l, Our new Southern Head Office is in Patrick Street, Cork with many Branch and District Offices throughout the country.

3 REGULAR I NCOME SHARE ACCOUNT - Should the Investor require a regular income for effective budgeting, interest can be paid monthly or quarterly. GOOD INTEREST. The Society pays a highly competitive rale of interest and as Income f ax is paid by the Society the return is verv much better than that of many other investments offering higher rates on w Inch tax must still be paid. TAX. The interest earned is completely free of income tax at the standard rale. The Society by special arrangement with the revenue commissioners pays the tax in full on all the interest paid to investors. The Society does not make any individual returns to the revenue authorities in respect of any Account holder. This obligation rests solely with each individual investor. SERVICE. If your client invests with us we can guarantee, because of our size, a personal service that combines efficiency with discretion, and we are backed by a highly qualified manage- ment team. We have Branch and District Offices throughout Ireland and

OUR HISTORY The Irish Nationwide, formerly known as the Irish Industrial Building Society was established in IN73 and is one of the oldest Building Societies in the country. Today it is fair to say that our reputation is second to none. TOTAL SECUR I TY Oil the 31 st l ) e c- embct 1975 the Society's assets were in excess of £9,000.000 and ow n resources m the form of reserves were over £500.000. The Society's reserve ratio is one of the highest in the w hole Building Society movement and when linked with our liquidity ratio of some 1 5 "„ is indicative of the high level of security offered. A CHO I CE OF I N V E S T ME NT ACCOUNTS We oiler a full investment service covering the whole range of investor requirements. 1 I N V E S TME NT SHARE ACCOUNT - Save what you like, when you like,with ease of withdrawal. 2 T E RM I N V E S TME NT SHARE ACCOUNT - When clients invest a lump sum for a fixed period they gain a bonus in the form of additional interest.

These are some of the reasons why we'd like you to say "Irish Nationwide" when your client says "Building Society". Maybe we can help you today? IRISH NATIONWIDE BUILDING SOCIETY He ad Office: 1 Lower O ' Conne ll Street, Dublin I Tel: 742283 Branches t h r o u g h o ut Ireland. Managing Director: Michael P. Fingleton, B.Comm. F.C.I.S. A.C.C.A. Barrister-at-Law. A member of the Irish Building Societies Association.

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