The Gazette 1976


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to the President, which was carried unanimously. Th e Meeting then terminated.

work had been £600,000 but it was hoped that the sum of £400,000 would now be sufficient. Mrs. Qu i n l an was happy to say that the building had received a special plaque this year, as this was Architectural Heri- tage Year. She mentioned that members could, visit the buildings, and that arrangements would be made to show them around. As Chairman of the Finance Com- mittee, Mr. Osborne stated that they were lucky to have £200,000 in cash available, and facilities for a further overdraft of £250,000. Members might be asked for a contribution of £ 50 each for some years, depending on negotiations as to the future use of the Four Courts premises which were still in progress. Mr. Grace, Tralee, suggested that it would be help- ful if each member would contribute £100 loan free of interest. Mr. Michael Houlihan, Ennis, said that the Com- mittee should consider the original plan which would provide a residential club. Mr. Liam MacHale, Ballina, suggested the immediate installation of several telephones in the hall in Solicitors' Buildings Mrs. Quinlan said this would be considered. Th e President asked Mr.W. A. Osborne, Chairman of the Finance Committee, to make a statement about the National Prices Commission Inquiry relating to the Solicitors' Profession. T h e Costs Committee, under the Chairmanship of Mr. John Moloney, had sent a full report to Professor Lees of Nottingham, who is in charge of the investigation, and other-'memoranda had been sent to Professor Lees and to Professor Carlsberg of Manchester, who were considering the matter on behalf of the Prices Commission. The Society had attempted to seek an interim increase and Professor Lees, who was in Ireland last month, may be in a position to issue an Interim Report before the end of June. Although the response had been disappointing so far, he strongly advised members to fill in the short form questionnaire, which would be most helpful to their cause. T h e Director General, Mr. Ivers, said that Professor Lees was essentially trying to assess trends, and that the Society would not necessarily accept his approach. Pro- fessor Lees would be starting his analysis within the week. So far 100 returned questionnaires had been received by him, but, in order to make a proper assess- ment, Professor Lees would require another 100 ques- tionnaires. Th e President then asked Mr. Gerald Hickey, Vice- President, to report on the Superannuation Scheme. Mr. Hickey's speech was published on the front page of the April Gazette. Mr. Hickey emphasised the flexi- bility of the Scheme. T h e President asked Mr. David Pigot, Cha i rman of the Registrar's Committee, to make a statement. Mr. Pigot emphasised that his Committee had taken all necessary steps to get members to produce their Accountant's Certificates to the end of 1975, and this had entailed much time. In ma ny cases, these Certi- ficates were 2 or 3 years in arrears. As from 1977, the Society will make a list of solicitors who failed to submit Accountant's Certificates for more than six months. In such an event, a solicitor will not be entitled to practise, and if he does so, he will be prosecuted. Mr. Ivers said there were difficulties for solicitors in obtaining Indemnity policies. A Committee of the Council was reviewing the position in the hope of making suitable recommendations. Mr. W. B. Allen, Galway, proposed a vote of thanks

INTERNAT IONAL ASSOCIATION OF LAWYERS OF PAX ROMANA T h e 8th International Conference of the Inter- national Association of Lawyers of Pax Roma na will be held in Dublin from Sunday, 29th August to Friday, 3rd September, 1976. T h e main themes of the Conference are Family Law and the means to help those who cannot be helped by law, or who for one reason or another are unable to help themselves. An Irish Report, as well as Reports from other Continental countries, have been pre- pared on the two subjects. T h e working sessions will be held at University College, Belfield, on Monday, 30th August, Tuesday, 31st August and Thursday, 2nd September. T he final resolutions will be drafted and discussed on Friday, 3rd September. Th e re will be an excursion to Kells and the Boyne Valley with lunch at Kells on Wednesday, 1st September. There will be recep- tions by the Archbishop of Dublin, the Attorney General and Maynooth College. Except for the Boyne Valley excursions, the Registration Fee for Irish participants providing their own transport for all Dublin functions will be Five Pounds. Irish participants who wish to come on the Boyne Valley excursion, are re- quested to travel from Dublin on the official coach provided. T he additional Registration Fee for this excursion including lunch will be Five Pounds. All enquiries and applications for Registration Forms should be made to the acting Hon Secre- tary, Mr. C. Gavan Duffy, Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin 7.


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! Gifts or legacies to assist this Fu nd are most gratefully recived by the Secretary, Esther Byrne, at "Oa k l a nd ", Highfield Road, Ra t hgar ! Dublin 6. Telephone 976491. ! This Fu nd does not employ canvassers or collectors and is not associated with any other body in f und raising.


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