IIW History 1948-1958


After ten years of activity, the International Institute of Welding believes it necessary to provide circles interested in welding with a general report on its work. Based on principles which, if not entirely new , are at least ve1 1 y different from those traditionally associated with international learned or industrial bodies, the I nstitide has benefitted both from a climate of opinion exceptionally favourable to the stitdy of the scientific and technical matters inclitded in its progra11i11ie of investigations and also from individual contributions of the highest order. This is, no doubt, amply proved by the resitlts described in the present volume; that they were achieved at a time when, in all countries, welding was being intensively and sitccessfully developed is perhaps not entirely a coincidence.

The Institute wishes to place on record its gratitude to all those whose work has made its achievements possible.

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