IIW History 1948-1958

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In 1952, the Governing Council asked the United Kingdom to propose a Chairman. Mr. R. W. AYERS was nominated for a period of three years and directed the work of Commission III from 1952 to 1955· On the expiry of his term of office Mr. AYERS, who could not continue as Chairman because of the pressure of other work, was succeeded by Dr. H. G. TAYLOR (United Kingdom), now Director of the Electrical Research Association. Assisted by Mr. W. S. SIMlVIIE, (United Kingdom), Vice-Chairman, Dr. TAYLOR directs the work of Commission III which is carried out on his initiative. So that the more important problems can be dealt with in the most effective way, the following Sub-Commissions have been set up :


Weldability in Spot Welding Projection Welding Flash Welding Terminology of Electronic Controls.

Each of them has a well determined task, which it performs under the con– ditions which appear to it to be best, either by correspondence between members or at meetings held behveen the annual meetings of the II\~T . Representatives of numerous member countries of the II\V t ake part in the annual meetings of the Commission.


Although Commission III has had to deal with very varied subjects, they can be grouped under several main headings which will be examined successively :

A. Terminology.

To facilitate the work of Commission VI « Terminology » of the IIW, which is preparing a Multilt:ngital collection of terms for welding and allied processes, Commission III drafted lists in several languages of t erms relating specifically to resist ance welding. These list s of t erms have been forwarded to Commis– sion VI ,-vhich is now considering them. Furthermore, Sub-Commission D has undert aken the preparation of a document on the terminology of the electronic control of \Telding machines. The introduction of electronics into resistance welding is relatively recent , but the development of its use has been extraordinarily rapid. As a result there is a certain amount of chaos in the t erm used at a national level, which in turn causes even more confusion at the international level as regards the equivalence of the terms used in each language. It therefore appears urgent to attempt to introduce some order into this very specialised field and this is the purpose of Sub-Commission D which, under the Chairmanship of Mr. BEATSON (United Kingdom), consists of representatives of Germany, the United States and France. This Sub-Commission was only formed in 1957 and obviously cannot submit its completed work before 1959· In another field, Commission III had also to draw up a certain number of definitions of resistance welding processes t o meet a request made by the Inter– national E lectrot echnical Commission wh ich wished t o define in its general terminology cert ain fundamental terms for electric welding processes.

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