IIW History 1948-1958



l . CONSTITUTION AND TERMS OF REFERENCE. Commission n· "\l"aS set up on the rrth June 1948, the date of the fo undation of the I nstitute it elf, and placed under the Chairmanship of :J'lr. L E ROY, Direc– tor of the French Institute of Weld ing. This organisation offered t o convert its O\\"ll Bibliographical Bulletin into a quarterly international bulletin. The II\V accepted this offer and decided that the ne\Y Bulletin would appear in brn languages, French a nd English , and that the abstracts, t o be drafted obj ective!~· and ,,·ithout critical comment, "·ould be clas ·ified in accordance 1rith the system already 11 eel in the French publication. It \ms decided that the 1rnrk would be ca rri ed out by the Institute of \\.elding in Paris with the regular help of the delegates from the different countries on the Commission, who 1vould be respo n– sible fo r senclincr to Paris abstracts, in one or other of the brn official la nguages, of their national publications. The first i. sue of the new « Bibliographical Bulletin for Welding and ...\.!lied Processes » was published in the first quarter of 1949 and it 1rns thus possible t o present it at the first session of Commission IV "·hich took place in "l\Iay 19-J.9, \\·hen the I nternational Institute met in H olland (1). Since then t he p reparation of the Bibliographical Bulletin fo r Welding has been the main perma nent t ask of the Commission, the t erms of refe rence of which also cove r questions relating to all aspect s of t echnical information in the field of "·elding, the allied processes and their applications.

( 1 \ :-;ee also chapter II. section 3.

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