IIW History 1948-1958
G . A . HOMES Belgium .
Commission \ . \ \°aS est a blished in 19-J. '.
It deals principally " ·ith the meth ods of inspectin o- ,,·elds and welded con– stru cti ons. It i conce rn ed with the d iffe rent methods of destructive t esting (in particular mecha nical t est s), of semi-destructi,-e a nd non -de tructi,-e t esting. Th e la tter methods a re of special import a nce becau. e they a re almost th e onl y ones used fo r th e i nspection of \York on ite or in subseq uent inspections (X a nd gamma rad iograph y, ultrasonics, magnetic meth ods, methods using pene– t ra nt fl uids, et c.) Oth er Commi sions of the II\\ a re, of course, intere t ed in the t udy of certain particul a r t e t s : consequently , li ai ·on \\·ith them is maintain ed t hro ugh the Chairmen of th e Commi ssions conce rn ed a nd th ro ugh th e . cientific a nd T echnical Secret a riat. F rom 19-J.u to 1950, ::\fr. Paul GOLD ·c1-rnIDT-CLER:\IO:\T (Belgium), Founder– J>r ide nt of the II \\ , " ·a Chairma n of the Commission. Professo r Geo rges .-\.. HmrL', Professo r at the F aculte P olytechni que de :\Ions a nd at the niversite Lil re de Bruxelles, " ·ho h a d been appointed \: ice-Chairma n in 1949, h as been Ch a irma n since l 95r. Mr. L. V A )J OuWERKERK, D:rector o-t t he Roent ge n Techni sch e Di enst at Rott erdam , h as bee n \' ice-Chairm a n since 1954· ::\fr. R. \"ERSJ~ (Belgium) \vas technical secret ary up t o 1955 , wh en h e " ·as ~ n cceeclecl b y Dr. J. KEs'l'E:\. (Belgium). 2. ORGANISATION.
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