IIW History 1948-1958

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In 1952 in Got eborg (Sweden) , a public session was organised in accordance with a procedure, which has been maintained ever since, by which one clay is given up to the session at which a single theme is discussed. The theme chosen in this case was Welding in Shipbuilding. Four papers were specially prepared at the invitation of the IIW and were presented and discussed at the session. They \Vere those of Messrs A. AumGE (France), P. BROWN (U.S .A.), H. HAGAN (United Kingdom), A. SvENNERUD (Sweden) (1). Five other papers, which, together with the four first , had been preprinted and circulated, were also dis– cussed at this session (1) . In addition, two papers by Messrs S. FoRSDERG (Sweden) and A. VILLANUEVA (Spain), which had been submitted to the Swedish Organising Committee, were forwarded directly for information and discussion to the t echnical Commissions of the IIW most closely concerned (1). Since the assembly held in 1954 at Florence, the public sessions have been planned so that all the time available may be devoted to discussion, there being no presentation, even in an abridged form , of the papers by their authors. The papers are grouped under sub-headings of the chosen theme and rapporteurs, previously appointed by the organising committee of the host country, open the discussion, each of them presenting a brief synthesis of the papers falling within one group . Since the papers are previously circulated to those present, this procedure allows of a more effective and fruitful discussion. Another arrangement started in 1954 and since continued is that by which each country is asked through its member societies to contribute to the sessions. The theme chosen for the public session in F lorence was Welding in R a1:l and R oad Transport. A relatively large number of papers were presented and those dealing directly with the chosen theme were divided under the following sub-headings (r) : r) Weld-ing ·in the Constn.tction of Roll·ing Stock Rapporteur Mr. M. FASOLI (Italy) - (nine papers). 2) Welding of Rails Rapporteur Mr. H. GRANJON (France) - (five papers). 3) Welding in the Construction of A ittomobiles Rapporteur Mr. PIETRO D'ARMINI (Italy) - (three papers) . In addition, nine papers dealing with very specialised subjects were brought to the attention of participants at the public session. In r 955 at Zurich, the theme of the public session was Weld1:ng in the Con– struction of Dams, Slufre Gates, P enstocks, Water and Steam Tu.rb1:nes and Elec– t1'·£cal Eq·ii1:pment for Power Stations. l) Penstocks Rapporteur Mr. C. G. KEEL (S-vvitzerland) - (six papers) . 2) Hydraitlic and Steam T urbines Rapporteur Mr. STAUFFER (Switzerland) - (eight papers). 3) Dam Construction. Rapporteur Mr. F . KOLLBRUNNER (Switzerland) - (six papers) . 4) Electrical Eqi11:pment for Power Stat1:ons ; 1\.1aintenance and M etalfrtrgical Problems Rapport eur Mr. R . MONTANDON (Switzerland) - (fourteen papers) . The papers presented were divided among the following sub-headings (r)

(r) See nppendix I V.

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